Speaking Games (тренажёр) презентация

Слайд 2

© Margarita Ten, 2021 Choose Healthy lifestyle Household duties School

© Margarita Ten, 2021


Healthy lifestyle

Household duties

School life

Shopping. Pocket money

Jobs and occupations


Слайд 3

Start Finish Smile and keep calm Make a click to



Smile and keep calm

Make a click to SPIN.
Make a double click

to STOP.

Do you think diets useful or not?

What health problems do you worry about most?

a turn

Do you skip your breakfast? Why? Why not?

Are you a health-conscious person?

What can you do to improve your health?

Do you sleep enough?

Go back
2 spaces

Do you pay attention to what you eat?

Is obesity a great problem in your country?

Go ahead
2 spaces

Is taking a nap during the day good for you?

What is a healthy diet?

How important is to spend time outside?

a turn

What makes people happy and healthy?

Is physical activity an important part of a healthy lifestyle?

What things do you do that might damage your health?

Go back
2 spaces

How do you usually cope with stress?

Do you read any articles about health?

a turn

What is healthy about not eating after 6 p.m?

How often do you have a health check?

Answer the questions .

© Margarita Ten, 2021

Are you a health-conscious person?

Do you skip your breakfast?
Why? Why not?

Do you sleep enough?

Is taking a nap during the day
good for you?

What is a healthy diet?

How important is
to spend time outside?

What is healthy about not eating
after 6 p.m?

Healthy lifestyle


Слайд 4

Start Finish What household chores are your responsibility? Make a



What household chores are your responsibility?

Make a click to SPIN.
Make a

double click to STOP.

How often do you help your parents around the house?

Can you name some chores that need to be done everyday?

a turn

Should children help their parents?
Why? / Why not?

How often do you clean up your room?

Should parents give money to their children as a reward? 

Who does the ironing in your family?

Go back
3 spaces

What do you have to do in your bedroom?

What chores do you hate doing?

Go ahead
2 spaces

Name 3 domestic appliances which make our life easier.

Who does the washing up in your family?

Whose duty is loading / emptying the dishwasher in your family?

a turn

What do you have to do in your kitchen?

Do you get paid for doing chores?

What do your parents do around the house?

Go back
3 spaces

What household chores would you like to delegate to robots?

Is it necessary to dust the furniture daily?

a turn

Whose duty is taking the rubbish out in your family?

What is the easiest way to keep a flat tidy and clean?

Answer the questions .

© Margarita Ten, 2021

How often do you clean up your room?

Should children help their parents?
Why? / Why not?

Who does the ironing in your family?

Name 3 domestic appliances
which make our life easier.

Who does the washing up in your family?

Whose duty is loading / emptying the dishwasher in your family?

Whose duty is taking the rubbish out
in your family?

Household duties


Слайд 5

Start Finish What time does your first lesson begin? Make



What time does your first lesson begin?

Make a click to SPIN.

a double click to STOP.

How many times have you been absent from school this year?

What subjects are you good at?

a turn

Are you allowed to use your phones
in lessons ?

How do you
get to school?

Are PE lessons
a significant part of your schooling?

How many
teachers are there
in your school?

Go back
3 spaces

Do you like to be taught by a male or female teacher? Why?

Do you feel pressure to wear a school uniform? Why?

Go ahead
2 spaces

What foreign languages are learnt in your school?

What is your least favourite subject? Why?

What are the pros and cons of
school uniforms?

a turn

Have you ever slept in classes?

What are
the advantages of studying in elementary school?

How long does it take you to get to school?

Go back
3 spaces

What are the main characteristics a teacher should have?

What do you and your classmates do during the breaks?

a turn

Do you receive any tutoring outside of your main school? Why?

Have you ever been involved in any musical or theatrical performances?

Answer the questions .

© Margarita Ten, 2021

How do you get to school?

Are you allowed
to use your phones in lessons?

Are PE lessons
a significant part of your schooling?

What foreign languages are learnt
in your school?

What is your least favourite subject? Why?

What are the pros and cons of
school uniforms?

Do you receive any tutoring outside of
your main school? Why?

School life


Слайд 6

Start Finish Have ever found any money in the street?



Have ever found any money
in the street?

Make a click

to SPIN.
Make a double click to STOP.

How often do you
go shopping?

What’s the most expensive thing have you ever bought?

a turn

How can pocket money teach a teenager
to be responsible?

Is there anything you look forward to buying?

Do you and your friends lend money
to each other?

How important is money to you?

Go back
2 spaces

Are you good at saving pocket money?

Do you prefer shopping alone or with your friends? Why?

Go ahead
2 spaces

What’s your opinion of discount stores?

Have you ever made unnecessary purchases?

If you needed to earn some extra money, how would you do that?

a turn

Is window shopping a waste of time?

How do you feel after spending a large amount of money?

How often do you
get pocket money?

Go back
2 spaces

What’s the best time
to go shopping?

Is online shopping popular
in your country?

a turn

Imagine you have won a million dollars. What will you do with the money?

What is the easiest way to keep a flat tidy and clean?

Answer the questions .

© Margarita Ten, 2021

Is there anything
you look forward to buying?

How can pocket money teach a teenager
to be responsible?

How important is money to you?

What’s your opinion of discount stores?

Have you ever made
unnecessary purchases?

If you needed to earn some extra money, how would you do that?

Imagine you have won a million dollars. What will you do with the money?

Shopping. Pocket money


Слайд 7

Start Finish Are you a hard worker? What motivates you



Are you a hard worker?
What motivates you to work?

Make a

click to SPIN.
Make a double click to STOP.

What jobs are well-paid these days?

Are there jobs that men do better than women do, and vice versa?

a turn

What jobs are the most prestigious nowadays? Why?

What job will it be, if you’re asked to do a job for a day?

Are you going to follow your parents’ footsteps in choosing your career?

What education do you need for your future career?

Go back
3 spaces

Are there jobs that are not paid enough?

What is a usual retirement age
in your country?

Go ahead
2 spaces

Do you prefer to work alone or
in a group?

Are you a creative person or thrive on structure and routine?

Do you enjoy working with people, animals, data or books?

a turn

What is your ideal job? Why?

Do you get paid for doing chores?

What do your parents do around the house?

Go back
3 spaces

What did you want to become
when you were a kid?

What are your talents and strengths that can hep you succeed in choosing a career?

a turn

Whose duty is taking the rubbish out in your family?

Do you prefer to cooperate or compete with others?

Answer the questions .

© Margarita Ten, 2021

What job will it be, if you’re asked
to do a job for a day?

What jobs are
the most prestigious nowadays? Why?

What education do you need
for your future career?

Do you prefer to work alone
or in a group?

Are you a creative person or thrive on structure and routine?

Do you enjoy working with
people, animals, data or books?

Whose duty is taking the rubbish out
in your family?

Jobs and occupations


Имя файла: Speaking-Games-(тренажёр).pptx
Количество просмотров: 18
Количество скачиваний: 0