Revise phrasal verbs and comparatives презентация

Слайд 2

new vocabulary with more enthusiasm the temperature is above zero

new vocabulary

with more enthusiasm
the temperature is above zero
like a breath of

fresh air
it let me breathe/relax
to let my hair down
it was insane
insane = very mad/crazy
unbearable = you can’t tolerate it
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Слайд 5

new vocabulary weigh up the pros and cons, weigh up

new vocabulary

weigh up the pros and cons, weigh up the problems

against the positives
it might be a sweeping generalisation to say …
I think so, yes.
I don’t want to pick a fight but ….
Nordic walking
it’s good for y∂ health; it’s good for you
decide on = choose
your perception of something
to find out how much it weighs
Слайд 6

phrasal verbs in the text (not) cut out for something

phrasal verbs in the text

(not) cut out for something (intro)
be written

off (by someone) (1)
the teacher wrote her off = decide it’s a failure, no good
turn you off something (7)
pick up (9)
end up doing something (9) = finally do something surprising after a long time
get into something (9) = start something as hobby
carry through (11)
give up (13)
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Слайд 9

cities it was a bit of a pain = inconvenient/annoying


it was a bit of a pain = inconvenient/annoying
it’s a real

pain = very inconvenient/annoying
it’s a bit difficult
it does have its drawbacks; it has some drawbacks
end up - we ended up somewhere
absolutely packed = very very crowded
get a buzz out of
it has a real buzz = exciting, lively, busy,
sometimes the smog/pollution can get quite bad
it gets slightly smoggy
posh/fancy cars
to go / run smoothly = without any hiccups
there was a small hiccup/ hiccough
get the hiccups
they’ll finish the work by May
Слайд 10

Слайд 11

absolutely dirty absolutely perfect absolutely hungry absolutely starving really peckish loads and loads of roadworks

absolutely dirty
absolutely perfect
absolutely hungry
absolutely starving
really peckish

loads and loads of

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