Popular Culture. Unit 9.3 презентация


Слайд 2

Exercise 2A Page 94

Exercise 2A Page 94

Слайд 3

Read the text on page 94 and match it with one of the photos

Read the text on page 94 and match it with one

of the photos
Слайд 4

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 5

Banksy – a graffiti [grə’fiti] artist

Banksy – a graffiti [grə’fiti] artist

Слайд 6

Strange paintings

Strange paintings

Слайд 7

Drawing [dro:iŋ] - рисунок

Drawing [dro:iŋ] - рисунок

Слайд 8

Real identity [ai’dentiti] - личность

Real identity [ai’dentiti] - личность

Слайд 9

An exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]- выставка

An exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]- выставка

Слайд 10

Read the text on page 94

Read the text on page 94

Слайд 11

In the year 2000 strange paintings appeared on the sides

In the year 2000 strange paintings appeared on the sides of

buildings in Bristol and London. These weren’t drawings by bored [bo:d] teenagers
Слайд 12

They were funny and very artistic. But who was the artist? Nobody knew [nju:].

They were funny and very artistic. But who was the artist?

Nobody knew [nju:].
Слайд 13

Over the next few [fju:] years more and more of these amazing pictures appeared

Over the next few [fju:] years more and more of these

amazing pictures appeared
Слайд 14

Usually people hate graffiti: they think it’s ugly and unattractive,

Usually people hate graffiti: they think it’s ugly and unattractive, just

a form of vandalism [vændəlizm]. And of course it’s illegal. But this work was different
Слайд 15

Some of the paintings were funny, some were frightening [fraitəniŋ],

Some of the paintings were funny, some were frightening [fraitəniŋ], but

they were always interesting and original
Слайд 16

Some people said the artist was called Banksy. But who

Some people said the artist was called Banksy. But who was

Banksy? It became a huge [hju:dʒ] mystery and several newspapers tried to find out Banksy’s real identity [ai’dentiti]
Слайд 17

It was fantastic publicity for the artist and his work

It was fantastic publicity for the artist and his work became

famous in America and Australia. In 2007 a gallery in London sold one of his paintings for $576000
Слайд 18

In 2009 Bristol City Art Gallery organized an exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]

In 2009 Bristol City Art Gallery organized an exhibition [ekzi’biʃən] of

his work. More than 300000 visitors came to the exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]
Слайд 19

But nobody knew [nju:] Banksy’s real name, not even the manager of the gallery

But nobody knew [nju:] Banksy’s real name, not even the manager

of the gallery
Слайд 20

Of course, some people think it’s shocking that paintings on

Of course, some people think it’s shocking that paintings on the

sides of buildings can be art. But these days anything is art!
Слайд 21

Exercise 2B Page 94

Exercise 2B Page 94

Слайд 22

True or false?

True or false?

Слайд 23

1. Banksy did his first wall painting in 2007

1. Banksy did his first wall painting in 2007

Слайд 24

In the year 2000 strange paintings appeared on the sides

In the year 2000 strange paintings appeared on the sides of

buildings in Bristol and London. These weren’t drawings by bored teenagers
Слайд 25

Banksy did his first wall painting in the year 2000

Banksy did his first wall painting in the year 2000

Слайд 26

2. His paintings are sometimes scary

2. His paintings are sometimes scary

Слайд 27

Some of the paintings were funny, some were frightening [fraitəniŋ],

Some of the paintings were funny, some were frightening [fraitəniŋ], but

they were always interesting and original
Слайд 28

2. His paintings are sometimes scary

2. His paintings are sometimes scary

Слайд 29

3. People can’t buy [bai] Banksy’s paintings

3. People can’t buy [bai] Banksy’s paintings

Слайд 30

It was fantastic publicity for the artist and his work

It was fantastic publicity for the artist and his work became

famous in America and Australia. In 2007 a gallery in London sold one of his paintings for $576000
Слайд 31

3. People can buy [bai] Banksy’s paintings

3. People can buy [bai] Banksy’s paintings

Слайд 32

4. Nobody knows Banksy’s real name

4. Nobody knows Banksy’s real name

Слайд 33

But nobody knew Banksy’s real name, not even the manager of the gallery

But nobody knew Banksy’s real name, not even the manager of

the gallery
Слайд 34

4. Nobody knows Banksy’s real name

4. Nobody knows Banksy’s real name

Слайд 35

5. Everyone agrees that Banksy’s work is art

5. Everyone agrees that Banksy’s work is art

Слайд 36

Of course, some people think it’s shocking that paintings on

Of course, some people think it’s shocking that paintings on the

sides of buildings can be art. But these days anything is art!
Слайд 37

Everyone agrees that Banksy’s work is art

Everyone agrees that Banksy’s work is art

Слайд 38

Exercise 2C Page 94

Exercise 2C Page 94

Слайд 39

1. Graffiti [grə’fiti]

1. Graffiti [grə’fiti]

Слайд 40

Слайд 41

Graffiti [grə’fiti] – pictures and words on walls (b)

Graffiti [grə’fiti] – pictures and words on walls (b)

Слайд 42

2. Vandalism [vændəlizm]

2. Vandalism [vændəlizm]

Слайд 43

Слайд 44

Vandalism [vændəlizm] – damaging buildings or other things (d)

Vandalism [vændəlizm] – damaging buildings or other things (d)

Слайд 45

3. Illegal [i’li:gəl]

3. Illegal [i’li:gəl]

Слайд 46

Слайд 47

Illegal [i’li:gəl] – not allowed (f)

Illegal [i’li:gəl] – not allowed (f)

Слайд 48

4. Original [ə’ridʒinəl]

4. Original [ə’ridʒinəl]

Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Original [ə’ridʒinəl] – new, different from other things (e)

Original [ə’ridʒinəl] – new, different from other things (e)

Слайд 51

5. Exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]

5. Exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]

Слайд 52

Exhibition [ekzi’biʃən] – show where you can see paintings (a)

Exhibition [ekzi’biʃən] – show where you can see paintings (a)

Слайд 53

Слайд 54

6. Shocking

6. Shocking

Слайд 55

Слайд 56

Shocking – bad, very surprising (c)

Shocking – bad, very surprising (c)

Слайд 57

Exercise 3 Page 94

Exercise 3 Page 94

Слайд 58

Discuss the questions

Discuss the questions

Слайд 59

1. Do you think Banksy’s paintings are art or vandalism? Why?

1. Do you think Banksy’s paintings are art or vandalism? Why?

Слайд 60

I think they’re art because they’re original

I think they’re art because they’re original

Слайд 61

I think they’re vandalism because they damage buildings

I think they’re vandalism because they damage buildings

Слайд 62

2. The text says these days anything is art. Do you agree?

2. The text says these days anything is art. Do you

Слайд 63

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Слайд 64

No, I don’t

No, I don’t

Слайд 65

Exercise 4A Page 95

Exercise 4A Page 95

Слайд 66

Listen to Jenny and Serge. Match two of the photos with their conversation

Listen to Jenny and Serge. Match two of the photos with

their conversation
Слайд 67

Jenny She’s going to Banksy exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]

Jenny She’s going to Banksy exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]

Слайд 68

Serge He’s going to watch the final [fainəl] of Pop Star Search on TV

Serge He’s going to watch the final [fainəl] of Pop Star Search

on TV
Слайд 69

Page 156 Track 2.24

Page 156 Track 2.24

Слайд 70

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 71

Page 97

Page 97

Слайд 72

Like, love, hate, prefer

Like, love, hate, prefer

Слайд 73

Noun or the ing-form

Noun or the ing-form

Слайд 74

I love the theater

I love the theater

Слайд 75

But my friends prefer going to the cinema

But my friends prefer going to the cinema

Слайд 76

Prefer [pri’fɜː] - предпочитать

Prefer [pri’fɜː] - предпочитать

Слайд 77

I prefer tea to coffee

I prefer tea to coffee

Слайд 78

Rubbish [rʌbiʃ] - мусор

Rubbish [rʌbiʃ] - мусор

Слайд 79

Read script 2.24 on page 156

Read script 2.24 on page 156

Слайд 80

J – Jenny S - Serge

J – Jenny S - Serge

Слайд 81

J: I am going to the Banksy exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]. Do

J: I am going to the Banksy exhibition [ekzi’biʃən]. Do you

want to come?
S: Is it expensive?
J: No, it’s free
Слайд 82

S: No, thanks. I don’t like going to exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz]

S: No, thanks. I don’t like going to exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz] really.

They’re boring
J: But Banksy’s really good. I love his work
Слайд 83

S: Who’s Banksy? Is he famous? J: Yes, he’s a

S: Who’s Banksy? Is he famous?
J: Yes, he’s a really famous

modern artist. He paints graffiti on the sides of buildings
Слайд 84

S: That sounds stupid. I prefer traditional paintings to modern

S: That sounds stupid. I prefer traditional paintings to modern ones.

Anyway, I want to stay at home. It’s the final [fainəl] of Pop Star Search on TV this evening
Слайд 85

J: Oh, no. I hate listening to those stupid kids

J: Oh, no. I hate listening to those stupid kids singing

Well, I love it. It’s so exciting
J: It’s rubbish
Слайд 86

S: Oh, you hate everything on TV J: No, I

S: Oh, you hate everything on TV
J: No, I don’t. But

I like serious programs more than talent shows
Слайд 87

J: I prefer watching films or documentaries. Programs that make

J: I prefer watching films or documentaries. Programs that make you

S: But I don’t want to think when I watch TV. I just want to relax
Слайд 88

Track 2.24

Track 2.24

Слайд 89

Exercise 4B Page 95

Exercise 4B Page 95

Слайд 90

Say Jenny or Serge

Say Jenny or Serge

Слайд 91

1. Who doesn’t like going to exhibitions? (Jenny or Serge?)

1. Who doesn’t like going to exhibitions? (Jenny or Serge?)

Слайд 92

S: No, thanks. I don’t like going to exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz]

S: No, thanks. I don’t like going to exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz] really.

They’re boring
J: But Banksy’s really good. I love his work
Слайд 93



Слайд 94

2. Who prefers traditional paintings to modern ones? (Jenny or Serge?)

2. Who prefers traditional paintings to modern ones? (Jenny or Serge?)

Слайд 95

S: That sounds stupid I prefer traditional paintings to modern

S: That sounds stupid I prefer traditional paintings to modern ones.

Anyway, I want to stay at home. It’s the final of Pop Star Search on TV this evening
Слайд 96



Слайд 97

3. Who hates listening to kids singing? (Jenny or Serge?)

3. Who hates listening to kids singing? (Jenny or Serge?)

Слайд 98

J: Oh, no. I hate listening to those stupid kids

J: Oh, no. I hate listening to those stupid kids singing

Well, I love it. It’s so exciting
J: It’s rubbish
Слайд 99



Слайд 100

4.Who loves Pop Star Search? (Jenny or Serge?)

4.Who loves Pop Star Search? (Jenny or Serge?)

Слайд 101

S: That sounds stupid I prefer traditional paintings to modern

S: That sounds stupid I prefer traditional paintings to modern ones.

Anyway, I want to stay at home. It’s the final of Pop Star Search on TV this evening
Слайд 102



Слайд 103

5. Who prefers watching films? (Jenny or Serge?)

5. Who prefers watching films? (Jenny or Serge?)

Слайд 104

J: I prefer watching films or documentaries. Programs that make

J: I prefer watching films or documentaries. Programs that make you

S: But I don’t want to think when I watch TV. I just want to relax
Слайд 105



Слайд 106

Exercise 5B Page 94

Exercise 5B Page 94

Слайд 107

Listen, then repeat

Listen, then repeat

Слайд 108

Yes/no-questions with rising intonation

Yes/no-questions with rising intonation

Слайд 109

Track 2.26

Track 2.26

Слайд 110

Is it nice? It’s lovely

Is it nice? It’s lovely

Слайд 111

Is it interesting? It’s boring

Is it interesting? It’s boring

Слайд 112

Are we late?

Are we late?

Слайд 113

Does she know?

Does she know?

Слайд 114

Exercise 5C Page 94

Exercise 5C Page 94

Слайд 115

Make questions

Make questions

Слайд 116

Is it expensive? Does he know?

Is it expensive? Does he know?

Слайд 117

1. it/ cheap?

1. it/ cheap?

Слайд 118

1. Is it cheap?

1. Is it cheap?

Слайд 119

2. it/ new?

2. it/ new?

Слайд 120

2. Is it new?

2. Is it new?

Слайд 121

3. she/ smoke?

3. she/ smoke?

Слайд 122

3. Does she smoke?

3. Does she smoke?

Слайд 123

4. they/ work?

4. they/ work?

Слайд 124

4. Do they work?

4. Do they work?

Слайд 125

Exercise 7A Page 95

Exercise 7A Page 95

Слайд 126

In pairs ask and answer questions

In pairs ask and answer questions

Слайд 127

A: Do you like going to museums? B: No, I don’t. I hate going to museums

A: Do you like going to museums? B: No, I don’t. I

hate going to museums
Слайд 128

1 go/ museums?

1 go/ museums?

Слайд 129

1. Do you like going to museums?

1. Do you like going to museums?

Слайд 130

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 131

2. listen/ rap music?

2. listen/ rap music?

Слайд 132

2. Do you like listening to rap music?

2. Do you like listening to rap music?

Слайд 133

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 134

3. watch/ TV talent shows?

3. watch/ TV talent shows?

Слайд 135

3. Do you like watching TV talent shows?

3. Do you like watching TV talent shows?

Слайд 136

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 137

4. go/ modern art exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz]?

4. go/ modern art exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz]?

Слайд 138

4. Do you like going to modern art exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz]? ?

4. Do you like going to modern art exhibitions [ekzi’biʃənz]?

Слайд 139

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 140

5. watch/ TV documentaries?

5. watch/ TV documentaries?

Слайд 141

5. Do you like watching TV documentaries?

5. Do you like watching TV documentaries?

Слайд 142

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 143

Exercise 7B Page 95

Exercise 7B Page 95

Слайд 144

Which do you prefer? Ask and answer questions?

Which do you prefer? Ask and answer questions?

Слайд 145

A: Do you prefer going to restaurants to eating at

A: Do you prefer going to restaurants to eating at home? B:

No, I prefer eating at home
Слайд 146

1. go to restaurants/ eat at home?

1. go to restaurants/ eat at home?

Слайд 147

1. Do you prefer going to restaurants to eating at home?

1. Do you prefer going to restaurants to eating at home?

Слайд 148

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Слайд 149

No, I prefer eating at home to going to restaurants?

No, I prefer eating at home to going to restaurants?

Слайд 150

2. Watch DVDs/ go to the cinema?

2. Watch DVDs/ go to the cinema?

Слайд 151

2. Do you prefer watching DVDs to going to the cinema?

2. Do you prefer watching DVDs to going to the cinema?

Слайд 152

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Слайд 153

No, I prefer going to the cinema to watching DVDs

No, I prefer going to the cinema to watching DVDs

Слайд 154

3. Read books/ listen to music?

3. Read books/ listen to music?

Слайд 155

3. Do you prefer reading books to listening to music

3. Do you prefer reading books to listening to music

Слайд 156

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Слайд 157

No, I prefer listening to music to reading books

No, I prefer listening to music to reading books

Слайд 158

Exercise 7C Page 95

Exercise 7C Page 95

Слайд 159

How to talk about preferences

How to talk about preferences

Слайд 160

I like his work

I like his work

Слайд 161

I hate listening to those stupid kids singing

I hate listening to those stupid kids singing

Слайд 162

I prefer traditional paintings to modern ones

I prefer traditional paintings to modern ones

Слайд 163

I prefer watching films or documentaries more than talent shows

I prefer watching films or documentaries more than talent shows

Слайд 164

Do you like….? What do you think about….?

Do you like….? What do you think about….?

Слайд 165

Exercise 8A Page 95

Exercise 8A Page 95

Слайд 166

Which do you prefer? Ask and answer questions?

Which do you prefer? Ask and answer questions?

Слайд 167

1. Do you prefer modern or traditional art?

1. Do you prefer modern or traditional art?

Слайд 168

2a. Do you like watching the news?

2a. Do you like watching the news?

Слайд 169

2b. Do you like reading magazines?

2b. Do you like reading magazines?

Слайд 170

2c. Do you like going to operas?

2c. Do you like going to operas?

Слайд 171

2d. Do you like listening to jazz?

2d. Do you like listening to jazz?

Слайд 172

Exercise 8B Page 95

Exercise 8B Page 95

Слайд 173

Talk to your classmates and find out how many people prefer it:

Talk to your classmates and find out how many people prefer

Слайд 174

1. Do you prefer visiting museums to going to concerts?

1. Do you prefer visiting museums to going to concerts?

Слайд 175

2. Do you prefer watching films to watching documentaries?

2. Do you prefer watching films to watching documentaries?

Слайд 176

3. Do you prefer romantic films to action films?

3. Do you prefer romantic films to action films?

Слайд 177

4. Do you prefer modern art to traditional art?

4. Do you prefer modern art to traditional art?

Слайд 178

Interview a film critic

Interview a film critic

Слайд 179

Do you like your job?

Do you like your job?

Слайд 180

Do you watch a lot of movies?

Do you watch a lot of movies?

Слайд 181

Do you prefer watching DVDs or going to the cinema?

Do you prefer watching DVDs or going to the cinema?

Слайд 182

How often do you go to the cinema?

How often do you go to the cinema?

Слайд 183

Do you meet a lot of famous people in your job?

Do you meet a lot of famous people in your job?

Слайд 184

Do you travel much in your job?

Do you travel much in your job?

Слайд 185

Do you often go to movie festivals?

Do you often go to movie festivals?

Слайд 186

Who’s your favorite actor or director?

Who’s your favorite actor or director?

Слайд 187

What’s your favorite movie genre [ʒa:nr]?

What’s your favorite movie genre [ʒa:nr]?

Слайд 188

Why do you like this genre [ʒa:nr]?

Why do you like this genre [ʒa:nr]?

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