Preparation for ENT 2017 Gerund 9-11 grades презентация


Слайд 2

Task for Gerund 1. Выберите предложение с герундием: a) I

Task for Gerund 1. Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) I am sitting

in the classroom.
b) Look at the girl standing at the door. She is my sister.
c) He finished doing his homework and went out.
d) It's very interesting to play in the yard with my friends.
e) I was watching the birds in the forest all day yesterday.
Слайд 3

Task for Gerund 2. Выберите предложение с герундием: a) The

Task for Gerund 2. Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) The pupils were listening

to the teacher very attentively.
b) I saw him entering the room.
c) When I entered the room my father was playing chess with my brother.
d) After eating my dinner I went to the disco with my friends.
e) It's very exiting to swim and play in the river
Слайд 4

Task for Gerund 3.Герундий имеет свойства: a) глагола и прилагательного

Task for Gerund 3.Герундий имеет свойства:

a) глагола и прилагательного
b) прилагательного и

c) наречия и причастия
d) причастия и существительного
e) существительного и глагола
Слайд 5

Task for Gerund 4. Выберите предложение с герундием: a) They

Task for Gerund 4. Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) They are writing

composition now.
b) I would like to enter the institute after school.
c) We were working in the garden at that time yesterday.
d) I have been painting the fence all day long
e) I am so happy dad stopped smoking.
Слайд 6

Task for Gerund 5. выберите предложение с герундием: a) They

Task for Gerund 5. выберите предложение с герундием:

a) They were talking

in the corridor when the bell rang.
b) My friends were playing computer games when I came
c) It is very important for me to go to this conceit.
d) My mother was preparing dinner while I was cleaning the room.
e) Then he started playing the piano.
Слайд 7

6. Выберите предложение с герундием: A) l am going to

6. Выберите предложение с герундием:

A) l am going to visit my

B) What are you doing tonight? C) She is listening music now.
D) I have the chance of studying abroad.
E) I like to watch how my mother is cooking in the kitchen.
Слайд 8

7.Выберите предложение с герундием: A) Не is going to enter

7.Выберите предложение с герундием:

A) Не is going to enter the university. B)

Why is he reading my letter?
C) We are writing: the composition next lesson.
D) I dislike the idea of going out in such weather.
E) The children were playing in the yard.
Слайд 9

8.Выберите предложение с герундием: A) My father is going to

8.Выберите предложение с герундием:

A) My father is going to change his

B) What are you reading?
C) I watched the birds singing in the trees.
D) I wished my father stopped smoking
E) The child is sleeping in his room.
Слайд 10

9. Выберите предложение с герундием: a) My friends are going

9. Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) My friends are going to spend

their holiday at the seaside.
b) Why are you playing at the lesson?
c) I saw him cross the street.
d) I couldn't even dream of visiting this country.
e) All the pupils are doing their control work.
Слайд 11

10.Переведите предложение, используя герундий: Возвратившись домой, я сразу легла спать.

10.Переведите предложение, используя герундий: Возвратившись домой, я сразу легла спать.

a) I came

home and went to bed immediately.
b) When I came home, I went to bed immediately.
c) Having came home I went to bed at once.
d) Having coming to home I went to bed at once.
e) On coming home I went to bed immediately.
Слайд 12

11.В данном предложении герундий является: Before having dinner you must

11.В данном предложении герундий является: Before having dinner you must wash your


a) подлежащим
b) именной частью сказуемого
c) дополнением
d) обстоятельством
e) определением

Слайд 13

12.Переведите предложение, используя герундий: Возвратившись домой, я сразу легла спать.

12.Переведите предложение, используя герундий: Возвратившись домой, я сразу легла спать.

a) I came

home and went to bed immediately.
b) On coming home I went to bed immediately.
c) Having came home I went to bed at once.
d) Having coming to home 1 went to bed at once.
e) When I came home, I went to bed immediately.
Слайд 14

13.Образуйте форму Gerund Simple от глагола "know": a) tо know

13.Образуйте форму Gerund Simple от глагола "know":

a) tо know
b) knowing
c) tо

be known
d) to have known
e) to be knowing
Слайд 15

14.Выберите предложение с герундием: a) Aset reads a lot of

14.Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) Aset reads a lot of books.
b) "Go

on reading", said the teacher.
c) The teacher will read us a fairy-tale.
d) Mark wants to read fantastic stories.
e) They have already read and translated this text
Слайд 16

15.Выберите предложение с герундием: a) As a rule Michael walks

15.Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) As a rule Michael walks after busy

b) We are walking along the streets now.
c) I know that girl walking down the street.
d) Ann likes to walk in the morning.
e) I prefer walking in the forest.
Слайд 17

16.Выберите предложение с Герундием: a) Travelling is very interesting in

16.Выберите предложение с Герундием:

a) Travelling is very interesting in any season.

She is going to travel to Africa.
c) My family are travelling now.
d) She likes books about travel lings.
e) He is travelling now.
Слайд 18

17.Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: Reading is my favorite

17.Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: Reading is my favorite hobby.

a) подлежащее

c) дополнение
d) определение
e) сказуемое
Слайд 19

18.Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: I'm fond of swimming.

18.Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: I'm fond of swimming.

a) обстоятельство
b) сказуемое

d) определение
e) дополнение
Слайд 20

19.Выберите предложение с герундием: a) The driver collected the suitcases

19.Выберите предложение с герундием:

a) The driver collected the suitcases from the

b) Mr. Brown has been collecting stamps for 5 years already.
c) Harry has just collected the new information
d) I am fond of collecting coins.
e) Students are collecting in the hall now.
Слайд 21

20.В данном предложении герундий является: I enjoy reading fantastic. a)

20.В данном предложении герундий является: I enjoy reading fantastic.

a) дополнением

c) обстоятельством
d) определением
e)именной частью сказуемого
Слайд 22

21.В данном предложении герундий является: Before having dinner you must

21.В данном предложении герундий является: Before having dinner you must wash your


a) подлежащим
b) именной частью сказуемого
c) обстоятельством
d) определением e)дополнением

Слайд 23

22.Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: Reading is my favorite

22.Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: Reading is my favorite hobby.


b) обстоятельство
c) подлежащее
d) определение
Имя файла: Preparation-for-ENT-2017-Gerund-9-11-grades.pptx
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