Present perfect. Present perfect continuous презентация


Слайд 2

Present Perfect

Present Perfect

Слайд 3

Present Perfect already just ever never yet recently today

Present Perfect


Слайд 4

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

Слайд 5

Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous Molly ______________ (tidy up) the

Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous

Molly ______________ (tidy up) the house for two

Molly has been tidying up the house for two hours.
Brenda ___________ (watch) cartoons since 3 o’clock.
Brenda has been watching cartoons since 3 o’clock.
Слайд 6

My dad _____________ (already/watch) the latest news. My dad has

My dad _____________ (already/watch) the latest news.
My dad has already watched

the latest news.
His elder sister _________(yet/not/tidy up) her room.
His elder sister hasn’t tidied up her room yet.
Слайд 7

Alice _______________ (feed) her baby for twenty minutes already. Alice

Alice _______________ (feed) her baby for twenty minutes already.
Alice has been

feeding her baby for twenty minutes already.
Recently I _________ (feed) baby-lions in the zoo.
Recently I have fed baby-lions in the zoo.
Слайд 8

Nancy and her boy-friend ____________ (chat) on the phone for

Nancy and her boy-friend ____________ (chat) on the phone for some

hours already.
Nancy and her boy-friend have been chatting on the phone for some hours already.
Слайд 9

Amy ___________ (watch) the old videos since yesterday. Amy has

Amy ___________ (watch) the old videos since yesterday.
Amy has been watching

the old videos since yesterday.
They _________________ (already/chat) on the phone.
They have already chatted on the phone.
Слайд 10

You __________ (not/discuss) your problems on the phone for half

You __________ (not/discuss) your problems on the phone for half an

You haven’t been discussing your problems on the phone for half an hour.
I _____________ (already/make) lunch.
I have already made lunch.
Слайд 11

I _______________ (cook) chicken soup for fifty minutes. I have

I _______________ (cook) chicken soup for fifty minutes.
I have been cooking

chicken soup for fifty minutes.
She ______________ (cook) cheese soup since 12 o’clock.
She has been cooking cheese soup since 12 o’clock.
Слайд 12

My uncle Don ___________ (already/take) out the rubbish. My uncle

My uncle Don ___________ (already/take) out the rubbish.
My uncle Don has

already taken out the rubbish.
His daughter _______________(just/take) out rubbish.
His daughter has just taken out rubbish.
Слайд 13

Henry ______________(take) out rubbish for five minutes already. Henry has

Henry ______________(take) out rubbish for five minutes already.
Henry has been taking

out rubbish for five minutes already.
Grace ___________ (feed) her chickens for 15 minutes already.
Grace has been feeding her chickens for 15 minutes already.
Слайд 14

My elder sister __________________ (already/dust) the furniture. My elder sister

My elder sister __________________ (already/dust) the furniture.
My elder sister has already

dusted the furniture.
We ____________ (not dust) the furniture for forty minutes.
We haven’t been dusting the furniture for forty minutes.
Слайд 15

Andy ___________(dust) the wardrobe since one o’clock! Andy has been

Andy ___________(dust) the wardrobe since one o’clock!
Andy has been dusting the

wardrobe since one o’clock!
Jill __________ (yet/not wash) the dishes.
Jill hasn’t washed the dishes yet.
Слайд 16

Mick _____________ (not bake) bread since early morning. Mick hasn’t

Mick _____________ (not bake) bread since early morning.
Mick hasn’t been baking

bread since early morning.
Emily _____________ (vacuum) for half an hour.
Emily has been vacuuming for half an hour.
Слайд 17

Nancy ______________ (just/not vacuum) the living room. Nancy hasn’t just

Nancy ______________ (just/not vacuum) the living room.
Nancy hasn’t just vacuumed the

living room.
Polly and Dolly __________ (already/plan) their weekends.
Polly and Dolly have already planned their weekends.
Имя файла: Present-perfect.-Present-perfect-continuous.pptx
Количество просмотров: 83
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