Changing weather. Unit 8.3 презентация


Слайд 2

What’s the weather [weðə] like today? How’s the weather today?

What’s the weather [weðə] like today?
How’s the weather today?

Слайд 3

What are the shops like in London? How are the shops in London?

What are the shops like in London?
How are the shops in

Слайд 4

Please ask these questions

Please ask these questions

Слайд 5

1. Какая еда (the food) в Лондоне?

1. Какая еда (the food) в Лондоне?

Слайд 6

What’s the food like in London? How’s the food?

What’s the food like in London?
How’s the food?

Слайд 7

2. Какие гостиницы (the hotels) в Лондоне?

2. Какие гостиницы (the hotels) в Лондоне?

Слайд 8

2. What’re the hotels like in London? How are the hotels?

2. What’re the hotels like in London?
How are the hotels?

Слайд 9

3. Какие парки (the parks) в Лондоне?

3. Какие парки (the parks) в Лондоне?

Слайд 10

3. What’re the parks like in London? How are the parks?

3. What’re the parks like in London?
How are the parks?

Слайд 11

4. Какие музеи (the museums) в Лондоне?

4. Какие музеи (the museums) в Лондоне?

Слайд 12

4. What’re the museums like in London? How’re the museums?

4. What’re the museums like in London?
How’re the museums?

Слайд 13

5. Какие люди (the people) в Лондоне?

5. Какие люди (the people) в Лондоне?

Слайд 14

5. What’re the people like in London? How are the people?

5. What’re the people like in London?
How are the people?

Слайд 15

Exercise 1 Page 84

Exercise 1 Page 84

Слайд 16

Match the symbols with the weather [weðə] descriptions

Match the symbols with the weather [weðə] descriptions

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Слайд 19

Слайд 20

It’s warm

It’s warm

Слайд 21

It’s warm

It’s warm

Слайд 22

Слайд 23

Слайд 24

It’s cold

It’s cold

Слайд 25

It’s cold

It’s cold

Слайд 26

Слайд 27

Слайд 28

It’s windy

It’s windy

Слайд 29

It’s windy [windi] - ветрено

It’s windy [windi] - ветрено

Слайд 30

Слайд 31

Слайд 32

It’s cloudy

It’s cloudy

Слайд 33

It’s cloudy [klaudi] -облачно

It’s cloudy [klaudi] -облачно

Слайд 34

Слайд 35

Слайд 36

It’s foggy

It’s foggy

Слайд 37

It’s foggy - туманно

It’s foggy - туманно

Слайд 38

Слайд 39

Слайд 40

It’s snowing

It’s snowing

Слайд 41

It’s snowing

It’s snowing

Слайд 42

Слайд 43

Слайд 44

It’s sunny

It’s sunny

Слайд 45

It’s sunny

It’s sunny

Слайд 46

Слайд 47

Слайд 48

It’s raining

It’s raining

Слайд 49

It’s raining

It’s raining

Слайд 50

Exercise 2A Page 84

Exercise 2A Page 84

Слайд 51

Listen to some people talking about the weather [weðə] in their countries

Listen to some people talking about the weather [weðə] in

their countries
Слайд 52

Page 155 Track 2.14

Page 155 Track 2.14

Слайд 53

1. Before you read about Scotland

1. Before you read about Scotland

Слайд 54

In the south [sauθ] of Scotland

In the south [sauθ] of Scotland

Слайд 55

In the north [no:θ] of Scotland In the highlands [hailəndz]

In the north [no:θ] of Scotland In the highlands [hailəndz]

Слайд 56

Quite [kwait] warm – довольно тепло

Quite [kwait] warm – довольно тепло

Слайд 57

Read about Scotland

Read about Scotland

Слайд 58

W – woman A – Ailsa

W – woman A – Ailsa

Слайд 59

W: Ailsa, what’s the weather like in Scotland right now?

W: Ailsa, what’s the weather like in Scotland right now?

Слайд 60

A: In the south of Scotland it’s quite warm and

A: In the south of Scotland it’s quite warm and sunny,

but in the north, in the highlands, there’s still snow on the mountains
Слайд 61

2. Before you read about Canada

2. Before you read about Canada

Слайд 62

Actually [æktʃuəli]- на самом деле

Actually [æktʃuəli]- на самом деле

Слайд 63

15 degrees [di’gri:z]- 15 градусов

15 degrees [di’gri:z]- 15 градусов

Слайд 64

Read about Canada

Read about Canada

Слайд 65

W – woman H – Heather

W – woman H – Heather

Слайд 66

W: What’s the weather like in Canada at the moment?

W: What’s the weather like in Canada at the moment?
H: Well,

it’s summertime in Canada right now
Слайд 67

H: But it’s actually not that warm. It’s 15 degrees [di’gri:z] and really foggy today

H: But it’s actually not that warm. It’s 15 degrees [di’gri:z]

and really foggy today
Слайд 68

3. Before you read about Norway

3. Before you read about Norway

Слайд 69

Late summer

Late summer

Слайд 70

W – woman S – Stig

W – woman S – Stig

Слайд 71

Read about Norway

Read about Norway

Слайд 72

W: Hi, Stig. What’s the weather like over there? S:

W: Hi, Stig. What’s the weather like over there?
S: At the

moment in Norway it’s late summer. And today it’s warm and sunny
Слайд 73

4. Before you read about Brazil

4. Before you read about Brazil

Слайд 74

Really hot and sunny

Really hot and sunny

Слайд 75

Read about Brazil

Read about Brazil

Слайд 76

W – woman A – Amber

W – woman A – Amber

Слайд 77

W: Amber, what’s the weather like in Brazil now? A:

W: Amber, what’s the weather like in Brazil now?
A: Well, this

morning it was really hot and sunny, but now it’s raining
Слайд 78

Track 2.14

Track 2.14

Слайд 79

Exercise 2B Page 84

Exercise 2B Page 84

Слайд 80

Listen again and complete the summaries

Listen again and complete the summaries

Слайд 81

1. 2. In the south it’s quite …. and sunny,

1. 2. In the south it’s quite …. and sunny, but

in the north there’s still … on the mountains
Слайд 82

1. 2. In the south it’s quite warm and sunny,

1. 2. In the south it’s quite warm and sunny, but

in the north there’s still snow on the mountains
Слайд 83

3. 4. It’s not that warm. It’s 15 … and really …. today

3. 4. It’s not that warm. It’s 15 … and really

…. today
Слайд 84

3. 4. It’s not that warm. It’s 15 degrees and really foggy today

3. 4. It’s not that warm. It’s 15 degrees and really

foggy today
Слайд 85

5. 6. It’s late …. and today it’s warm and …..

5. 6. It’s late …. and today it’s warm and …..

Слайд 86

5. 6. It’s late summer and today it’s warm and sunny

5. 6. It’s late summer and today it’s warm and sunny

Слайд 87

7. 8. This morning it was really …. and sunny, but now it’s …..

7. 8. This morning it was really …. and sunny, but

now it’s …..
Слайд 88

7. 8. This morning it was really hot and sunny, but now it’s raining

7. 8. This morning it was really hot and sunny, but

now it’s raining
Слайд 89

Before ld, nd we read o as [ou] and i as [ai]

Before ld, nd we read o as [ou] and i as

Слайд 90

Child, mild, gold, hold, told, sold, mold, bold

Child, mild, gold, hold, told, sold, mold, bold

Слайд 91

Find, rind, blind, kind, bind, hind

Find, rind, blind, kind, bind, hind

Слайд 92

Exercise 3B Page 84

Exercise 3B Page 84

Слайд 93

[o] [ou]

[o] [ou]

Слайд 94

1. cold [kould] – gold [gould]

1. cold [kould] – gold [gould]

Слайд 95

2. top [top] – told [tould]

2. top [top] – told [tould]

Слайд 96

3. snow [snou] – hot [hot]

3. snow [snou] – hot [hot]

Слайд 97

4. not [not] – lot [lot]

4. not [not] – lot [lot]

Слайд 98

Track 2.16

Track 2.16

Слайд 99

Exercise 4 Page 84

Exercise 4 Page 84

Слайд 100

1. What’s happening in the photos on page 84?

1. What’s happening in the photos on page 84?

Слайд 101

What’s the weather like?

What’s the weather like?

Слайд 102

It’s snowing and it’s foggy

It’s snowing and it’s foggy

Слайд 103

2. Which cities are they?

2. Which cities are they?

Слайд 104

Слайд 105

It’s London and Manchester

It’s London and Manchester

Слайд 106

3. What time of year is it?

3. What time of year is it?

Слайд 107

Слайд 108

It’s winter

It’s winter

Слайд 109

4. Is the weather usually like this in these cities?

4. Is the weather usually like this in these cities?

Слайд 110

Слайд 111

No, it isn’t

No, it isn’t

Слайд 112

Exercise 5A Page 84

Exercise 5A Page 84

Слайд 113

Read the text quickly and match it with one of the photos

Read the text quickly and match it with one of the

Слайд 114

Before you read paragraph 1

Before you read paragraph 1

Слайд 115

Climate [klaimit] - климат

Climate [klaimit] - климат

Слайд 116

Seem – казаться

Seem – казаться

Слайд 117

Extremes [iks’tri:mz] – экстремальные случаи

Extremes [iks’tri:mz] – экстремальные случаи

Слайд 118

Read paragraph 1

Read paragraph 1

Слайд 119

Many people say the climate [klaimit] is changing

Many people say the climate [klaimit] is changing

Слайд 120

It certainly seems that there’re several examples of unusually hot

It certainly seems that there’re several examples of unusually hot and

cold conditions [kən’diʃənz] from the last few [fju:] years
Слайд 121

Before you read paragraph 2

Before you read paragraph 2

Слайд 122

Heat [hi:t] wave – волна жары

Heat [hi:t] wave – волна жары

Слайд 123

Temperature [tempritʃə] – температура

Temperature [tempritʃə] – температура

Слайд 124

Athens [æθinz] – Афины

Athens [æθinz] – Афины

Слайд 125

46 degrees [dig’ri:z]– 46 градусов

46 degrees [dig’ri:z]– 46 градусов

Слайд 126

Celius [selsius] – по шкале Целсия

Celius [selsius] – по шкале Целсия

Слайд 127

Power [pauə] cut – отключение электричества

Power [pauə] cut – отключение электричества

Слайд 128

Complete [kəm’pli:t] darkness – полная темнота

Complete [kəm’pli:t] darkness – полная темнота

Слайд 129

Read paragraph 2

Read paragraph 2

Слайд 130

Recently there was an extreme [iks’tri:m] summer heat wave in

Recently there was an extreme [iks’tri:m] summer heat wave in Greece.

Temperatures [tempritʃəz] in Athens [æθinz] reached 46 degrees Celsius
Слайд 131

And 15 people died because of the heat. There were

And 15 people died because of the heat. There were power

cuts because so many people turned on their air conditioners
Слайд 132

As a result, thousands of people spent the evening in complete darkness

As a result, thousands of people spent the evening in complete

Слайд 133

Before you read paragraph 3

Before you read paragraph 3

Слайд 134

Mild [maild] - мягкий

Mild [maild] - мягкий

Слайд 135

Below [bi’lou] zero- ниже нуля

Below [bi’lou] zero- ниже нуля

Слайд 136

Melt - таять

Melt - таять

Слайд 137

Read paragraph 3

Read paragraph 3

Слайд 138

The south of Britain usually has a mild [maild] winter,

The south of Britain usually has a mild [maild] winter,

but last year it was extremely [iks’tri:mli] cold. It snowed in London
Слайд 139

And the temperature [tempritʃə] remained below zero for several weeks, so the snow didn’t melt

And the temperature [tempritʃə] remained below zero for several weeks,

so the snow didn’t melt
Слайд 140

Because of the snow and ice the buses and trains

Because of the snow and ice the buses and trains stopped,

so a lot of people didn’t get to work
Слайд 141

Exercise 5B Page 85

Exercise 5B Page 85

Слайд 142

Read the text again and answer the questions

Read the text again and answer the questions

Слайд 143

1. How hot was Athens [æθinz] recently?

1. How hot was Athens [æθinz] recently?

Слайд 144

Recently there was an extreme [iks’tri:m] summer heat wave in

Recently there was an extreme [iks’tri:m] summer heat wave in Greece.

Temperatures [tempritʃəz] in Athens [æθinz] reached 46 degrees Celsius
Слайд 145

46 degrees Celsius

46 degrees Celsius

Слайд 146

2. Why was it dark in the evening?

2. Why was it dark in the evening?

Слайд 147

And 15 people died because of the heat. There were

And 15 people died because of the heat. There were power

cuts because so many people turned on their air conditioners
Слайд 148

Because of power [pauə] cuts

Because of power [pauə] cuts

Слайд 149

3. How long was the temperature [tempritʃə] below zero in London?

3. How long was the temperature [tempritʃə] below zero in London?

Слайд 150

And the temperature [tempritʃə] remained below zero for several weeks, so the snow didn’t melt

And the temperature [tempritʃə] remained below zero for several weeks,

so the snow didn’t melt
Слайд 151

For several weeks

For several weeks

Слайд 152

4. Why didn’t some people get to work?

4. Why didn’t some people get to work?

Слайд 153

Because of the snow and ice the buses and trains

Because of the snow and ice the buses and trains stopped,

so a lot of people didn’t get to work
Слайд 154

Because the buses and trains stopped

Because the buses and trains stopped

Слайд 155

Exercise 6 Page 85

Exercise 6 Page 85

Слайд 156

Match the words with their meanings

Match the words with their meanings

Слайд 157

Слайд 158

1. Mild [maild] – not extreme, not very hot or cold

1. Mild [maild] – not extreme, not very hot or cold

Слайд 159

Слайд 160

2. Heat wave– a short period of very hot weather (d)

2. Heat wave– a short period of very hot weather (d)

Слайд 161

Слайд 162

3. Heat – the noun from “hot” (e)

3. Heat – the noun from “hot” (e)

Слайд 163

Слайд 164

4. Power cuts – when there’s no electricity (b)

4. Power cuts – when there’s no electricity (b)

Слайд 165

Слайд 166

5. Air conditioners – machines that make the air cold (c)

5. Air conditioners – machines that make the air cold (c)

Слайд 167

Слайд 168

6. Melt – change from solid to liquid [likwid] (жидкий) (a)

6. Melt – change from solid to liquid [likwid] (жидкий) (a)

Слайд 169

Exercise 7 Page 85

Exercise 7 Page 85

Слайд 170

Nouns and adjectives Which adjectives do these nouns come from?

Nouns and adjectives Which adjectives do these nouns come from?

Слайд 171

1. Tiredness [taiədnəs] ?

1. Tiredness [taiədnəs] ?

Слайд 172

1. Tiredness [taiədnəs] - tired

1. Tiredness [taiədnəs] - tired

Слайд 173

2. Happiness?

2. Happiness?

Слайд 174

2. Happiness - happy

2. Happiness - happy

Слайд 175

3. Fitness?

3. Fitness?

Слайд 176

3. Fitness - fit

3. Fitness - fit

Слайд 177

4. Sickness?

4. Sickness?

Слайд 178

4. Sickness - sick

4. Sickness - sick

Слайд 179

5. Baldness [bo:ldnəs]?

5. Baldness [bo:ldnəs]?

Слайд 180

5. Baldness [bo:ldnəs] – bald (лысый)

5. Baldness [bo:ldnəs] – bald (лысый)

Слайд 181

6. Craziness?

6. Craziness?

Слайд 182

6. Craziness – crazy (сумасшедший)

6. Craziness – crazy (сумасшедший)

Слайд 183

Слайд 184

Слайд 185

We use Present Simple for actions that happen often, every year, etc

We use Present Simple for actions that happen often, every year,

Слайд 186

We always eat a pizza on Friday evenings

We always eat a pizza on Friday evenings

Слайд 187

We use Present Continuous for actions happening now

We use Present Continuous for actions happening now

Слайд 188

We’re having our pizza now

We’re having our pizza now

Слайд 189

Page 87

Page 87

Слайд 190

Exercise 8A Page 85

Exercise 8A Page 85

Слайд 191

Listen to a phone conversation

Listen to a phone conversation

Слайд 192

Page 156 Track 2.18

Page 156 Track 2.18

Слайд 193

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 194

Hardly ever [evə] – почти нет

Hardly ever [evə] – почти нет

Слайд 195

Crazy – безумный

Crazy – безумный

Слайд 196

At least [li:st] – по меньшей мере

At least [li:st] – по меньшей мере

Слайд 197

Depressed [di’prest] – в депрессии

Depressed [di’prest] – в депрессии

Слайд 198

I suppose [sə’pouz]– я думаю (считаю, полагаю)

I suppose [sə’pouz]– я думаю (считаю, полагаю)

Слайд 199

J – Jan (in New York) L – Luke (in London) (A telephone conversation)

J – Jan (in New York) L – Luke (in London) (A telephone

Слайд 200

J: Hello L: Jan, it’s Luke J: Luke? You don’t

J: Hello L: Jan, it’s Luke
J: Luke? You don’t usually call at

this time. You always phone in the evenings
Слайд 201

L: I know. But I am not at work. I

L: I know. But I am not at work. I am

at home
J: Oh, are you sick?
L: No, but I can’t get into the office
Слайд 202

L: The underground isn’t working today J: Really? Why? L:

L: The underground isn’t working today
J: Really? Why?
L: It’s snowing here

Snowing! So what?
Слайд 203

L: Well, it’s really snowing a lot. So the trains

L: Well, it’s really snowing a lot. So the trains and

buses aren’t [a:nt] running. People can’t get to work and lots of people are staying at home
Слайд 204

J. But it snows all through the winter in New

J. But it snows all through the winter in New York.

Nothing stops because of that!
L: I know. But it hardly ever snows in London
Слайд 205

L: It’s a shock for us J: That’s crazy! L:

L: It’s a shock for us
J: That’s crazy!
L: Well, at least

[li:st], it isn’t raining
J: yes. I hate rainy weather
Слайд 206

J: I always feel sad and depressed when the sky

J: I always feel sad and depressed when the sky is

gray and there’s no sun
L: I know what you mean. London is always gray in December and January
Слайд 207

J: Yeah, I prefer snow really. Everything looks so beautiful L: Mm. I suppose so

J: Yeah, I prefer snow really. Everything looks so beautiful
L: Mm.

I suppose so
Слайд 208

Exercise 8B Page 85

Exercise 8B Page 85

Слайд 209

1. Luke is phoning Jan from the office

1. Luke is phoning Jan from the office

Слайд 210

L: I know. But I am not at work. I

L: I know. But I am not at work. I am

at home
J: Oh, are you sick?
L: No, but I can’t get into the office
Слайд 211

1. Luke is phoning Jan from home

1. Luke is phoning Jan from home

Слайд 212

2. In London, lots of people are staying at home today

2. In London, lots of people are staying at home today

Слайд 213

L: Well, it’s really snowing a lot. So the trains

L: Well, it’s really snowing a lot. So the trains and

buses aren’t running. People can’t get to work and lots of people are staying at home
Слайд 214

2. In London, lots of people are staying at home today

2. In London, lots of people are staying at home today

Слайд 215

3. It hardly ever snows in New York

3. It hardly ever snows in New York

Слайд 216

J. But it snows all through the winter in New

J. But it snows all through the winter in New York.

Nothing stops because of that!
L: I know. But it hardly ever snows in London
Слайд 217

3. It often snows in New York

3. It often snows in New York

Слайд 218

4. It’s raining in London

4. It’s raining in London

Слайд 219

L: It’s a shock for us J: That’s crazy! L:

L: It’s a shock for us
J: That’s crazy!
L: Well, at least,

it isn’t raining
J: Yes. I hate rainy weather
Слайд 220

4. It’s snowing in London

4. It’s snowing in London

Слайд 221

5. Jan hates rain

5. Jan hates rain

Слайд 222

L: It’s a shock for us J: That’s crazy! L:

L: It’s a shock for us
J: That’s crazy!
L: Well, at least,

it isn’t raining
J: Yes. I hate rainy weather
Слайд 223

5. Jan hates rain

5. Jan hates rain

Слайд 224

Exercise 8C Page 85

Exercise 8C Page 85

Слайд 225

Discuss these questions

Discuss these questions

Слайд 226

1. Jan says she likes snow. Why?

1. Jan says she likes snow. Why?

Слайд 227

Everything looks so beautiful

Everything looks so beautiful

Слайд 228

2. Do you like winter weather?

2. Do you like winter weather?

Слайд 229

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 230

2. What’s the weather like in your country in winter?

2. What’s the weather like in your country in winter?

Слайд 231

It snows a lot and it’s always cold

It snows a lot and it’s always cold

Слайд 232

3. Do you think the weather is changing?

3. Do you think the weather is changing?

Слайд 233

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 234

Exercise 9 Page 85

Exercise 9 Page 85

Слайд 235

Underline the verbs in the Present Continuous

Underline the verbs in the Present Continuous

Слайд 236

The underground isn’t working today

The underground isn’t working today

Слайд 237

It snows all through the winter in New York

It snows all through the winter in New York

Слайд 238

The trains and buses aren’t running

The trains and buses aren’t running

Слайд 239

You always phone in the evenings

You always phone in the evenings

Слайд 240

Exercise 10 Page 85

Exercise 10 Page 85

Слайд 241

Choose the correct form of the verbs in the sentences

Choose the correct form of the verbs in the sentences

Слайд 242

1. At the moment it rains/ is raining

1. At the moment it rains/ is raining

Слайд 243

1. At the moment it is raining

1. At the moment it is raining

Слайд 244

2. We never take/ are taking the bus to work

2. We never take/ are taking the bus to work

Слайд 245

2. We never take the bus to work

2. We never take the bus to work

Слайд 246

3. I always carry/ am carrying my umbrella in winter

3. I always carry/ am carrying my umbrella in winter

Слайд 247

3. I always carry my umbrella in winter

3. I always carry my umbrella in winter

Слайд 248

4. It’s hot so Kevin doesn’t wear/ isn’t wearing a coat today

4. It’s hot so Kevin doesn’t wear/ isn’t wearing a coat

Слайд 249

4. It’s hot so Kevin isn’t wearing a coat today

4. It’s hot so Kevin isn’t wearing a coat today

Слайд 250

5. We study/’re studying a new tense in the English class

5. We study/’re studying a new tense in the English class

Слайд 251

5. We’re studying a new tense in the English class

5. We’re studying a new tense in the English class

Слайд 252

6. My parents don’t drink/ aren’t drinking coffee after 6 p.m

6. My parents don’t drink/ aren’t drinking coffee after 6 p.m

Слайд 253

6. My parents don’t drink coffee after 6 p.m.

6. My parents don’t drink coffee after 6 p.m.

Слайд 254

Exercise 11 Page 85

Exercise 11 Page 85

Слайд 255

Write what the people usually do and what they’re doing now

Write what the people usually do and what they’re doing now

Слайд 256

1. Peter usually drives a bus. Today he’s sunbathing

1. Peter usually drives a bus. Today he’s sunbathing

Слайд 257

2. Laura usually walks to work.

2. Laura usually walks to work.

Слайд 258

What’s Laura doing today?

What’s Laura doing today?

Слайд 259

She’s driving her new car

She’s driving her new car

Слайд 260

3. Sally usually cleans the house.

3. Sally usually cleans the house.

Слайд 261

What’s Sally doing today?

What’s Sally doing today?

Слайд 262

She’s playing football today

She’s playing football today

Слайд 263

4. Anna usually wears jeans

4. Anna usually wears jeans

Слайд 264

What’s she wearing today?

What’s she wearing today?

Имя файла: Changing-weather.-Unit-8.3.pptx
Количество просмотров: 20
Количество скачиваний: 0