Instructions for Using and Debugging TIGAR GUI Release 1P4 презентация

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Step 1. Install MCR version 7.9 The TIGAR needs the

Step 1. Install MCR version 7.9

The TIGAR needs the MCR (Matlab

Compiler Runtime) version 7.9 to be installed first.
The MCR version 7.9 is provided on TI website under ‘TIGAR Support Files’ as file.
Download it, unzip it, and install it by double click on MCRInstaller.exe file, follow the instructions given by installer.
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Step 2: Run TIGAR The file contains following files:

Step 2: Run TIGAR
The file contains following files:
This is main

exe file. You need to double click it to open TIGAR GUI.
Instruction to open TIGAR GUI.ppt
This is instructions PPT file.
This is TIGAR’s help file. When GUI is opened, and you click the ‘TIGAR Help File’ menu on top panel, this file opens up.
When external file option is used, TIGAR expects input to be in certain format. This template file shows an example input format in decimal. Overwrite the data of this with yours while keeping the format same.
When external file option is used, TIGAR expects input to be in certain format. This template file shows an example input format in hexadecimal. Overwrite the data of this with yours while keeping the format same.
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Step 2: Run TIGAR (Contd…) After MCR version 7.9 is

Step 2: Run TIGAR (Contd…)
After MCR version 7.9 is successfully installed,

just double click on TIGAR_Release1P4.exe file.
If you are opening TIGAR 1st time after you restarted PC, MCR takes about 20s to load. Next time it takes just 5s to load. Wait for this duration.
TIGAR GUI opens up and is ready to be used.
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When you encounter a problem in opening the GUI…

When you encounter a problem in opening the GUI…

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Open command prompt 1. type cmd in run window 2. press enter

Open command prompt 1. type cmd in run window 2. press enter

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Go to TIGAR_Release1P4 directory and execute the .exe file

Go to TIGAR_Release1P4 directory and execute the .exe file

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Upon successful execution, TIGAR image appears followed by a GUI

Upon successful execution, TIGAR image appears followed by a GUI and

message below on command prompt
If it doesn’t happen, take a snapshot (by print screen command) of message that appears on command prompt and send back by email or post on TI’s e2e community.
Also let us know which operating system you are using.
Post your problem in TI’s e2e community-high speed data converter forum at link below:
Имя файла: Instructions-for-Using-and-Debugging-TIGAR-GUI-Release-1P4.pptx
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