Past Continuous Tense презентация


Слайд 2

Past Continuous Tense Минулий тривалий час виражає дію, що відбувалася

Past Continuous Tense

Минулий тривалий час

виражає дію, що відбувалася в конкретний момент

в минулому часі:
She was planting flowers at the garden at 5p.m.
He was sitting at the window when I came in.
виражає дію, що відбувалася впродовж певного часу в минулому: I was traveling a lot in 2007.
Слайд 3

Past Continuous Tense Минулий тривалий час was/were + work +

Past Continuous Tense

Минулий тривалий час

was/were + work + ing

You were working.

were working.
They were working.

He was working.
She was working.
It was working.

I was working.

Слайд 4

Заперечення Past Continuous Tense was /were not + дієслово+ing You


Past Continuous Tense

was /were not + дієслово+ing

You were not working.

were not working.
They were not working.

He was not working.
She was not working.
It was not working.

I was not working.

Слайд 5

Питання Past Continuous Tense Was / were – підмет –


Past Continuous Tense

Was / were – підмет – присудок

Were you working?

we working?
Were they working?

Was he working?
Was she working?
Was it working?

Was I working?

Слайд 6

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 1. I ________ movie

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

1. I ________ movie yesterday night.

watched b) was watching
2. Paul ______ football at the park at the noon. a) played b) was playing
3. We___ mushrooms yesterday the whole day.
gathered b) were gathering
4. Ann _______ a bath at 8 p.m.
a) took b) was taking
Слайд 7

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 5. We _____ Past

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

5. We _____ Past Simple Tense

last Thursday.
a) learned b) were learning
6. Merry______ a lesson from 3 p.m. till 5 p.m.
gave b) was giving
7. John is tired, he _____ a car the whole night.
drove b) was driving
8. John _____ us to the airport.
a) drove b) was driving
Слайд 8

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 9. They _______ for

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

9. They _______ for a bus

at that time.
waited b) were waiting
10. Mark _____ home late yesterday.
a) came b) was coming
11. I _____ an ice-cream for a dessert.
had b) was having
12. Yesterday at 6 Kate _____ dinner.
a) prepared b) was preparing
Слайд 9

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 13. My friend _____

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

13. My friend _____ the table

in my favorite
booked b) was booking
14. We ________ dinner for 2 hours.
had b) were having
15. Their son _______ to be a painter, but then he ______ the medical university.
went b) was going
a) entered b) was entering
Слайд 10

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 16. Children _______ the

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

16. Children _______ the whole box

of letters
to the Santa.
wrote b) were writing
17. Children ______ a composition at the literature lesson during 15 minutes.
wrote b) were writing
18. We _____ Joan in the kitchen. She ______.
found b) were finding
a) cooked b) was cooking
Слайд 11

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 19. I ______ over

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

19. I ______ over an hour

late to the office and a) arrived b) were writing everyone_____.
worked b) was working
20. We ______ in the park during two hours.
run b) were running
21. No one _____ when I ______ home. They ______ the big game on TV.
noticed b) was noticing
a) got b) was getting
a) watched b) were watching
Слайд 12

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 22. I _____ out

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form

22. I _____ out the window.

The stranger ____
in front of the house.
looked b) was looking
stood b) was standing
23. July ______ the sweater you ______ her
the whole season.
wore b) was wearing
a) gave b) were giving
24. We _____ about this theme for a month.
a) argued b) were arguing
Слайд 13

Change sentence into Past Continuous 1. I am wearing warm

Change sentence into Past Continuous

1. I am wearing warm coat now.

2. The monkey is climbing the tree at the moment.
3. We are selling our house.
4. Julie slept well last night.
5. You watched TV last weekend.
6. We laugh a lot these days.
7. I talk on the phone every day.

I was wearing warm coat all day long.

The monkey was climbing the tree few minutes ago.

We were selling our house last month.

Julie was sleeping well the whole night.

You were watching TV at 6 p.m.

We were laughing a lot during all day.

I was talking on the phone at 9 o’clock.

Слайд 14

Change sentence into Past Continuous 8. You studied at the

Change sentence into Past Continuous

8. You studied at the library yesterday.

9. Luke often reads historical books.
10. I work at the hospital.
11. They ate chocolate.
12. John played tennis with friends.
13. He used the Internet on Monday.
14. You are cooking dinner for a big family.

You were studying at the library for 2 hours.

Luke was reading historical book at 11 a.m.

I was working at the hospital from 3 to 9 p.m.

They were eating chocolate at that moment.

John was playing tennis with friends at 7 p.m.

He was using the Internet during 3 hours.

You were cooking dinner for a big family.

Слайд 15

Change sentence into Past Continuous 15. I am not listening

Change sentence into Past Continuous

15. I am not listening to music

right now.
16. The children are not playing outside.
17. He doesn’t ride a bike.
18. Do you work today?
19. Is he swimming at the pool now?
20. I am sitting at the park and waiting for a friend.
21. They learn Chinese this year.

I was not listening to music last hour.

The children were not playing outside.

He was not riding a bike at 8 a.m.

Were you working from 9 to 11 a.m.?

Was he swimming at the pool at 6 o’clock?

I was sitting at the park and waiting for a friend.

They were learning Chinese during 4 hours.

Слайд 16

Past Continuous Tense + Past Simple Минулий тривалий час +

Past Continuous Tense + Past Simple

Минулий тривалий час + Минулий звичайний

I was translating the article, when someone knocked at the door.
We ate the whole cake, while we were watching the movie.

тривала дія

коротка одноразова дія

одноразова дія

тривала дія

Слайд 17

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures wake

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

wake up sing

When she

woke up the birds were singing.
Слайд 18

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures have

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

have breakfast bring mail


were having breakfast when
the postman brought mail.
Слайд 19

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures come

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

come home bake bread


son came home his mother was baking bread.
Слайд 20

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures slip

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

slip and fall walk at

the street

He slipped and fell when he was walking.

Слайд 21

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures run

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

run after bus loose


While he was running after bus he lost his phone.

Слайд 22

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures fish

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

fish see a bear


were fishing when they saw a bear.
Слайд 23

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures walk

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

walk the dog start

to rain

She was walking the dog when it started to rain.

Слайд 24

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures do

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

do exercises feel pain

in leg

She was doing some exercises when she felt pain in her leg.

Слайд 25

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures play

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

play chess ring

They were

playing chess when the telephone rang.
Слайд 26

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures break

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

break plant talk on

the phone

The cat broke the plant while she was talking on the phone.

Слайд 27

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures do

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

do not bother study


did not bother him, while he was studying.
Слайд 28

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures wear

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

wear white T-shirt meet


He was wearing white T-shirt when he met his classmate.

Слайд 29

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures get

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

get to the

concert play favorite music

When we got to the concert, the band was playing my favorite music.

Слайд 30

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures do

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

do not know prepare

a surprise party

I didn’t know that my friends were preparing a surprise party for me.

Слайд 31

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures go

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

go to bed

early feel tired

Last night I went to bed early because I was feeling tired.

Слайд 32

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures do

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

do not sleep

listen to loud music

I did not sleep because my neighbor was listening to loud music.

Слайд 33

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures watch

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

watch TV open

the door

Boys were watching TV when the baby opened the door.

Слайд 34

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures snow

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

snow leave home

It was

snowing when the man left home.
Слайд 35

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures win

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

win the match score


team was winning the match when suddenly opposite player scored.
Слайд 36

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures have

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

have a picnic


They were having a picnic when the fire started.

Слайд 37

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures arrive

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

arrive steal money


police arrived when the thief was stealing money.
Слайд 38

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures read

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

read the new knit


he read the new, his wife was knitting a scarf.
Слайд 39

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures get

Make sentence in Past Tense according to the pictures

get darker turn on


was getting darker and the street lights turned on.
Имя файла: Past-Continuous-Tense.pptx
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