VBA development technology. (Lecture 6) презентация


Слайд 2

Main steps during task solving

goal of the task;
mathematical model;
structure of the data;
GUI design;

implementation with IDE;
application analysis;
performing of a program;
analysis of results.

Слайд 3

Control names

Name of a control is set up with Name property.
Default names are:

TextBox1, TextBox2; Label1, Label2.
Prefix naming:

frmCheck; lblPrice; txtPrice; cmdCalculate

Слайд 4

Common prefixes

Слайд 5

Naming rules

No more than 40 symbols.
Names should be easy to read and understand

No spaces, dots and other special symbols instead underscore

Слайд 6

Dot notation

txtPrice.Text = 0
txtPrice.BackColor = vbYellow
txtPrice.Visible = False
Each control has its own default

property which may be used without dot notation, e.g.
txtCost.Text = txtPrice.Text*txtQuantity.Text
is the same as
txtCost = txtPrice * txtQuantity
in case if all controls are TextBoxes.

Слайд 7

Variables and constants

Variables are used to store interim values
Dim operator is used to

describe such variables

Constants are used for constant variables like PI (3.14) etc.
Const operator is used to describe such variables

Слайд 8

Variable description

[Public|Private] Dim As

Data type – set of possible values

for this variable

Dim i As Integer … i = 0 … i = i + 1

Dim operator reserves memory field of specific type for corresponding data type.

Слайд 9

Typical data types

Слайд 10

Constant description

[Public|Private] Const = Value

Const PI = 3.14159265 Const Rate$ = 22.45 Const CompanyName= “Microsoft” … L

= 2 * PI * R …

Embedded into VBA constants start with vb prefix.
vbRed – red color
vbSunday – sunday
vbCrLf – new line
vbYesNo – Yes and No buttons

Слайд 11

Boolean data type

The statement – is a sentence which can be true or


Слайд 12

Logical operations

Operand – value that takes part in operations
Logical NOT is statement

that is opposite to operand: 5 > 2 =True Not (5 > 2) = False
Logical AND is a statement when both its operands are true, e.g.
a < x < b is the same as (a < x) And (x < b)
Logical OR is a statement when at least one of its operands is true.
(i=5) Or (i = n)

Слайд 13

Date and time datatype

8 bytes in memory
Default USA format:
#m/d/yy h:mm:ss#
#9/23/06 19:40#

Слайд 14

Functions to work with data

Слайд 15

Interval values for DateAdd and DateDiff

DateAdd("m",3,Date) – add 3 months to date,

DateDiff("ww",#1.01.2001#,Date) – amount of weeks between date and begin of century.

Слайд 16

Transform to type functions

Слайд 17

Priority of operations

1. Arithmetical,
2. Comparison,
3. Logical.

1) Negation (Not);
2) Logical AND (And);

Logical OR (Or).

1) powering (^);
2) negation (-);
3) multiplication and division (*, /);
4) integer division (\);
5) modular summation (Mod);
6) addition and subtraction;
7) string concatenation (&).

=, <>, <, <=, >, >=

Слайд 18

Variable assignment

variable = value
Firstly value on the right side is calculated, then result

is assigned to variable.
txtCost = txtPrice * txtQuantity

Слайд 19

Application with different data types

Data type is assigned using Dim operator.
You may use

only variables those were described with Dim earlier.
Option Explicit operator allows VBA environment to look about this rule

Слайд 20

Назначение условного оператора

Разветвляющийся процесс – из нескольких вариантов выбирают только один, причем выбор

зависит от условия.

Слайд 21

Conditional operator

One-line model is used when each branch contains no more than single


Block model is used when at least one branch has more than one operator

Слайд 22

One-line model

If Condition Then Operator1 Else Operator2

If a > b Then max =

a Else max = b

If txtPrice = "" Then MsgBox “Please input price", _ vbExclamation, “Attention"

Имя файла: VBA-development-technology.-(Lecture-6).pptx
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