Pedagogical regularities of the development of methods for teaching paper plasticity in junior schoolchildren презентация

Слайд 2

SUPERVISOR : Cheremnyh Galina Valerievna


Cheremnyh Galina Valerievna

Слайд 3

Purpose of the study Development of teaching methods for paper plastic

Purpose of the study

Development of teaching methods for paper plastic

Слайд 4

Objectives of the dissertation: Explore the history of paper creation

Objectives of the dissertation:

Explore the history of paper creation and the

development of paper plastics
Learn the basics of pedagogy and psychology of teaching
Analyze existing methods of teaching paper plastics
Develop a series of lessons based on the material studied
Слайд 5

Research plan: Introduction Chapter I. The history of paper plastics.

Research plan:

Chapter I. The history of paper plastics.
1.1. Paper History
1.2. Paper

processing techniques
Chapter II. Paper plastic with younger schoolchildren in additional education.
2.1. Teaching methods for paper plastic
2.2. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the lesson
2.3. Development of teaching methods for paper plastic
Слайд 6

My practice: Decoration to the fable "Crow and the Fox" by Krylov I. A.

My practice: Decoration to the fable "Crow and the Fox" by

Krylov I. A.
Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Имя файла: Pedagogical-regularities-of-the-development-of-methods-for-teaching-paper-plasticity-in-junior-schoolchildren.pptx
Количество просмотров: 29
Количество скачиваний: 0