Написание разделов Результаты исследований презентация


Слайд 2

Распространенные жалобы At times this paper reads like a thesis.

Распространенные жалобы

At times this paper reads like a thesis. The authors

seem to have included all their results, with the consequence that I am not sure which findings are significant and which are not. However, I also suspect that some contradictory findings have not been included. So although I generally recommend brevity, this should not include leaving out key findings that do not support the authors’ line of logic.
The Results section is too long and much of it is then repeated in detail in the Conclusions. Moreover, most of the empirical results are rather obvious. That X = Y is hardly surprising. I cannot see any new or important aspects of this study.
Rather than highlighting the results that are significant or relevant, the authors have merely repeated in the text everything that they have put in their figures and tables, which in themselves seem to include every piece of data that the authors have elaborated in the last three years. This makes for very tedious reading. Moreover, I felt that I was not given the tools to understand for myself the significance of their data.
Слайд 3

Структура раздела «Результаты исследований» Что удалось обнаружить? Чего не удалось обнаружить? Какие неожиданные открытия были сделаны?

Структура раздела «Результаты исследований»

Что удалось обнаружить?
Чего не удалось обнаружить?
Какие неожиданные открытия

были сделаны?
Слайд 4

С чего начать раздел «Результаты исследований»? Начните с общего обзора

С чего начать раздел «Результаты исследований»?

Начните с общего обзора вашего исследования,

эксперимента и т.д., не повторяя информацию из раздела «Методы»:
Overall, the results presented below show that …
The three key results of this empirical study are:
The following emergent themes were identified from the analysis: …
Сразу начните с результатов, обращая внимание читателя на числовые данные (таблица, рисунок…):
Figure 1 shows the mass spectra obtained from an analysis of the two residues. The first residue reveals a .. (Fig. 1a)
A total of 34 wheat genotypes (Table 1) were screened for … Responses to increased sunlight varied significantly (Figure 1) …
An analysis was made to look for … To do this, the average times of x and y were compared … Figures 1–3 show the differences between …
Слайд 5

Как построить остальную часть раздела «Результаты исследований»? Расположите ваши числовые

Как построить остальную часть раздела «Результаты исследований»?

Расположите ваши числовые данные в

логической последовательности, так чтобы они отвечали поставленной цели и подтверждали гипотезу из раздела «Введение»;
Проведите логические связи между вашими открытиями и числовыми данными, исключая все нерелевантные открытия;
Остальная часть раздела заключается в описании и пояснении числовых данных
Слайд 6

Примерная структура раздела «Результаты исследований» Напишите о полученных результатах, отвечающих

Примерная структура раздела «Результаты исследований»

Напишите о полученных результатах, отвечающих исследовательской задаче,

поставленной в данной работе;
Напишите о второстепенных результатах;
Предоставьте подтверждение ваших результатов;
Напишите о результатах, противоречащих вашей гипотезе, и объясните их.
Слайд 7



When you get a negative result,

it feels as if it’s all been a bit of a waste of time. It’s easy to convince yourself that you found nothing, when in fact you discovered a very useful piece of information: the thing that you were testing doesn’t work.
Причины отрицательных результатов:
Ваше гипотеза неверна и должна быть переформулирована;
Вы неправильно распланировали ход эксперимента/ мало статистических данных.
Слайд 8

Какие времена использовать? Past Simple (active & passive) The care

Какие времена использовать?

Past Simple (active & passive)
The care model, was seen

as a credible and holistic approach to the management of depression. GPs were keen to avoid ‘over-medicalising’ and over-prescribing of antidepressants: “The big difference to the way we manage is having the mental health worker here more often, because …”
However, there was a perceived failure of the NHS to provide adequate services to support adherence to the guideline. One GP commented:“It’s interesting when you look at the sort of treatments that …”
GPs and mental health workers described very limited access to specialist input for patients with more complex, treatment-resistant or recurrent depression. One incident was described by a GP: “I tried recently with a gentleman who has been on antidepressants for four or five years, …”
Слайд 9

Какой стиль использовать при написании раздела «Результаты исследований»? От третьего

Какой стиль использовать при написании раздела «Результаты исследований»?

От третьего лица, безличные

S1. There was a perceived failure of the NHS to provide adequate services.
А не:
S2. We found that doctors viewed the NHS as having failed to provide adequate services.
Three levels of feedback were looked at for differences on task persistence. Differences between positive, negative, and no feedback conditions, were minimal and showed no significant findings … There were larger differences both between genders and in the interaction between gender and feedback conditions. Tables 1 and 2 show the averages for these gender differences. Figure 6 shows …
Слайд 10

Какой стиль использовать при написании раздела «Результаты исследований»? Collecting the

Какой стиль использовать при написании раздела «Результаты исследований»?

Collecting the data was

quite difficult … On the other hand, the statistical analysis is rather simple. Table 2 shows … Notice that the difference between online and print variety increases during the daytime; this means that the diversity in online content tends to decrease from 09.30 to 17.30. We wondered whether the smaller degree of online variety depended on …
Слайд 11



Rather than telling the reader that a

result is interesting or significant, show them how it is interesting or significant … show the reader what they need to know to come to their own conclusion about the result.
S1. *The large difference in mean size between population C and population D is particularly interesting.
S2. While the mean size generally varies among populations by only a few cm, the mean size in populations C and D differed by 25 cm. Two hypotheses could account for this, …
S3. Interestingly, while the mean size generally varies among populations by only a few cm, the mean size in populations C and D differed by 25 cm. Two hypotheses could account for this, …
Слайд 12



S1. *Figure 4 shows the relationship between

the numbers of species A and species B.
S2. The abundances of species A and B were inversely related (Figure 4).
Слайд 13

Как правильно написать, чтобы было ясно, что речь идет о

Как правильно написать, чтобы было ясно, что речь идет о моих

результатах, а не других авторов?

В отредактированном варианте было написано: levels of intolerance are highest, а не: than we found that levels of intolerance are highest.
Past Simple
Present Simple

Слайд 14

Упражнение 1. В каждом предложении найдите одно лишнее слово/фразу. 1.

Упражнение 1. В каждом предложении найдите одно лишнее слово/фразу.

1. This paper

outlines / proposes / describes / discovers / presents a new approach to…
2. This paper validates / examines / seeks to address / focuses on / discusses / investigates how to solve…
3. This paper is an overview of / a review of / a report on / a preliminary attempt how bilinguals separate the two languages while talking.
4. The aim of our work is to further / extend / widen / broaden / amplify current knowledge of…
5. This paper takes a new look at / re-examines / revisits / informs / sheds new light on how politicians use their power,
6. In the literature, ‘psychotic’ usually refers / often refers / is usually referred to a patient who…
7. Vitous [2015] has provided / put forward / put down / proposed a new definition of X, in which…
Слайд 15

Упражнение 1. В каждом предложении найдите одно лишнее слово/фразу. 8.

Упражнение 1. В каждом предложении найдите одно лишнее слово/фразу.

8. In the

literature there lacks of a general definition of X / a general definition of X is lacking / there is no clear definition of X.
9. In their seminal / groundbreaking / cutting edge / state-of-the-art paper of 2001, Peters and Jones…
10. Experiments on X were conducted / carried on / carried out / performed on X in 2009 by a group of researchers from…
11. More recent evidence [Obama, 2013] shows / suggests / investigates / highlights / reveals / proposes that.
12. He claims / argues / criticizes / maintains / suggests / points out / underlines that…
13. Kamos’s [23] assumptions seem to be sensitive / realistic / well-founded / well-grounded / plausible / reasonable / acceptable .
14. Many experts contend, however / instead / on the one hand , that this evidence is not conclusive.
15. This has led authors as / such as / for example / for instance Mithran [32], Yasmin [34] and Hai [35] to investigate…
Слайд 16

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски словами complete with, customization, data were

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски словами

complete with, customization, data were obtained, equipped

with, fitted with, fully integrated, incorporates, instrument, is made up of, tailored.
The _______ utilized was a DX model.
The apparatus _______ three inputs and two outputs.
The system comes _______ a bionic vibrator.
The _______ by using a Beckman XRZ vers. 2.1.
It is _______ two compartments.
It also comes _______ its own dynamo.
This machine _______ the latest technological advances.
It has a _______ support mechanism.
It has been _______ for use with children with disabilities.
______ is available to suit requirements.
Слайд 17

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски словами following, having, integrating, reducing, resulting,

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски словами

following, having, integrating, reducing, resulting, selecting, speaking,

subtracting, taking, using
The samples were prepared _______ _ Jude [2012].
The third mixture was prepared __________ the same procedure as for the first.
The criteria for __________ the subjects to participate in the survey were:
By __________ the amount of liquid to the minimum, the mixture becomes more solid.
Generally __________, our results show that bankers have no social conscience.
The __________ solution to this problem can be expressed as…
_________ the results together we have that:…
_________ advantage of the properties of gold, we can now.
_________ the first result from the second, we obtain…
_________ these features meant that we could…
Слайд 18

Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова, приведенные ниже, в пропуски. Выбранное слово

Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова, приведенные ниже, в пропуски. Выбранное слово должно

быть синонимично с уже имеющимися в предложении

apparent, are presented, below, chart, details, highlights, illustrated, indicate, note, summarizes
Table 1 compares / lists / details / ________ the data on the progress of the patients.
Table 2 proves / shows / demonstrates / illustrates / ________ that developed countries create more than 3,000 times more toxic waste than most developing countries.
Figure 1 presents / reports / shows / ________ the data on the first set of findings.
Figure 3 pinpoints / ________ exactly where X meets Y.
As shown / highlighted / ________ / detailed / can be seen in Fig. 1, the value of…
The results on X can be seen / are compared / ________ in Fig. 1.
From the graph / photo / ________ / histogram we can see / note that…
It is clear / ________ from Fig. 1 that…
We observe / ________ from Table 1 that…
The graph to the left / to the right / above / ________ shows that…

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