World class (unit 5.3) презентация


Слайд 2

Country [kʌntri] - страна

Country [kʌntri] - страна

Слайд 3

North [no:θ] - север

North [no:θ] - север

Слайд 4

In the north [no:θ]

In the north [no:θ]

Слайд 5

South [sauθ] - юг

South [sauθ] - юг

Слайд 6

In the south [sauθ]

In the south [sauθ]

Слайд 7

East [i:st] - восток

East [i:st] - восток

Слайд 8

In the east [i:st]

In the east [i:st]

Слайд 9

West [west] - запад

West [west] - запад

Слайд 10

In the west [west]

In the west [west]

Слайд 11

Exercise 1 Page 54

Exercise 1 Page 54

Слайд 12

Match the places with the photos

Match the places with the photos

Слайд 13

Mountains [mauntinz] (No photo)

Mountains [mauntinz] (No photo)

Слайд 14

Desert [dezət] – пустыня (Photo C)

Desert [dezət] – пустыня
(Photo C)

Слайд 15

Forest (Photo E)

Forest (Photo E)

Слайд 16

Hills (Photo A)

Hills (Photo A)

Слайд 17

City (No photo)

City (No photo)

Слайд 18

Lake (Photo B)

Lake (Photo B)

Слайд 19

River [rivə] (Photo D)

River [rivə] (Photo D)

Слайд 20

Exercise 2A Page 54

Exercise 2A Page 54

Слайд 21

Read about two countries

Read about two countries

Слайд 22

Before you read text 1

Before you read text 1

Слайд 23

Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]

Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]

Слайд 24

Antarctica [ən’ta:ktikə]

Antarctica [ən’ta:ktikə]

Слайд 25

The Andes [ændiz] - Анды

The Andes [ændiz] - Анды

Слайд 26

Enjoy reading text 1

Enjoy reading text 1

Слайд 27

Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə] is not only a hot country [kʌntri], there’re some very cold parts, too

Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]
is not only a hot country [kʌntri], there’re some

very cold parts, too
Слайд 28

Because the south [sauθ] is near Antarctica [ən’ta:ktikə] , it’s

Because the south [sauθ] is near Antarctica [ən’ta:ktikə] , it’s

often very cold especially in the mountains [mauntinz]
Слайд 29

There’re very high [hai] mountains [mauntinz] in all of Argentina

There’re very high [hai] mountains [mauntinz] in all of Argentina –

the Andes. In the south [sauθ] they meet the sea [si:] and are very lovely
Слайд 30

Before you read text 2

Before you read text 2

Слайд 31

Ireland [aiələnd] - Ирландия

Ireland [aiələnd] - Ирландия

Слайд 32

Unfortunately [ʌn’fo:tʃnitli] – к сожалению

Unfortunately [ʌn’fo:tʃnitli] – к сожалению

Слайд 33

Sunbathe [sʌn’beið] – загорать

Sunbathe [sʌn’beið] – загорать

Слайд 34

Enjoy reading text 2

Enjoy reading text 2

Слайд 35

Ireland [aiələnd] is a beautiful country [kʌntri], - very green

Ireland [aiələnd] is a beautiful country [kʌntri], - very green and

fresh, this is because [bi’ko:z] it’s also a very wet country [kʌntri],
Слайд 36

It gets a lot of rain. Ireland [aiələnd] has a

It gets a lot of rain. Ireland [aiələnd] has a lot

of pretty low [lou] hills. They’re certainly not mountains! [mauntinz]
Слайд 37

In some places in the west the hills come right

In some places in the west the hills come right down

to the beach, so it’s possible to sunbathe [sʌn’beið] and look at the hills at the same time
Слайд 38

What is the same (одинаковое) between Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə] and Ireland [aiələnd] ?

What is the same (одинаковое) between Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə] and Ireland

[aiələnd] ?
Слайд 39

They’re both very beautiful countries [kʌntriz]

They’re both very beautiful countries [kʌntriz]

Слайд 40

What is different between Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə] and Ireland [aiələnd] ?

What is different between Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə] and Ireland [aiələnd] ?

Слайд 41

There’re very high mountains in all of Argentina Ireland has

There’re very high mountains in all of Argentina
Ireland has a lot

of pretty [priti] low hills
Слайд 42

Exercise 2B Page 54

Exercise 2B Page 54

Слайд 43

Listen to 4 people talking about their countries

Listen to 4 people talking about their countries

Слайд 44

Page 153 Track 1.56

Page 153 Track 1.56

Слайд 45

Ana is from Spain

Ana is from Spain

Слайд 46

Before you read about Spain

Before you read about Spain

Слайд 47

There’s a famous desert [dezət] in Spain – the Almeria

There’s a famous desert [dezət] in Spain – the Almeria

Слайд 48

The Almeria desert [dezət]

The Almeria desert [dezət]

Слайд 49

Enjoy reading about Spain

Enjoy reading about Spain

Слайд 50

I am Ana. I am from Spain and I love

I am Ana. I am from Spain and I love this

country – in Spain there’re so many places and things to see
Слайд 51

There’s even a famous desert [dezət] in Spain – it’s

There’s even a famous desert [dezət] in Spain – it’s true

– the Almeria Desert. It’s in the south [sauθ] of Spain
Слайд 52

They make a lot of films in this desert [dezət]

They make a lot of films in this desert [dezət] because

it’s really hot and dry. There’re also a lot of beautiful beaches in Spain
Слайд 53

Marcin is from Poland

Marcin is from Poland

Слайд 54

Before you read about Poland

Before you read about Poland

Слайд 55

There’re some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland

There’re some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland

Слайд 56

Some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland

Some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland

Слайд 57

Enjoy reading about Poland

Enjoy reading about Poland

Слайд 58

My name’s Marcin and my home’s in Poland, in the

My name’s Marcin and my home’s in Poland, in the east

of the country [kʌntri]. There’re some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland
Слайд 59

It’s a lovely area. A lot of Polish people take their holidays there

It’s a lovely area. A lot of Polish people take their

holidays there
Слайд 60

In fact, it’s quite popular now with people from other countries [kʌntriz], too

In fact, it’s quite popular now with people from other countries

[kʌntriz], too
Слайд 61

Costas is from Greece

Costas is from Greece

Слайд 62

Before you read about Greece

Before you read about Greece

Слайд 63

The island [ailənd] of Kefalonia

The island [ailənd] of Kefalonia

Слайд 64

There’s a lovely forest in the north of the island [ailənd]

There’s a lovely forest in the north of the island [ailənd]

Слайд 65

Enjoy reading about Greece

Enjoy reading about Greece

Слайд 66

I am Costas. I live in Greece on the island

I am Costas. I live in Greece on the island [ailənd]

of Kefalonia. People don’t think that Greece is a green country, with lots of trees
Слайд 67

But Kefalonia is a very green island [ailənd]. There’s a

But Kefalonia is a very green island [ailənd]. There’s a lovely

forest in the north of the island [ailənd]
Слайд 68

Of course, there’re also beaches on Kefalonia – it’s a very popular holiday island [ailənd]

Of course, there’re also beaches on Kefalonia – it’s a very

popular holiday island [ailənd]
Слайд 69

Yumiko is from Japan

Yumiko is from Japan

Слайд 70

Before you read about Japan

Before you read about Japan

Слайд 71

Osaka in Japan

Osaka in Japan

Слайд 72

It’s a huge [hju:dʒ] (огромный) city in the west of Japan

It’s a huge [hju:dʒ] (огромный) city in the west of Japan

Слайд 73

People are always in a hurry [hʌri](спешат)

People are always in a hurry [hʌri](спешат)

Слайд 74

Enjoy reading about Japan

Enjoy reading about

Слайд 75

My name’s Yumiko. I come from Japan, from a city called Osaka

My name’s Yumiko. I come from Japan, from a city called

Слайд 76

It’s a huge [hju:dʒ] city in the west of Japan,

It’s a huge [hju:dʒ] city in the west of Japan, and

it’s very busy [bizi] and noisy, and it’s not very friendly [frendli]
Слайд 77

There’re a lot of shops and offices in the city,

There’re a lot of shops and offices in the city, and

people are always in a hurry. I don’t like it here – I like the mountains
Слайд 78

Track 1.56

Track 1.56

Слайд 79

Exercise 3A Page 54

Exercise 3A Page 54

Слайд 80

Read and listen again. Make notes about the places in the table

Read and listen again. Make notes about the places in the

Слайд 81

Слайд 82

Слайд 83

Слайд 84

Слайд 85

Слайд 86

Слайд 87

Exercise 3B Page 54

Exercise 3B Page 54

Слайд 88

Make sentences with there’s, there’re

Make sentences with there’s, there’re

Слайд 89

The south of Argentina

The south of Argentina

Слайд 90

Имеются очень холодные части в Аргентине

Имеются очень холодные части в Аргентине

Слайд 91

There’re some very cold parts in Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]

There’re some very cold parts in Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]

Слайд 92

Имеются очень высокие горы во всей Аргентине

Имеются очень высокие горы во всей Аргентине

Слайд 93

There’re some very high mountains in all of Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]

There’re some very high mountains in all of Argentina [a:dʒən’ti:nə]

Слайд 94

The Almeria desert [dezət] in Spain

The Almeria desert [dezət] in Spain

Слайд 95

В Испании имеется много мест и вещей, на которые можно посмотреть (to see)

В Испании имеется много мест и вещей, на которые можно посмотреть

(to see)
Слайд 96

In Spain there’re many places and things to see

In Spain there’re many places and things to see

Слайд 97

Имеется известная пустыня (desert) в Испании

Имеется известная пустыня (desert) в Испании

Слайд 98

There’s a famous desert[dezət] in Spain

There’s a famous desert[dezət] in Spain

Слайд 99

Имеется много красивых пляжей в Испании

Имеется много красивых пляжей в Испании

Слайд 100

There’re also a lot of beautiful beaches in Spain

There’re also a lot of beautiful beaches in Spain

Слайд 101

Poland, beautiful lakes

Poland, beautiful lakes

Слайд 102

Имеется несколько красивых озёр на востоке Польши

Имеется несколько красивых озёр на востоке Польши

Слайд 103

There’re some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland

There’re some beautiful lakes in the east of Poland

Слайд 104

The island [ailənd] of Kefalonia

The island [ailənd] of Kefalonia

Слайд 105

Имеется чудесный лес на севере острова (island [ailənd])

Имеется чудесный лес на севере острова (island [ailənd])

Слайд 106

There’s a lovely forest in the north of the island [ailənd]

There’s a lovely forest in the north of the island [ailənd]

Слайд 107

Имеется 2 пляжа на Кефалонии

Имеется 2 пляжа на Кефалонии

Слайд 108

There’re 2 beaches on Kefalonia

There’re 2 beaches on Kefalonia

Слайд 109

Osaka in Japan

Osaka in Japan

Слайд 110

Имеется много магазинов и офисов в городе

Имеется много магазинов и офисов в городе

Слайд 111

There’re a lot of shops and offices in the city

There’re a lot of shops and offices in the city

Слайд 112

Exercise 4 Page 54

Exercise 4 Page 54

Слайд 113

Which adjectives can we use?

Which adjectives can we use?

Слайд 114

A desert [dezət]?

A desert [dezət]?

Слайд 115

Desert – жаркая, сухая, известная

Desert – жаркая, сухая, известная

Слайд 116

Desert – hot, dry, famous

Desert – hot, dry, famous

Слайд 117

Mountains [mauntinz]?

Mountains [mauntinz]?

Слайд 118

Mountain – красивые, холодные, высокие, огромные

Mountain – красивые, холодные, высокие, огромные

Слайд 119

Mountain – beautiful, cold, high [hai], huge [hju:dʒ]

Mountain – beautiful, cold, high [hai], huge [hju:dʒ]

Слайд 120

An island [ailənd]?

An island [ailənd]?

Слайд 121

Island [ailənd] – зелёный, популярный, широкий

Island [ailənd] – зелёный, популярный, широкий

Слайд 122

Island [ailənd] – green, popular, wide

Island [ailənd] – green, popular, wide

Слайд 123

A forest?

A forest?

Слайд 124

Forest – широкий, красивый, зелёный

Forest – широкий, красивый, зелёный

Слайд 125

Forest – wide, beautiful, green

Forest – wide, beautiful, green

Слайд 126

A beach?

A beach?

Слайд 127

Beach – чудесный

Beach – чудесный

Слайд 128

Beach – lovely

Beach – lovely

Слайд 129

A hill?

A hill?

Слайд 130

Hill – низкий [hju:dʒ] [hju:dʒ] 0002710017095

Hill – низкий




Слайд 131

Hill – low [lou] [hju:dʒ] [hju:dʒ] 0002710017095

Hill – low [lou]




Слайд 132

A river [rivə]?

A river [rivə]?

Слайд 133

River – длинная, широкая

River – длинная, широкая

Слайд 134

River – long, wide

River – long, wide

Слайд 135

A city?

A city?

Слайд 136

City – деловой, шумный, огромный

City – деловой, шумный, огромный

Слайд 137

City – busy, noisy, huge [hju:dʒ]

City – busy, noisy, huge [hju:dʒ]

Слайд 138

Exercise 7 Page 55

Exercise 7 Page 55

Слайд 139

Listen and complete the sentences with quite, really, very, not very

Listen and complete the sentences with quite, really, very, not very

Слайд 140

Page 57

Page 57

Слайд 141

Very, really make the sentence stronger

Very, really make the sentence stronger

Слайд 142

It’s really beautiful It’s very beautiful

It’s really beautiful It’s very beautiful

Слайд 143

Quite, not very make the sentence weaker

Quite, not very make the sentence weaker

Слайд 144

It isn’t very big It’s quite big

It isn’t very big It’s quite big

Слайд 145

Track 1.59

Track 1.59

Слайд 146

1. It’s….hot and dry

1. It’s….hot and dry

Слайд 147

2. It’s … popular now with people from other countries, too

2. It’s … popular now with people from other countries, too

Слайд 148

3. Kefalonia is a …. green island

3. Kefalonia is a …. green island

Слайд 149

4. It’s … busy and noisy, and it’s …. friendly

4. It’s … busy and noisy, and it’s …. friendly

Слайд 150

1. It’s….hot and dry

1. It’s….hot and dry

Слайд 151

1. It’s really hot and dry

1. It’s really hot and dry

Слайд 152

2. It’s … popular now with people from other countries, too

2. It’s … popular now with people from other countries, too

Слайд 153

2. It’s quite popular now with people from other countries, too

2. It’s quite popular now with people from other countries, too

Слайд 154

3. Kefalonia is a …. green island

3. Kefalonia is a …. green island

Слайд 155

3. Kefalonia is a very green island

3. Kefalonia is a very green island

Слайд 156

4. It’s … busy and noisy, and it’s …. friendly

4. It’s … busy and noisy, and it’s …. friendly

Слайд 157

4. It’s very busy and noisy, and it’s not very friendly

4. It’s very busy and noisy, and it’s not very friendly

Слайд 158

Really hot, very hot

Really hot, very hot

Слайд 159



Слайд 160

Quite hot

Quite hot

Слайд 161

Not very hot

Not very hot

Слайд 162

Exercise 8 Page 55

Exercise 8 Page 55

Слайд 163

Make sentences

Make sentences

Слайд 164

Russia is very big

Russia is very big

Слайд 165

1. Britain/ big

1. Britain/ big

Слайд 166

1. Britain isn’t very big

1. Britain isn’t very big

Слайд 167

2. Mount Everest/ high

2. Mount Everest/ high

Слайд 168

2. Mount Everest is very high

2. Mount Everest is very high

Слайд 169

3. The Amazon/ long

3. The Amazon/ long

Слайд 170

3. The Amazon is very long

3. The Amazon is very long

Слайд 171

4. Mexico City/ busy

4. Mexico City/ busy

Слайд 172

4. Mexico city is quite busy

4. Mexico city is quite busy

Слайд 173

5. Canada/ cold

5. Canada/ cold

Слайд 174

5. Canada is quite cold

5. Canada is quite cold

Слайд 175

6. Spain/ cold

6. Spain/ cold

Слайд 176

6. Spain isn’t very cold

6. Spain isn’t very cold

Слайд 177

Exercise 10A Page 55

Exercise 10A Page 55

Слайд 178

Listen to Megan talk about her country

Listen to Megan talk about her country

Слайд 179

Page 153 Track 1.60

Page 153 Track 1.60

Слайд 180

Hello. My name’s Megan and I come from Wales [weilz].

Hello. My name’s Megan and I come from Wales [weilz]. I

don’t live there now, I live in England, but Wales is still my home
Слайд 181

I come from the south of Wales, a village near

I come from the south of Wales, a village near Cardiff,

the main city of Wales. My parents still live there
Слайд 182

Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the

Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the north

and hills in the south, and there’re a lot of beautiful beaches in the west
Слайд 183

There’re also a lot of rivers in Wales – our

There’re also a lot of rivers in Wales – our

word for them is aber – yes, we have our own language!
Слайд 184

I like Wales [weilz] because it’s very beautiful and because people are really friendly

I like Wales [weilz] because it’s very beautiful and because people

are really friendly
Слайд 185

Track 1.60

Track 1.60

Слайд 186

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 187

Where does she come from?

Where does she come from?

Слайд 188

Hello. My name’s Megan and I come from Wales. I

Hello. My name’s Megan and I come from Wales. I don’t

live there now, I live in England, but Wales is still my home
Слайд 189

She comes from Wales [weilz]

She comes from Wales [weilz]

Слайд 190

Does she like it?

Does she like it?

Слайд 191

Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the

Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the north

and hills in the south, and there’re a lot of beautiful beaches in the west
Слайд 192

Yes, she does

Yes, she does

Слайд 193

Exercise 10B Page 55

Exercise 10B Page 55

Слайд 194

Which things does she talk about?

Which things does she talk about?

Слайд 195

1. Does she talk about it? Where she comes from

1. Does she talk about it? Where she comes from

Слайд 196

Hello. My name’s Megan and I come from Wales [weilz].

Hello. My name’s Megan and I come from Wales [weilz]. I

don’t live there now, I live in England, but Wales is still my home
Слайд 197

1. Yes, she does. She talks about where she comes from (Wales)

1. Yes, she does. She talks about where she comes from (Wales)

Слайд 198

2. Does she talk about it? What her village is near

2. Does she talk about it? What her village is near

Слайд 199

I come from the south of Wales, a village near

I come from the south of Wales, a village near Cardiff,

the main city of Wales. My parents still live there
Слайд 200

2. Yes, she does. She talks about what her village is near (Cardiff)

2. Yes, she does. She talks about what her village is

near (Cardiff)
Слайд 201

3. Does she talk about it? Where her parents live

3. Does she talk about it? Where her parents live

Слайд 202

I come from the south of Wales, a village near

I come from the south of Wales, a village near Cardiff,

the main city of Wales. My parents still live there
Слайд 203

3. Yes, she does. She talks about where her parents live (in the village near Cardiff)

3. Yes, she does. She talks about where her parents live

(in the village near Cardiff)
Слайд 204

4. Does she talk about it? Where her brothers and sisters live

4. Does she talk about it? Where her brothers and sisters live

Слайд 205

4. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t talk about where her brothers and sisters live

4. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t talk about where her brothers

and sisters live
Слайд 206

5. Does she talk about it? The landscapes in different parts of Wales

5. Does she talk about it? The landscapes in different parts of

Слайд 207

Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the

Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the north

and hills in the south, and there’re a lot of beautiful beaches in the west
Слайд 208

5. Yes, she does. She talks about the landscape in

5. Yes, she does. She talks about the landscape in different

parts of Wales (Wales is a lovely country. It has mountains in the north and hills in the south)
Слайд 209

6. Does she talk about it? Jobs in Wales

6. Does she talk about it? Jobs in Wales

Слайд 210

6. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t talk about jobs in Wales

6. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t talk about jobs in Wales

Слайд 211

7. Does she talk about it? What she likes about her country

7. Does she talk about it? What she likes about her country

Слайд 212

I like Wales [weilz] because it’s very beautiful and because people are really friendly

I like Wales [weilz] because it’s very beautiful and because people

are really friendly
Слайд 213

7. She talks about what she likes about her country

7. She talks about what she likes about her country (It’s

very beautiful and people are very friendly)
Слайд 214

8. Does she talk about it? What she doesn’t like about her country

8. Does she talk about it? What she doesn’t like about her

Слайд 215

8. She doesn’t talk about what she doesn’t like about her country

8. She doesn’t talk about what she doesn’t like about her

Слайд 216

Talk about Russia

Talk about Russia

Слайд 217

Russia is very big

Russia is very big

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