Pivastalo. Действие презентация

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Pivastalo Finding it’s Place in therapy Differentiation in Pharmacological Action

Pivastalo Finding it’s Place in therapy

Differentiation in
Pharmacological Action



Prevention of major CV events

Lower Drop out rate

Patient adherence


The Hidden Gem


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Pivastalo The Hidden Gem ® Pivastalo A distinctive lipid lowering


The Hidden Gem



A distinctive lipid lowering drug


Pivastalo is characterized by

a cyclopropyl moiety
that results in Superior Clinically efficacy and Safety profile.

The Lowest Statin Dose *1

Providing inhibition of cholesterol synthesis and increased lipoprotein lipase expression

The Highest Bioavailability

Pivastalo has a higher bioavailability
(60%-80%) than any other statin

Minimal drug–drug and drug–food interactions



Metabolism by CYP2C9 and not metabolized by CYP3A4

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Pivastalo The Hidden Gem ® Effective, first-line therapy that offers


The Hidden Gem


Effective, first-line therapy that offers an alternative, simple treatment

regimen in the
long-term care of primary hypercholesterolemia and combined dyslipidemia.


Effective lipid lowering drug

Dragos Budinski, Pitavastatin compared with atorvastatin in primary hypercholesterolemia or combined dyslipidemia Clin. Lipidol. (2009)

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Pivastalo Neutral effect on Glycemic Control The cumulative incidence of


Neutral effect on Glycemic Control

The cumulative incidence of (

New Onset of Diabetes Mellitus )NODM
was significantly lower in Pivastalo group Compared with the atorvastatin and rosuvastatin groups


The Hidden Gem

JahYeonChoi, Effect of Pitavastatin Compared with Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatinon
New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction, Am J Cardiol 2018

John Jp Kastelein, Pitavastatin: an overview of the LIVES study Clin. Lipidol. (2012)

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Pivastalo Offers Cardio-Protective Profile “The mediated High-Density lipoprotein (HDL) elevation


Offers Cardio-Protective Profile

“The mediated High-Density lipoprotein (HDL) elevation with Pivastalo

slow the formation
of atherosclerotic plaques and reduce the residual Cardiovascular risk“


The Hidden Gem


Luis Masana, Pitavastatin in cardio metabolic disease: therapeutic profile Masana Cardiovascular Diabetology 2013

John Jp Kastelein, Pitavastatin: an overview of the LIVES study Clin. Lipidol. (2012)

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Pivastalo Lower Drop Rate “Pivastalo has the lowest incidence of


Lower Drop Rate

“Pivastalo has the lowest incidence of Adverse Reports“


The Hidden Gem


In controlled clinical studies and the open-label extension, the discontinuation rates due to adverse events were 3.9%, 3.3% and 3.7% for the 1 mg, 2 mg, and 4 mg doses of Pitavastatin respectively.

Имя файла: Pivastalo.-Действие.pptx
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