All About Pancake Day презентация

Слайд 2

What Is Pancake Day?

What Is Pancake Day?

Слайд 3

Why Do People Eat Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?

Why Do People Eat Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?

Слайд 4

What Are Pancakes Made From? Pancakes are made from batter. The batter is made using:

What Are Pancakes Made From?

Pancakes are made from batter. The batter

is made using:
Слайд 5

How Do We Make Pancakes? We mix all these ingredients

How Do We Make Pancakes?

We mix all these ingredients together.

Then we

put the batter in a frying pan and cook it.
Слайд 6

How Do We Eat Pancakes? When the pancake is cooked,

How Do We Eat Pancakes?

When the pancake is cooked, we serve

it with our favourite toppings, like lemon juice and sugar.
What is your favourite topping?
Слайд 7

Pancake Racing Photo courtesy of robinmyerscough ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution

Pancake Racing

Photo courtesy of robinmyerscough ( - granted under creative commons

licence - attribution
Слайд 8

How Do Other Countries Celebrate Pancake Day?

How Do Other Countries Celebrate Pancake Day?

Слайд 9

Photo courtesy of hepp ( - granted under creative commons

Photo courtesy of hepp ( - granted under creative commons licence

- attribution


The Swedish call Pancake Day ‘Fettsdagen’, which means ‘Fat Tuesday’. They eat a pastry called Semla instead of pancakes.

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Photo courtesy of Mr. GunnText4 ( - granted under creative

Photo courtesy of Mr. GunnText4 ( - granted under creative commons

licence - attribution

Pancake Day is called ‘Mardi Gras’ here as well as many other Catholic and Protestant countries.


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Photo courtesy of awkward.aardwolf ( - granted under creative commons

Photo courtesy of awkward.aardwolf ( - granted under creative commons licence

- attribution

Pancake Day is ‘Vastlapäev’ in Estonia and they eat pea soup along with cream buns called ‘Vastlakukkel’. People also go sledging.


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Photo courtesy of subtle_devices ( - granted under creative commons

Photo courtesy of subtle_devices ( - granted under creative commons licence

- attribution

Iceland call their Pancake Day ‘Sprengidagur’, which means ‘Bursting Day’. They eat salted meats and peas.


Слайд 13

Fun Fact

Fun Fact

Имя файла: All-About-Pancake-Day.pptx
Количество просмотров: 17
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