Present simple. Настоящее простое время презентация


Слайд 2

Present simple незаменим когда надо : сказать о чем-то что

Present simple незаменим когда надо :
сказать о чем-то что делаем каждый

рассказать о своей жизни в настоящем
поделиться своим расписанием
рассказать о факте из настоящего
сообщить о запланированном событии в ближайшем будущем
Слайд 3

Слова, которые подсказывают о необходимости использовать Present Simple. Every… Usually

Слова, которые подсказывают о необходимости использовать Present Simple.


I usually swim

in this swimming pool.
You often swim very fast.
He swims every day.
She rarely swims here.
This dog always swims in this lake.
We never swim together.
They sometimes swim near here.
Слайд 4

Подлежащее + сказуемое V1 (-s) V1 – глагол в первой

Подлежащее + сказуемое V1 (-s)

V1 – глагол в первой форме:

Окончание –s

добавляется к глаголу (сказуемому) если подлежащее стоит в 3-м лице единственного числа

I swim. You swim. She swims. He swims. It swims. We swim. They swim.

Tom swims = He swims Mum swims = She swims Dog swims = It swims

Ann and I swim = We swim Tom and Jerry swim = They swim

Слайд 5

I __________ (GO) with my friend to the park. She

I __________ (GO) with my friend to the park.
She ________(GET) up

at seven o’clock. She _________(GO) to the institute in the morning.
He __________(TAKE) a bus. It ________(TAKE) her an hour and a half to do her homework. She _________(SPEAK) English well.
Boys _____________ (FIGHT) and_____________ (SHOUT).
That boy _____________ (TRY) to catch some balls.
Не _________(GO) to school by bus.
She ______ (LIKE) milk.
My father ________ (WATCH) TV in the evenings.
I ______(PLAY) tennis on Sundays.
My brother _________ (PLAY) football quite well.
My sister ________ (SING) very well.
He ________ (WASH) his face and hands in the morning and in the evening.
I usually _________ (DRINK) coffee for breakfast.
Jane ______ (DO) her English exercises after school.
Tom __________(DRIVE) a car.
Слайд 6

I don’t swim. You don’t swim. We don’t swim. They

I don’t swim. You don’t swim. We don’t swim. They don’t

She doesn’t swim. He doesn’t swim. It doesn’t swim.

I don’t look

I don’t talk

I don’t listen

Подлежащее + do (does) + not + сказуемое V1

Слайд 7

Mary takes ____________ the dog for a walk in the

Mary takes ____________ the dog for a walk in the evenings.

buys _____________ a morning newspaper every day.
I come ___________ to every lesson.
We go __________to the seaside every summer..
You go _________ shopping on Saturday mornings.
Peter plays __________the piano very well.
The sun rises ___________ in the west.
My big brother knows ____________ everything.
Dogs like __________cats.
Some children like ____________ chocolate.
It rains _____________ very often in summer.



Слайд 8

do (does) + подлежащее + сказуемое V1 Do I swim?

do (does) + подлежащее + сказуемое V1

Do I swim? Do you

swim? Do we swim? Do they swim?
Does she swim? Does he swim? Does it swim?

How do I swim? When do you swim? Where do we swim? How long do they swim?
Where does she swim? How does he swim? What does it swim?

Слайд 9

What colour ________ you like? Where ________ she work? Where

What colour ________ you like?
Where ________ she work?
Where ________ your parents

What kind of films ________ you prefer?
________ he play football at the weekends?
How ________ your friends spend their free time?
________ Allan have green eyes?
What time ________ she get from work?
What school ________ you study at?
________ you have breakfast in the morning?
Where ________ they put their key?
________ your son go to the school in the city?
________ this cat and that dog get on well?
________ your friend know any celebrities?
What subject ________ you study at the university?



Слайд 10

1. I ___________(to do) morning exercises. 2. He __________(to work)

1. I ___________(to do) morning exercises. 2. He __________(to work) at

a factory. 3. She ___________(to sleep) after dinner. 4. We ____________(to work) part-time. 5. They ___________(to drink) tea every day. 6. Mike ____________(to be) a student. 7. Helen ____________(to have) a car. 8. You _____________(to be) a good friend. 9. You _____________(to be) good friends. 10. It ____________(to be) difficult to remember everything.

She (swim/swims) very well.
Luc (live/lives) in London.
Jack (come/comes) from the USA.
Betty (dance/dances) a little.
He (have/has) three brothers.
My granny (speak/speaks) French.
My cat (sleep/sleeps) on a mat.
I often (see/sees) Jane.
Ted (like/likes) music.
Chris (cook/cooks) cakes quite well.

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Слайд 11

1. I visit my parents very often. ______________________________________ 2. They

1. I visit my parents very often. ______________________________________ 2. They live in

Great Britain. ________________________________________ 3. He goes to school by bus._________________________________________ 4. She lives in this house.___________________________________________ 5. He wants to be a doctor.__________________________________________ 6. They play tennis every Sunday._____________________________________ 7. We work every day.______________________________________________ 8. My sister goes to bed at nine.______________________________________ 9. Usually I have dinner very late.____________________________________ 10. My brother watches TV every evening._____________________________ 11. She likes classical music.________________________________________ 12. We go to the theatre once a month._________________________________
13. You have long hair. _____________________________________________
14. My boss works overtime.________________________________________
15. He sometimes eats sushi. ________________________________________
16. Our colleagues like our new office._________________________________
17. I go to the theatre very often._____________________________________
18. My neighbor listens to the music late at night.________________________

Образуйте отрицательную форму.

Слайд 12

________________________________ I live in Canada. ________________________________ I have omlette for

________________________________ I live in Canada.
________________________________ I have omlette for breakfast.

He starts his working day at 9.00 a.m.
________________________________ My son wakes up at 7.30 a.m.
________________________________ No, I don’t smoke.
________________________________ We get to work by car.
________________________________ She doesn’t eat meat because she is

Задай вопрос к ответу

I/to play/computer games/every day ________________________________________
My friend / to swim / in the pool / every Saturday______________________________
Water / to boil / at 100 C__________________________________________________
Men / to like / cars_______________________________________________________
That woman / to look / sad_________________________________________________
I / to like / vegetables_____________________________________________________
We / to eat / junk food____________________________________________________
My parents / to visit / me / twice a year_______________________________________
You / to cook / in the kitchen_______________________________________________
She / to work / every day_________________________________________________
You / to enjoy / reading__________________________________________________

Составь вопросы

Слайд 13

They _____ football at the institute. (to play) She _____

They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
She _____ emails.

(not / to write)
____ you____ English? (to speak)
My mother ____ fish. (not / to like) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have) His brother _____ in an office. (to work) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink) My working day ________at six o'clock.  (to begin) I _____up, _____on the TV and _____my teeth. (to get, to switch, to brush) It _____me about twenty minutes. (to take) I _______breakfast at seven o’clock.  (to have) I ________home at half past seven. (to leave) I _________a bus to the institute.  (to take) It usually _______me about fifteen minutes to get there. (to take) Classes ________at eight.  (to begin) We usually ________four classes a day. (to have)
I _________lunch at about 2 o’clock. (to have)

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