South African Climate and Wildlife презентация

Слайд 2

South Africa is located at the very bottom of the

South Africa is located at the very bottom of the African

Suid-Afrika is aan die onderste punt van die Afrika kontinent geleë.
South Africa is one of the biggest countries in Africa and its shores stretch along the South Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
Suid-Afrika is een van die grootste lande in Afrika en sy kuslyne strek vanaf die Suid Atlantiese na die Indiese Oseaan.

South Atlantic Ocean
Suid Atlantiese Oseaan

Indian Ocean
Indiese Oseaan

Where is South Africa?
Waar is Suid-Afrika?

Слайд 3

As South Africa is so big, the climate varies in

As South Africa is so big, the climate varies in different

regions, which attracts various species of wildlife.
Die klimaat in Suid-Afrika verskil baie, omdat die land so groot is. Verskillende diere spesies kom voor as gevolg van die verskillende klimaat.

Where is South Africa?
Waar is Suid-Afrika?

South Atlantic Ocean
Suid Atlantiese Oseaan

Indian Ocean
Indiese Oseaan

Слайд 4

What types of climate are there in South Africa? Watter

What types of climate are there in South Africa?

Watter tipe klimate

is daar in Suid-Afrika?

Indiese Oseaan

Suid Atlantiese Oseaan

Слайд 5

They have very distinctive marks on their face which make

They have very distinctive marks on their face which make them

look like they are crying black paint. These marks run down their cheeks from eyes to mouth.
Hulle het kenmerkende strepe op hul gesigte. Dit lyk amper asof hulle swart verf huil. Hierdie strepe begin by hul oë en eindig by hul monde.

Cheetah are the fastest land mammal on earth. They can reach speeds of up 120 km/h.
Jagluiperde is die vinnigste landdier op aarde en kan tot 120km/h hardloop!

The Cheetah
Die Jagluiperd

Cheetahs are the only cat that can turn in mid-air when chasing prey.
Jagluiperde is die enigste kat wat in die lug kan omdraai, terwyl hulle hul prooi jag.

Cheetahs are the only cat from the feline species that cannot retract their claws; their footprints look like those of dogs.
Jagluiperde is die enigste kat van die katspesies wat nie hul kloue kan terug trek nie. Hul voetspore lyk soos ‘n hond sin.

Слайд 6

The pangolin has its own day called “World Pangolin Day”

The pangolin has its own day called “World Pangolin Day” in

February to raise awareness of their rapidly declining numbers.
Die ietermagog het sy eie spesiale dag “Wêreld Ietermagog Dag” in Februarie om bewustheid aan hul afnemende nommers te bring.

The pangolin is the only mammal that is covered in keratin scales. Keratin is the same substance from which our hair and nails are made of.
Die ietermagog is die enigste soogdier wat met keratien skubbe bedek is. Keratien is dieselfde materiaal soos ons hare en naels.

They sleep during the day and hunt at night and their diet consists of ants and termites.
Hulle slaap gedurende die dag en jag snags en hul dieet bestaan uit miere en termiete.

The pangolin’s tongue can reach up to 40cm in length! It can actually be longer than its own body!
Die ietermagog se tong kan tot 40cm lank word! Dit kan inteendeel langer as hul eie liggame wees!

The Pangolin
Die Ietermagog

Слайд 7

There are 5 types of rhinos in the world, but

There are 5 types of rhinos in the world, but in

South Africa you can found only the black or the white species.
Daar is 5 ander tipe renosters in die wêreld, maar Suid-Afrika het slegs die wit- en swartrenoster.

The white rhino is the largest of all the rhino species. Males can reach a weight of about 2300 kg!
Die witrenoster is die grootste van al die renoster spesies. Die bulle kan tot 2300kg weeg!

The White Rhino
Die Witrenoster

Слайд 8

When another species was discovered, it was just called the

When another species was discovered, it was just called the “black

rhino” to distinguish it from the “white” one.
Toe 'n ander spesie ontdek word (‘n blaar-of planteter), het mense hom sommer net die "swartrenoster" genoem om die twee van mekaar te onderskei.

The white rhino was originally called the “wide mouthed” rhino due to the shape of its mouth which it uses to eat grass. People got “wide” mixed up with “white” and started calling it the “white rhino”. Die witrenoster was oorspronklik die "wye lip" renoster genoem weens die vorm van sy mond - dit is 'n graseter. Mense het deurmekaar met "wyd" en "wit" geraak en dit die "wit-lip-renoster" begin noem.

Rhinos are known as the bush firefighters and as they will extinguish a small fire by stamping on it.
Renosters is bekend as die bos brandweermanne en sal ‘n klein vuurtjie “blus” deur daarop te trap.

The White Rhino
Die Witrenoster

Слайд 9

Predators, like lions, can only see in black and white,

Predators, like lions, can only see in black and white, so

when they chase a zebra, the herd will stay close together. The black and white stripes combined together will confuse lions and they will struggle to target an individual zebra.
Roofdiere soos leeus, kan slegs in swart en wit sien, daarom sal die trop bymekaar bly as iets hulle jaag. Die strepe vorm een groot massa en die roofdier sal dan sukkel om ‘n individueel uit te sonder.

Zebras belong to the horse family. However, they are not striped horses, but a different species.
Sebras is deel van die perde familie, maar hulle is nie gestreepte perde nie en eintlik ‘n hele ander spesie.

Zebras’ stripes are like a human fingerprint. No two zebras will have the same stripes.
Sebra strepe is soos ons vingerafdrukke. Geen twee sebras sal dieselfde strepe hê nie.

You normally find zebras and wildebeests grazing together.
The zebra will eat the long grass and the wildebeest will come afterwards to eat the short grass.
Sebras en wildebeeste wei gewoonlik saam. Sebras is agter die lang gras aan, terwyl die wildebeeste die korter gras wil eet.

The African Zebra
Die Afrika Sebra

Слайд 10

Humpback whales are part of the baleen species and actually

Humpback whales are part of the baleen species and actually have

two blowholes on top of their heads instead of one like dolphins.
Bultrugwalvisse is deel van die baleinspesies en het eintlik twee spuitgate op hul koppe in plaas van een soos met dolfyne.

A humpback whale is about the length of a bus. Some are even longer! Male humpback whales are smaller than females.
‘n Bultrugwalvis kan so groot soos ‘n bus wees, party selfs langer! Die bulle is gewoonlik kleiner as die koeie.

They only eat during the summer and live of fat reserves during winter months.
Hulle eet slegs gedurende die somer en lewe dan van vetreserwes gedurende die wintermaande.

Just like the human fingerprints, the humpback whale’s tail is unique to each individual.
Nes ‘n mens se vingerafdruk, is die bultrugwalvis se stertvin eie aan elke individueel.

The Humpback Whale
Die Bultrugwalvis

Слайд 11

They only have one mate throughout their lives and are

They only have one mate throughout their lives and are both

devoted parents, very protective of their young.
Hulle het net een maat deur die loop van hul lewens en beide is goeie ouers en baie beskermd oor hul kuikens.

The blue crane is South Africa’s national bird.
Die bloukraanvoël is Suid-Afrika se nasionale voël.

Although blue cranes are good flyers, they moult during the last parts of summer. During this time they cannot fly.
Alhoewel bloukraanvoëls baie goed kan vlieg, verveer hulle gedurende die laaste deel van die somer. Tydens hierdie tyd kan hulle nie vlieg nie.

Female blue cranes choose mates after the males put up a display of throwing objects up into the air.
Die wyfies kies hul pasmaats nadat die mannetjies ‘n groot vertoning opgesit het. Hulle doen dit deur items in die lug op te gooi.

The Blue Crane
Die Bloukraanvoël

Слайд 12

Their black and white coat camouflages them underwater! Hul swart

Their black and white coat camouflages them underwater!
Hul swart en

wit pels kamoefleer hulle terwyl hulle onderwater swem!

The African penguins are only found on the south-western coast of Africa.
Die Afrika pikkewyn kom slegs aan die suid-westerlike kus van Afrika voor.

African penguins can hold their breath underwater for up to two and a half minutes and can swim to depths of about 30 metres!
Afrika pikkewyne kan hul asems tot sowat twee en ‘n half minute onderwater ophou en dan dieptes van omtrent 30 meter swem!

The African Penguin
Die Afrika Pikkewyn

Слайд 13

African penguins mate for life which means that they will

African penguins mate for life which means that they will stay

with the same partner for all their lives. They will return to the same breeding site every year.
Afrika pikkewyne paar lewenslank wat beteken dat hulle saam met dieselfde maat vir hul hele lewe bly. Hulle sal elke jaar na dieselfde broeiplek terugkeer.

The African Penguin
Die Afrika Pikkewyn

The African penguins sound like braying donkeys when they communicate with each other.
Die Afrika pikkewyn klink soos donkies wanneer hulle met mekaar kommunikeer.

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