Introduction To ArcCatalog презентация


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ArcCatalog is a data-centric GUI tool used for managing spatial data

ArcCatalog is a data-centric GUI tool used for managing spatial data

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With ArcCatalog you can……. Inspect properties and attributes of data

With ArcCatalog you can…….

Inspect properties and attributes of data
Preview and explore

data contents
Evaluate quality and suitability of data
Create, move, copy, delete, organize, and rename
Review, update and define metadata
Import, export, convert
Define rules and behavior
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ArcCatalog Gives You…. Direct access to all your data ‘live.’

ArcCatalog Gives You….

Direct access to all your data ‘live.’
Connections to any

local or network disks.
Connections to local or remote folders.
Connections to relational databases via
MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, etc.
MS Access (jet), Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc.
Typically OLE DB can retrieve only non-spatial data
Personal geodatabases
MS Access (jet)
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ArcCatalog Is Better Equipped to Allow GIS Analysts To… Manage

ArcCatalog Is Better Equipped to Allow GIS Analysts To…

Manage the GIS

data explosion
Control consistency and quality of data
Maintain inventory of data holdings
Expose incomplete metadata
Identify redundant data
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ArcCatalog Is the Principal User Interface Used to Define and Manage the Geodatabase

ArcCatalog Is the Principal User Interface Used to Define and Manage

the Geodatabase
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What is a Geodatabase? A new type of geographic data

What is a Geodatabase?

A new type of geographic data format (GDF)

for ArcInfo 8.
Based on Object-Oriented Model
Users can add behavior, properties, rules and relationships to data
Implemented as extension to standard relational database technology
Supports topologically integrated feature classes
Extends the coverage model with support for complex networks, relationships among feature classes, and other object-oriented features
Provides platform for development of custom data models using visual tools like CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools and UML (Unified Modeling Language) notation
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Geodatabase Framework

Geodatabase Framework

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Geographic Feature Data Formats Formats are based on representations (models)

Geographic Feature Data Formats

Formats are based on representations (models) of the

real world that can be placed in a GIS to produce maps, perform interactive queries, and execute analyses.
CAD – first computer mapping model/format.
Binary file format with little attribute information.
Coverage – native ArcInfo 7 format.
Based on Georelational data model.
Vector data is maintained in indexed binary files and partitioned from, but linked to attribute tables by a common identifier.
Topological relationships are maintained.
Shortcomings – features aggregated into collections of points, lines & polygons with generic behavior. The behavior of a line representing a road is the same as the behavior of a line representing a stream.
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Geographic Feature Data Formats Shapefile – introduced with ArcView Also

Geographic Feature Data Formats

Shapefile – introduced with ArcView
Also georelational data model

– nontopological vector data format.
Very prolific format – much GIS data in Shapefile format.
Simpler than coverages than because they do not store topological associations among different features and feature classes.
Limited analysis capabilities due to lack of topology
Geodatabase – introduced in ArcInfo 8.
Object-oriented model – can characterize features more naturally by defining object types, topological, spatial and general relationships, and interactions.
Geodatabase features can be stored in a single database.
Create custom features in addition to points, lines, polygons
Brings physical model closer to logical model.
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Supported Data Types ArcInfo 8 supports four representations of geographic

Supported Data Types

ArcInfo 8 supports four representations of geographic data.
Vector data

for representing features.
Raster data for images, grids, and surfaces.
Triangulated irregular networks (TINS) for surfaces.
Tabular data.
Locators and addresses for finding a geographic position from an address.
Locators apply national postal conventions to convert an address to a position.
Note: in AI8, geodatabases do NOT store TINS. They must be kept in coverage workspaces.
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Three Ways to Create a Geodatabase Create from scratch. Use

Three Ways to Create a Geodatabase

Create from scratch.
Use tools in ArcCatalog

to create schema for feature datasets, tables, geometric networks, etc.
Migrate existing data.
Can convert by importing shapefiles, coverages, INFO tables, dbase tables, ArcStorm, Map LIBRARIAN, and ArcSDE layers.
Both spatial and non-spatial object component is translated.
Use CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools.
Can use CASE tools to create new custom objects and generate a geodatabase schema from UML (Unified Modeling Language).
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Single-user Geodatabase Personal Geodatabase. Implemented as a Microsoft Access database

Single-user Geodatabase

Personal Geodatabase.
Implemented as a Microsoft Access database (*.mdb file) by

using MS jet engine which is installed with AI8. MS access is not needed.
Can be placed on local or network drives.
Generally used for personal or small work-group use.
Can handle small to moderately sized datasets.
Personal geodatabase can yield decent performance for datasets of 250,000 objects or less.
Full functionality of geodatabase served through ArcSDE except versioning.
Versioning – allows many editors to work concurrently and includes framework to resolve edit conflicts.
If a personal geodatabase is deleted its gone.
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Multi-user (Enterprise) Geodatabase ArcSDE Geodatabase ArcSDE is the multi-user data

Multi-user (Enterprise) Geodatabase

ArcSDE Geodatabase
ArcSDE is the multi-user data access extension

to ArcInfo (bundled w/software) that serves geodatabases to AI applications running on pc’s on TCP/IP network.
Used for demanding datasets requiring concurrent editing by multiple users.
Created by installing a DBMS and ArcSDE on a server.
ArcCatalog only creates and deletes connections to ArcSDE geodatabases.
Can be deployed on UNIX or Windows NT.
Many use UNIX platform for ArcSDE and DBMS and NT for AI applications
ArcSDE is centrally tuned and managed by a DBA.
Can build SQL applications to access tables in a remote geodatabase.
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Geodatabase Elements Objects Object classes Features Feature classes Feature datasets

Geodatabase Elements

Object classes
Feature classes
Feature datasets
Relationship classes
Geometric networks
Spatial references

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Objects & Object Classes Geodatabases organize geographic data into a

Objects & Object Classes

Geodatabases organize geographic data into a hierarchy of

data objects.
Objects are instances of an object class that have properties and behavior.
Objects can be related to other objects via relationships
Objects have unique system identifiers (OID)
Object classes are tables in a geodatabase storing non-spatial data (e.g., Parcel owners)
Objects in an object class have the same
Properties - stored in the table as attributes
Behavior - implemented as a component
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Object Classes (tables) A row stores an Object

Object Classes (tables)

A row stores an Object

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Features and Feature Classes Features are objects with required shape

Features and Feature Classes

Features are objects with required shape (Points, Multi-points,

Lines & Polygons) that represent a real world object in a layer on a map.
Features classes are collections of features with same type of feature geometry and attributes.
A feature class is also an object class which stores spatial objects (features)(e.g., Parcels).
All the features in a feature class are in the same spatial reference.
Feature classes which store topological features must be contained within a feature dataset to ensure a common spatial reference.
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Feature Classes A row stores feature Feature Class Table

Feature Classes

A row stores feature

Feature Class Table

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Feature Datasets Containers for feature classes Shared spatial reference Analogous

Feature Datasets

Containers for feature classes
Shared spatial reference
Analogous to a coverage
less restrictive

also contain
relationship classes
geometric networks
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Relationships and Relationship Classes Relationships are an association between two

Relationships and Relationship Classes

Relationships are an association between two or more

objects in a geodatabase that can exist between
spatial objects (features in feature classes)
nonspatial objects (rows in tables)
spatial and nonspatial objects
Related objects can message each other
origin to destination
destination to origin
Both or Neither
Relationships can trigger behavior
Cascade, delete, move to follow, custom behavior
Relationships are stored in a Relationship Class
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Relationships Parcels (Spatial) Owners Non-Spatial




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Relationship Behavior

Relationship Behavior

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Geometric Networks A topological relationship among a collection of feature

Geometric Networks

A topological relationship among a collection of feature classes in

a feature dataset
Used to model network systems
Based upon geometric coincidence
Always live
Features are constrained to exist within the network
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Geometric Networks Network features classes must reside in a geometric

Geometric Networks

Network features classes must reside in a geometric network
Directly support

network analysis
Types of Network Features: Junction or Edge
Junction and edge features can be Simple or Complex
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Domains Describe the legal values of a field type Used


Describe the legal values of a field type
Used to ensure attribute

Can be shared among classes
Uniquely named
Types of domains
Range domains
Example- Water distribution mains can have a pressure between 40 and 100 psi
Coded value domains
Example - Water distribution mains can have a diameter of 10, 24 or 36 inches
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Subtypes Feature class “subclasses” that allow you to further distinguish


Feature class “subclasses” that allow you to further distinguish objects without

creating new feature classes
Same attributes and behavior
Can have different default values and domains for each field
Example: in a feature class which stores Water Mains
Steel mains can be 0 to 150 psi
PVC mains can be 0 to 100 psi
Both are subtypes of the Mains feature class
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Spatial References Describes the projection, spatial domain (X,Y,Z &M values),

Spatial References

Describes the projection, spatial domain (X,Y,Z &M values), and precision

for feature datasets or feature classes in a geodatabase.
All feature classes within a feature dataset share the same spatial reference.
Once created, the spatial domain for feature dataset/class cannot be changed.
Data outside extent of dataset need to be created in a new dataeset or standalone feature class.
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For additional detail on the geodatabase see: geodatabase.ppt

For additional detail on the geodatabase see: geodatabase.ppt

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ArcCatalog and Metadata Metadata is primarily viewed and edited in

ArcCatalog and Metadata

Metadata is primarily viewed and edited in ArcCatalog.

allows metadata to be easily created, stored, and accessed for all data types supported by ArcInfo 8.0 using open, flexible, industry standard technology.
AI8 has out-of-the-box support for the federal geographic data committee (FGDC) metadata content standard,
ArcCatalog has a built-in and easily accessible full-featured metadata editor.
AI8 automatically stores metadata with the data so that it also travels when the data is moved, distributed, exported, or renamed, including attached documents.
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ArcCatalog and Metadata Bottom line: metadata editor is easy to

ArcCatalog and Metadata

Bottom line: metadata editor is easy to use.

= more organized and accurate data.
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Underlying Metadata Technology = XML XML=eXtensible Markup Language Document-oriented structured

Underlying Metadata Technology = XML

XML=eXtensible Markup Language
Document-oriented structured data
Next step beyond

Separates data content from:
Content definition
Content display
Extensible Markup Language allows specific markup to be created for specific data. It has the virtues of HTML without its limitations.
Big advantage is in the portability
In essence, it travels with the data
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Where Is Metadata Stored? All data types and containers have

Where Is Metadata Stored?

All data types and containers have metadata
Coverages: XML

file stored in coverage folder
Shapefiles & images: XML file in same location as shapefile or image.
Example Cities.shp will have Cities.shp.xml file
Folders & ArcInfo Workspaces can also have metadata: Metadata.xml file stored in folder
Geodatabase data: XML stored in the database itself
Example – If access database, XML is with *.mdb file
Metadata can include attached documents and images, e.g., Word, *.Jpg.
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Creating and Editing Metadata Choose dataset and click the metadata

Creating and Editing Metadata

Choose dataset and click the metadata tab…
Metadata is

automatically created if it doesn’t exist
This can be turned on/off
Some metadata is automatically obtained (“harvested”) from the data
You can control frequency of metadata harvesting
Automatic time interval
Any file type can be added as an attachment to the metadata to extend metadata information
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ArcCatalog Metadata Editor

ArcCatalog Metadata Editor

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Extending and Customizing Metadata Metadata framework can be extended for

Extending and Customizing Metadata

Metadata framework can be extended for various custom

Data inventory and management
Quality control
Identify and remove redundant data
Custom metadata import / export
Very easy to create Metadata for WWW
Custom metadata publication / search
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A Simple Right-click of the Mouse Yields Property Dialog Boxes for All Data Types

A Simple Right-click of the Mouse Yields Property Dialog Boxes for

All Data Types
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Working with Coverages In ArcCatalog you can……. Generate topology Define

Working with Coverages

In ArcCatalog you can…….
Generate topology
Define coordinate systems
Modify coverage tics

and extent
Set coverage tolerances
Create coverage realtionship classes
Maintain attributes
Create new coverages
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Generating Coverage Topology Right-click on coverage Go to properties Click

Generating Coverage Topology

Right-click on coverage
Go to properties
Click the General tab

if topology or FAT exists
Click feature class to build topology for
Build or Clean
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Define Coverage Coordinates Right-click and go to properties From file

Define Coverage Coordinates

Right-click and go to properties
From file menu go to

Can define interactively
Can copy information from another grid, coverage, or TIN
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Modifying Coverage Tics and Extent Right-click on coverage Go to

Modifying Coverage Tics and Extent

Right-click on coverage
Go to properties
Click the

Tics and Extent tab
Click add
Click and add to X&Y
Fit button recalculates extent
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Creating New Coverages Right click on ArcCatalog folder where you

Creating New Coverages

Right click on ArcCatalog folder where you want to

create a coverage and go to “NEW” and “COVERAGE”
Follow steps in create coverage wizard
Can create a new empty coverage or use a master coverage for a template
The tics, extent, and coordinate system information are all copied to from the template coverage to the new coverage
If you do not use a template, you have to add tics before adding features
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Maintaining Coverage Attributes With attributes that reside in a feature

Maintaining Coverage Attributes

With attributes that reside in a feature attribute table

or separate INFO table ArcCatalog can….
Add new attributes.
Add redefined attributes.
Used to combine or create subsets of existing attributes.
Add/remove indexes.
Attribute indexes help to improve the performance of operations that access it.
If an attribute containg feature geometry is indexed, a spatial index is created.
Always recreate an index after modifying attribute values.
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From ArcCatalog you can add and edit the properties of

From ArcCatalog you can add and edit the properties of fields

in tables, shapefiles and feature classes by right clicking on the object and going to properties.
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ArcCatalog Is Highly Customizable ArcCatalog is customizable at three levels

ArcCatalog Is Highly Customizable

ArcCatalog is customizable at three levels
Menu driven, drag

and drop (requires no programming)
Position toolbars on or off the application
Add, move, & remove controls
Create new menu
Add custom macros & tools w/ Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Built in VBA scripting
Customize user interface
Automate tasks
Add new forms and controls
Object component programming
AI8 is COM (component object model) compliant and can be customized with any COM compliant programming language
Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual J++, Delphi
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The ArcCatalog Window Detachable Catalog Tree ESRI Metadata Viewer

The ArcCatalog Window

Detachable Catalog Tree

ESRI Metadata Viewer

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CAD Dataset (Blue) Coverages (Yellow) Raster Datasets (Grid) Layers (Bright

CAD Dataset (Blue)


Raster Datasets

(Bright Yellow)

Folder Connections

CAD Drawing File

The ArcCatalog Window

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Personal Geodatabase (Grey) ArcMap Document (.mxd) Projection (Globe) Shapefiles (Green)

Personal Geodatabase

ArcMap Document



ArcView Dbase Table (Green)
ArcInfo Info Table (Yellow)

The ArcCatalog Window

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TIN Dataset Preview Tab The ArcCatalog Window

TIN Dataset

Preview Tab

The ArcCatalog Window

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Geodatabase Feature Dataset Relationship Class Feature Classes Annotation Class The ArcCatalog Window


Feature Dataset

Relationship Class

Feature Classes

Annotation Class

The ArcCatalog Window

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Options Projection Files *.prj


Projection Files

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Creating Thumbnails

Creating Thumbnails

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Database Table (Blue) Remote Database Connection (Grey Cylinder w/network) Wizards for Creating Database Connections Database Connections

Database Table

Remote Database Connection
(Grey Cylinder w/network)

Wizards for Creating
Database Connections

Database Connections

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Add Coverage Attributes

Add Coverage Attributes

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Adding Fields

Adding Fields

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