Подготовка к ВПР: Грамматические формы презентация

Слайд 2

Алгоритм выполнения задания

Алгоритм выполнения задания

Слайд 3

Части речи и варианты их трансформации

Части речи и варианты их трансформации

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Interrogative pronouns Who Who … with What What … about

Interrogative pronouns

Who … with
What … about
What colour
What … for

Where … from

How many/ much
How long


Слайд 8

Ex. 6 What pronouns would you choose for the sentences

Ex. 6 What pronouns would you choose for the sentences below:

where, when, what, why, how or who?
______ many kittens are there on the sofa?
______ is your brother's birthday?
-______ do you cry, my little boy?
-I can't find my teddy bear.
4. -_____ is on duty today?
- I am.
- ______ is Tom? Is he ill?
- Yes, he is.
5. ______ do you usually get up?
6. I can't understand ______ you want.
7. I don't like ______ it rains.
8. _______ long does it take you to come back home from school?
9. -Take your umbrella with you, Jane!
-_______ for?
-It's going to start raining!
10. _______ often did you go to the cinema last week?
11. _______ did you football with in the yard yesterday?
Слайд 9

Demonstrative pronouns this those that these

Demonstrative pronouns





Слайд 10

Ex. 7 Use the correct pronoun: this, that , these

Ex. 7 Use the correct pronoun: this, that , these or

_____ cat is grey, but ______ is white.
_____ puppies are black and ______ dogs are brown.
_____ is my book and _______ are my books too.
_____ is his car and _______ are his friends' cars.
_____ flowers are the tulips and _______ are the roses.
_____ CD is with programme files, ______ is a musical one.
_____ is a horror film, ______ one is the action.
I like ______ songs of his very much.
They took ______ photos on holidays in the Crimea.
Could you help me with ______ exercises, please?
Слайд 11

Indefinite pronouns Some Any No - body - thing -

Indefinite pronouns


- body
- thing
- where

= немного,


? -

Слайд 12

Ex. 8 Use some, any or no. Let's go to

Ex. 8 Use some, any or no.
Let's go to my

room, I'll show you _____ interesting things.
There's ______ coffee at home. Please, go and buy ______ in the corner shop.
There aren't ______ pictures in the book.
Are there ______ newspapers on his desk?
John has _______ relatives in Canada.
We didn't eat ______ tasty things for supper last evening.
You have ______ pen friends in the UK.
Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Имя файла: Подготовка-к-ВПР:-Грамматические-формы.pptx
Количество просмотров: 93
Количество скачиваний: 0