Short messages презентация

Слайд 2

Особенности коротких сообщений в английском языке: Опускаются личные местоимения (I,

Особенности коротких сообщений в английском языке:

Опускаются личные местоимения (I, you etc.)

артикли (a,an,the)
Опускаются вспомогательные глаголы (am, have etc.)
Используются краткие формы вместо полных (I won’t=I will not, Ain’t I=Am not I etc.)
Используется повелительное наклонение (don’t be late, bring your flash-card)
Использование нелитературных союзов (so (итак), instead of (вместо того, чтобы), therefore (поэтому, вследствие чего) etc.)
Использование аббревиатур (MOMI,UK etc.)
Использование причастий настоящего и прошедшего времени (I am leaving=leaving), been invited=have been invited)
Использование короткого приветствия и прощания
Слайд 3

Ex.2 b) p.36 Look at the note and say about the peculiarities of the short message

Ex.2 b) p.36

Look at the note and say about the peculiarities

of the short message
Слайд 4

Ex. 2 b) p.36 1) Hi Dan! 2) Going skiing

Ex. 2 b) p.36

1) Hi Dan!
2) Going skiing on Sat-fancy coming

I’m going skiing on Saturday-do you fancy coming along?
3) Don’t worry about the equipment, you can hire it there!
Do not worry about the equipment, you can hire it there!
Слайд 5

Ex.2 b) p. 36 4) Leaving my house at 8

Ex.2 b) p. 36

4) Leaving my house at 8 a.m. so

don’t be late.
I am leaving my house at 8 a.m. that’s why do not be late.
5) Hope you can make it, Sam.
I hope you can make it, Sam.
6) P.S. Penny’s coming too!
Penny is coming too!
Слайд 6

Ex.3 p.36 Make the following sentences shorter. Example: I am

Ex.3 p.36

Make the following sentences shorter.
I am having a great

time in Spain.
Having great time in Spain.
Слайд 7

Ex.3 p.36 2) I can’t come to the cinema tonight.

Ex.3 p.36

2) I can’t come to the cinema tonight. I haven’t

got any money.
Can’t come to the cinema tonight (2nite). No money.
3)I will be back late tonight.
Back late tonight. (Back l8 2nite.)
Слайд 8

Ex.3 p.36 4) We are meeting at eight o’clock this

Ex.3 p.36

4) We are meeting at eight o’clock this evening in

front of the theatre.
Meeting at 8 p.m. in front of theatre.
5) There is some food in the fridge for you.
Food in fridge for you. (Food in fridge 4U.)
6) I have got a new Saturday job. I will tell you about it when I see you.
Got new Sat job. Tell you when see you. (Tell U when C U)
Слайд 9

Ex.3 p.36 7) I have gone out to the supermarket.

Ex.3 p.36

7) I have gone out to the supermarket. I will

not be long.
Gone to supermarket. Back soon.
8) I am really looking forward to our whitw water rafting next month.
Looking forward to our trip next month.
Слайд 10

Ex.3 p.36 9) I am sorry. I did not call

Ex.3 p.36

9) I am sorry. I did not call you yesterday.

I will call you this evening.
Sorry didn’t call you. Call you tonight. (Call U 2nite)
10) John has gone to buy tickets for volleyball match on Saturday.
John gone buy tickets for match on Sat.
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