Culture vulture. Unit 1.1 презентация


Слайд 2

ture - [tʃə]

ture - [tʃə]

Слайд 3

Culture [kʌltʃə]

Culture [kʌltʃə]

Слайд 4

Vulture [vʌltʃə]

Vulture [vʌltʃə]

Слайд 5

Nature [neitʃə]

Nature [neitʃə]

Слайд 6

Temperature [tempritʃə]

Temperature [tempritʃə]

Слайд 7

Literature [litrətʃə]

Literature [litrətʃə]

Слайд 8

Texture [tekstʃə]

Texture [tekstʃə]

Слайд 9

Lecture [lektʃə]

Lecture [lektʃə]

Слайд 10

What’s a culture [kʌltʃə] vulture [vʌltʃə]?

What’s a culture [kʌltʃə]
vulture [vʌltʃə]?

Слайд 11

A culture vulture (любитель культурных мероприятий)

A culture vulture
(любитель культурных мероприятий)

Слайд 12

Exercise 1A Page 10

Exercise 1A
Page 10

Слайд 13

Match the photos with the descriptions

Match the photos with the descriptions

Слайд 14

A party animal 2. A workaholic 3. A couch [kautʃ]

A party animal
2. A workaholic
3. A couch [kautʃ] potato [pə’teitou]
4. A

culture [kʌltʃə]
vulture [vʌltʃə]
Слайд 15

A party animal. You like going out late and dancing

A party animal. You like going out late and dancing

Слайд 16

You like spending your free time with your friends

You like spending your free time with your friends

Слайд 17

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 18



Слайд 19

Photo B

Photo B

Слайд 20

2. A workaholic. You spend most of your time working

2. A workaholic. You spend most of your time working

Слайд 21

2. And you aren’t interested in other things. You don’t go out much

2. And you aren’t interested in other things. You don’t go

out much
Слайд 22

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 23



Слайд 24

Photo C

Photo C

Слайд 25

3. A couch potato. You like staying in and eating junk food

3. A couch potato. You like staying in and eating junk

Слайд 26

3. You spend a lot of time watching television

3. You spend a lot of time watching television

Слайд 27

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 28



Слайд 29

Photo A

Photo A

Слайд 30

4. A culture vulture. You like reading and learning new things

4. A culture vulture. You like reading and learning new things

Слайд 31

4. You spend your free time at museums and art galleries

4. You spend your free time at museums and art galleries

Слайд 32

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 33



Слайд 34

Photo D

Photo D

Слайд 35

Exercise 1B Page 10

Exercise 1B
Page 10

Слайд 36

Read the text. Is each person a party animal, a

Read the text. Is each person a party animal, a workaholic,

a couch potato or a culture vulture?
Слайд 37

Marek from Krakow, Poland

Marek from Krakow, Poland

Слайд 38

Before you read about Marek

Before you read about Marek

Слайд 39

Quiet [kwaiə] – тихий The office is quiet

Quiet [kwaiə] – тихий
The office is quiet

Слайд 40

Quite [kwait] – довольно таки I quite like going out with my friends

Quite [kwait] – довольно таки
I quite like going out with

my friends
Слайд 41

Working on my own [oun] – работать в одиночестве

Working on my own [oun] – работать в одиночестве

Слайд 42

I don’t mind – я ничего не имею против

I don’t mind – я ничего не имею против

Слайд 43

Read about Marek

Read about Marek

Слайд 44

I like getting up early on Saturdays – usually at

I like getting up early on Saturdays – usually at about

7 a.m. I have coffee and toast for breakfast and at the same time I turn my computer on.
Слайд 45

I like checking my emails regularly because I get so

I like checking my emails regularly because I get so many

of them. I have a very busy job so I sometimes go to work on Saturdays.
Слайд 46

The office is quiet and I quite like working on

The office is quiet and I quite like working on

my own. On Sundays I like going ice-skating
Слайд 47

And I sometimes go bowling with some friends in the

And I sometimes go bowling with some friends in the new

place not far from the center of Krakow. But I do some work in the afternoons, too
Слайд 48

My job is really interesting, so I don’t mind working

My job is really interesting, so I don’t mind working a

lot. My girlfriend says I work all the time – but I prefer working to doing nothing!
Слайд 49

What do we know about him?

What do we know about him?

Слайд 50

Он любит вставать рано по субботам

Он любит вставать рано по субботам

Слайд 51

He likes getting up early on Saturdays

He likes getting up early on Saturdays

Слайд 52

Он любит проверять свою почту регулярно

Он любит проверять свою почту регулярно

Слайд 53

He likes checking his emails regularly

He likes checking his emails regularly

Слайд 54

Он имеет очень ответственную работу

Он имеет очень ответственную работу

Слайд 55

He has a very busy job

He has a very busy job

Слайд 56

Он иногда ходит на работу по субботам

Он иногда ходит на работу по субботам

Слайд 57

He sometimes goes to work on Saturdays

He sometimes goes to work on Saturdays

Слайд 58

Он иногда выполняет работу в воскресенье после обеда

Он иногда выполняет работу в воскресенье после обеда

Слайд 59

He sometimes does some work on Sunday afternoons

He sometimes does some work on Sunday afternoons

Слайд 60

Is Marek a party animal, a workaholic, a couch potato or a culture vulture?

Is Marek a party animal, a workaholic, a couch potato or

a culture vulture?
Слайд 61

He’s a workaholic

He’s a workaholic

Слайд 62

Lola Gutierrez is from Barcelona, Spain

Lola Gutierrez is from Barcelona, Spain

Слайд 63

Before you read about Lola

Before you read about Lola

Слайд 64

I can’t stand – не выношу I can’t stand doing nothing

I can’t stand – не выношу
I can’t stand doing nothing

Слайд 65

(Be) keen on – очень интересоваться I am quite keen on art

(Be) keen on – очень интересоваться
I am quite keen on art

Слайд 66

A guided [gaidid] walk – пешая экскурсия I go on a guided walk

A guided [gaidid] walk – пешая экскурсия
I go on a guided

Слайд 67

Read about Lola

Read about Lola

Слайд 68

I can’t stand doing nothing, so I get up early

I can’t stand doing nothing, so I get up early on

Saturdays. I really like having breakfast in a café so I take a bus into town at about 9.
Слайд 69

I am quite keen on art, so after breakfast I

I am quite keen on art, so after breakfast I

often go to an exhibition with some friends. I do different things on Saturday evenings
Слайд 70

I don’t like staying out late or going clubbing, but

I don’t like staying out late or going clubbing, but I

love going to a concert or to the theater. Actually, my favorite evening is going to a musical with friends
Слайд 71

On Sundays, I go for a walk. Sometimes I go

On Sundays, I go for a walk. Sometimes I go on

a guided walk around a different part of my city. I like learning about the history of Barcelona
Слайд 72

It’s a really interesting city

It’s a really interesting city

Слайд 73

What do we know about her?

What do we know about her?

Слайд 74

Она не выносит безделья

Она не выносит безделья

Слайд 75

She can’t stand doing nothing

She can’t stand doing nothing

Слайд 76

Она очень увлекается искусством

Она очень увлекается искусством

Слайд 77

She is quite keen on art

She is quite keen on art

Слайд 78

После завтрака она часто ходит на какую-нибудь выставку с друзьями

После завтрака она часто ходит на какую-нибудь выставку с друзьями

Слайд 79

After breakfast she often goes to an exhibition with some friends

After breakfast she often goes to an exhibition with some friends

Слайд 80

Она любит ходить на концерт или в театр

Она любит ходить на концерт или в театр

Слайд 81

She loves going to a concert or to the theater

She loves going to a concert or to the theater

Слайд 82

Её любимое времяпровождение вечером – сходить на мюзикл с друзьями

Её любимое времяпровождение вечером – сходить на мюзикл с друзьями

Слайд 83

Her favorite evening is going to a musical with friends

Her favorite evening is going to a musical with friends

Слайд 84

По воскресеньям она ходит на пешие экскурсии

По воскресеньям она ходит на пешие экскурсии

Слайд 85

On Sundays she goes on a guided tour

On Sundays she goes on a guided tour

Слайд 86

Is Lola a party animal, a workaholic, a couch potato or a culture vulture?

Is Lola a party animal, a workaholic, a couch potato or

a culture vulture?
Слайд 87

She’s a culture [kʌltʃə] vulture [vʌltʃə]

She’s a culture [kʌltʃə]
vulture [vʌltʃə]

Слайд 88

Henry Rogers is from Manchester, the UK

Henry Rogers is from Manchester, the UK

Слайд 89

Before you read about Henry

Before you read about Henry

Слайд 90

Have a lie-in – понежиться в постели I usually have a lie-in

Have a lie-in – понежиться в постели
I usually have a lie-in

Слайд 91

A take - away pizza - пицца на вынос I

A take - away pizza - пицца на вынос
I stay in

and have a take-away pizza
Слайд 92

Read about Henry

Read about Henry

Слайд 93

I don’t like getting up early at the weekends, so

I don’t like getting up early at the weekends, so I

usually have a lie-in – sometimes until about 10.30 a.m.
Слайд 94

I absolutely love having a big breakfast on Saturdays. I

I absolutely love having a big breakfast on Saturdays. I

don’t have many hobbies and I really hate the gym or doing exercise
Слайд 95

But I sometimes go to a park in the afternoon. There’re some nice parks in Manchester

But I sometimes go to a park in the afternoon.

There’re some nice parks in Manchester
Слайд 96

And I like meeting friends and just lying on the

And I like meeting friends and just lying on the grass

and doing nothing. I am not very keen on going out on Saturday evenings
Слайд 97

Sometimes I go to the cinema – but mostly I

Sometimes I go to the cinema – but mostly I

stay in, watch a DVD at home and have a take-away pizza. Sundays are similar to Saturdays for me
Слайд 98

I like relaxing, getting up late and watching TV a lot.

I like relaxing, getting up late and watching TV a

Слайд 99

What do we know about him?

What do we know about him?

Слайд 100

Он не любит вставать рано

Он не любит вставать рано

Слайд 101

He doesn’t like getting up early

He doesn’t like getting up early

Слайд 102

Он обожает обильный завтрак

Он обожает обильный завтрак

Слайд 103

He absolutely loves having a big breakfast

He absolutely loves having a big breakfast

Слайд 104

Он обычно нежится в постели

Он обычно нежится в постели

Слайд 105

He usually has a lie-in

He usually has a lie-in

Слайд 106

Увлечений у него не много

Увлечений у него не много

Слайд 107

He doesn’t have many hobbies

He doesn’t have many hobbies

Слайд 108

Он ненавидит тренажёрный зал

Он ненавидит тренажёрный зал

Слайд 109

He really hates the gym

He really hates the gym

Слайд 110

Он любит ничего не делать

Он любит ничего не делать

Слайд 111

He likes doing nothing

He likes doing nothing

Слайд 112

Is Henry a party animal, a workaholic, a couch potato or a culture vulture?

Is Henry a party animal, a workaholic, a couch potato or

a culture vulture?
Слайд 113

He’s a couch [kautʃ] potato [pə’teitou]

He’s a couch [kautʃ] potato [pə’teitou]

Слайд 114

Exercise 2 Page 10

Exercise 2
Page 10

Слайд 115

Complete the sentences with Marek (a workaholic), Lola (a culture vulture) or Henry (a couch potato)

Complete the sentences with Marek (a workaholic), Lola (a culture vulture)

or Henry (a couch potato)
Слайд 116

….. doesn’t like getting up early at the weekend

….. doesn’t like getting up early at the weekend

Слайд 117

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 118

I don’t like getting up early at the weekends, so

I don’t like getting up early at the weekends, so I

usually have a lie-in – sometimes until about 10.30 a.m.
Слайд 119

Henry doesn’t like getting up early at the weekend

Henry doesn’t like getting up early at the weekend

Слайд 120

1. …likes having a lot to eat for breakfast

1. …likes having a lot to eat for breakfast

Слайд 121

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 122

I absolutely love having a big breakfast on Saturdays. I

I absolutely love having a big breakfast on Saturdays. I

don’t have many hobbies and I really hate the gym or doing exercise
Слайд 123

1. Henry likes having a lot to eat for breakfast

1. Henry likes having a lot to eat for breakfast

Слайд 124

2. … doesn’t usually have breakfast at home on Saturdays

2. … doesn’t usually have breakfast at home on Saturdays

Слайд 125

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 126

I can’t stand doing nothing, so I get up early

I can’t stand doing nothing, so I get up early on

Saturdays. I really like having breakfast in a café so I take a bus into town at about 9. (Lola)
Слайд 127

2. Lola doesn’t usually have breakfast at home on Saturdays

2. Lola doesn’t usually have breakfast at home on Saturdays

Слайд 128

3. … likes checking his emails during breakfast

3. … likes checking his emails during breakfast

Слайд 129

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 130

I like getting up early on Saturdays – usually at

I like getting up early on Saturdays – usually at about

7 a.m. I have coffee and toast for breakfast and at the same time I turn my computer on. (Marek)
Слайд 131

3. Marek likes checking his emails during breakfast

3. Marek likes checking his emails during breakfast

Слайд 132

4. … likes art and music

4. … likes art and music

Слайд 133

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 134

I don’t like staying out late or going clubbing, but

I don’t like staying out late or going clubbing, but I

love going to a concert or to the theater. Actually, my favorite evening is going to a musical with friends (Lola)
Слайд 135

4. Lola likes art and music

4. Lola likes art and music

Слайд 136

5. …. likes relaxing in the park

5. …. likes relaxing in the park

Слайд 137

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 138

And I like meeting friends and just lying on the

And I like meeting friends and just lying on the grass

and doing nothing. I am not very keen on going out on Saturday evenings (Henry)
Слайд 139

5. Henry likes relaxing in the park

5. Henry likes relaxing in the park

Слайд 140

6. … spends a lot of time at work

6. … spends a lot of time at work

Слайд 141

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 142

My job is really interesting, so I don’t mind working

My job is really interesting, so I don’t mind working a

lot. My girlfriend says I work all the time – but I prefer working to doing nothing! (Marek)
Слайд 143

6. Marek spends a lot of time at work

6. Marek spends a lot of time at work

Слайд 144

7. …. likes going on a walk on Sundays

7. …. likes going on a walk on Sundays

Слайд 145

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 146

On Sundays, I go for a walk. Sometimes I go

On Sundays, I go for a walk. Sometimes I go on

a guided walk around a different part of my city. I like learning about the history of Barcelona
Слайд 147

7. Lola likes going on a walk on Sundays

7. Lola likes going on a walk on Sundays

Слайд 148

8. … likes watching TV on Sundays

8. … likes watching TV on Sundays

Слайд 149

Marek Lola Henry

Marek Lola Henry

Слайд 150

Sometimes I go to the cinema – but mostly I

Sometimes I go to the cinema – but mostly I

stay in, watch a DVD at home and have a take-away pizza. Sundays are similar to Saturdays for me (Henry)
Слайд 151

8. Henry likes watching TV on Sundays

8. Henry likes watching TV on Sundays

Слайд 152

Are you like(как)Marek, Lola or Henry? Why?

Are you like(как)Marek, Lola or Henry? Why?

Слайд 153

I am like Henry. I am a couch potato. I like doing nothing

I am like Henry. I am a couch potato. I like

doing nothing
Слайд 154

Exercise 4 Page 11

Exercise 4
Page 11

Слайд 155

Make verb phrases with go, go on, go to

Make verb phrases with go, go on, go to

Слайд 156

Go + (инговая форма) Go clubbing

Go + (инговая форма)
Go clubbing

Слайд 157

Go on a tour Go on a guided walk Go on a trip Go on holiday

Go on a tour
Go on a guided walk
Go on a trip

on holiday
Слайд 158

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Слайд 159



Слайд 160

Go + (инговая форма) Go clubbing

Go + (инговая форма)
Go clubbing

Слайд 161

Go bowling

Go bowling

Слайд 162

….the cinema

….the cinema

Слайд 163

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Слайд 164

Go to the cinema

Go to the cinema

Слайд 165

….. clubbing

….. clubbing

Слайд 166

Go + (инговая форма) Go clubbing

Go + (инговая форма)
Go clubbing

Слайд 167

Go clubbing

Go clubbing

Слайд 168

……a concert

……a concert

Слайд 169

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Слайд 170

Go to a concert

Go to a concert

Слайд 171

… exhibition

… exhibition

Слайд 172

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Слайд 173

Go to an exhibition

Go to an exhibition

Слайд 174

……a guided walk, tour

……a guided walk, tour

Слайд 175

Go on a tour Go on a guided walk Go on a trip Go on holiday

Go on a tour
Go on a guided walk
Go on a trip

on holiday
Слайд 176

Go on a guided walk, tour

Go on a guided walk, tour

Слайд 177

….ice skating

….ice skating

Слайд 178

Go + (инговая форма) Go clubbing

Go + (инговая форма)
Go clubbing

Слайд 179

Go ice skating

Go ice skating

Слайд 180

…..a musical

…..a musical

Слайд 181

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Слайд 182

Go to a musical

Go to a musical

Слайд 183

…….the theater

…….the theater

Слайд 184

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Go to (во всех остальных случаях)

Слайд 185

Go to the theater

Go to the theater

Слайд 186

Exercise 5 Page 11

Exercise 5
Page 11

Слайд 187

Which activities from exercise 4 do you do at the weekend?

Which activities from exercise 4 do you do at the weekend?

Слайд 188

Слайд 189

I go to the cinema I go bowling

I go to the cinema
I go bowling

Слайд 190

Exercise 6 Page 11, page 17

Exercise 6
Page 11, page 17

Слайд 191

Likes and dislikes

Likes and dislikes

Слайд 192

После всех слов и выражений, выражающих эмоции, употребляется инговая форма глагола или существительное

После всех слов и выражений, выражающих эмоции, употребляется инговая форма

глагола или существительное
Слайд 193

Absolutely love

Absolutely love

Слайд 194

I absolutely love playing tennis

I absolutely love playing tennis

Слайд 195

Really like

Really like

Слайд 196

I really like coffee

I really like coffee

Слайд 197

Quite like

Quite like

Слайд 198

I quite like going to the cinema

I quite like going to the cinema

Слайд 199

Be quite keen on

Be quite keen on

Слайд 200

I am quite keen on horror films

I am quite keen on horror films

Слайд 201

Don’t mind

Don’t mind

Слайд 202

I don’t mind swimming

I don’t mind swimming

Слайд 203

Be not very keen on

Be not very keen on

Слайд 204

I am not very keen on computer games

I am not very keen on computer games

Слайд 205

Don’t like

Don’t like

Слайд 206

I don’t like classical music

I don’t like classical music

Слайд 207

Really hate

Really hate

Слайд 208

I really hate getting up early

I really hate getting up early

Слайд 209

I can’t stand

I can’t stand

Слайд 210

I can’t stand hot weather

I can’t stand hot weather

Слайд 211

Exercise 7 Page 11

Exercise 7
Page 11

Слайд 212

Make complete sentences using the prompts

Make complete sentences using the prompts

Слайд 213

Absolutely love

Absolutely love

Слайд 214

Really like

Really like

Слайд 215

Quite like

Quite like

Слайд 216

Be keen on

Be keen on

Слайд 217

I don’t mind

I don’t mind

Слайд 218

Be not very keen on

Be not very keen on

Слайд 219

Don’t like

Don’t like

Слайд 220

Really hate

Really hate

Слайд 221

Can’t stand

Can’t stand

Слайд 222

Be keen on Quite like

Be keen on
Quite like

Слайд 223

1. …….. musicals

1. …….. musicals

Слайд 224

I am keen on musicals I quite like musicals

I am keen on musicals
I quite like musicals

Слайд 225

2. Really hate

2. Really hate

Слайд 226

2. …….my job

2. …….my job

Слайд 227

2. I really hate my job

2. I really hate my job

Слайд 228

3. Really like

3. Really like

Слайд 229

3. …….guided tours

3. …….guided tours

Слайд 230

3. I really like guided tours

3. I really like guided tours

Слайд 231

4. Don’t like Not very keen on

4. Don’t like
Not very keen on

Слайд 232

4. ………going ice skating

4. ………going ice skating

Слайд 233

4. I am not very keen on going ice skating I don’t like ice-skating

4. I am not very keen on going ice skating
I don’t

like ice-skating
Слайд 234

5. I don’t mind

5. I don’t mind

Слайд 235

5. ……..doing nothing

5. ……..doing nothing

Слайд 236

5. I don’t mind doing nothing

5. I don’t mind doing nothing

Слайд 237

6. Quite like Be keen on

6. Quite like
Be keen on

Слайд 238

6. ……

6. ……

Слайд 239

6. I quite like coffee I am keen on coffee

6. I quite like coffee
I am keen on coffee

Слайд 240

7. Really hate

7. Really hate

Слайд 241

7. ………chatting on the phone in English

7. ………chatting on the phone in English

Слайд 242

7. I really hate chatting on the phone in English

7. I really hate chatting on the phone in English

Слайд 243

8. Absolutely love

8. Absolutely love

Слайд 244

8. …………going clubbing

8. …………going clubbing

Слайд 245

8. I absolutely love going clubbing

8. I absolutely love going clubbing

Слайд 246

How do you feel about these things?

How do you feel about these things?

Слайд 247



Слайд 248

Слайд 249

Guided tours?

Guided tours?

Слайд 250

Слайд 251

Ice skating?

Ice skating?

Слайд 252

Слайд 253

Doing nothing?

Doing nothing?

Слайд 254

Слайд 255



Слайд 256

Слайд 257

Chatting on the phone in English?

Chatting on the phone in English?

Слайд 258

Слайд 259

Going clubbing?

Going clubbing?

Слайд 260

Слайд 261

Exercise 10 Page 11

Exercise 10
Page 11

Слайд 262

Work with your partner Ask and answer the questions

Work with your partner
Ask and answer the questions

Слайд 263

1. What are your main interests/ hobbies?

1. What are your main interests/ hobbies?

Слайд 264

1. I like…..

1. I like…..

Слайд 265

2. Do you like musicals? Why/ Why not?

2. Do you like musicals?
Why/ Why not?

Слайд 266

2. Yes, I do. They’re great No, I don’t. They’re boring

2. Yes, I do. They’re great
No, I don’t. They’re boring

Слайд 267

3. What three things do you like doing on your birthdays? Why?

3. What three things do you like doing on your birthdays?

Слайд 268

3. Having people round Going out with friends Dancing Relaxing

3. Having people round
Going out with friends

Слайд 269

4. What three kinds of sport or exercise do you like?

4. What three kinds of sport or exercise do you like?

Слайд 270

4. Yoga Aerobics Tennis Football

4. Yoga

Слайд 271

5. What three things do you like doing with your family? Why?

5. What three things do you like doing with your family?

Слайд 272

5. Going to the cinema Going to the zoo Going to the theater Taking a walk

5. Going to the cinema
Going to the zoo
Going to the theater

a walk
Слайд 273

6. Do you like going to art exhibitions? Why/ why not?

6. Do you like going to art exhibitions? Why/ why not?

Слайд 274

6. Yes, I do. I love art No, I don’t. I am not interested in art

6. Yes, I do. I love art
No, I don’t. I am

not interested in art
Слайд 275

7. What three things don’t you like doing?

7. What three things don’t you like doing?

Слайд 276

7. Watching sport on TV Dancing Watching soap operas

7. Watching sport on TV
Watching soap operas

Слайд 277

Tell me three things about your partner

Tell me three things about your partner

Слайд 278

Exercise 1 Page 4 (Workbook)

Exercise 1
Page 4 (Workbook)

Слайд 279

Match a verb with a word/ a phrase

Match a verb with a word/ a phrase

Слайд 280

Читать журнал (a magazine)

Читать журнал
(a magazine)

Слайд 281

Слайд 282

1. Read a magazine

1. Read a magazine

Слайд 283

2. Слушать радио (to the radio)

2. Слушать радио
(to the radio)

Слайд 284

Слайд 285

2. Listen to the radio

2. Listen to the radio

Слайд 286

3. Вставать рано (early)

3. Вставать рано

Слайд 287

Слайд 288

3. Get up early

3. Get up early

Слайд 289

4. Спать допоздна (in bed late)

4. Спать допоздна
(in bed late)

Слайд 290

Слайд 291

4. Stay in bed late

4. Stay in bed late

Слайд 292

5. Ложиться спать поздно (to bed late)

5. Ложиться спать поздно (to bed late)

Слайд 293

Слайд 294

5. Go to bed late

5. Go to bed late

Слайд 295

Болтать по телефону (on the phone)

Болтать по телефону
(on the phone)

Слайд 296

Слайд 297

6. Chat on the phone

6. Chat on the phone

Слайд 298

Смотреть телевизор (TV)

Смотреть телевизор

Слайд 299

Слайд 300

7. Watch TV

7. Watch TV

Слайд 301

Проверять почту (email)

Проверять почту

Слайд 302

Слайд 303

8. Check your emails

8. Check your emails

Слайд 304

9. Бездельничать (nothing)

9. Бездельничать

Слайд 305

Слайд 306

9. Do nothing

9. Do nothing

Слайд 307

10. Ехать на автобусе (a bus)

10. Ехать на автобусе
(a bus)

Слайд 308

Слайд 309

10. Take a bus

10. Take a bus

Слайд 310

Exercise 2 Page 4 (Workbook)

Exercise 2
Page 4 (Workbook)

Слайд 311

Complete the sentences with the missing verbs

Complete the sentences with the missing verbs

Слайд 312

1. She …… her emails when she gets to work in the morning

1. She …… her emails when she gets to work in

the morning
Слайд 313

Слайд 314

1. She checks her emails when she gets to work in the morning

1. She checks her emails when she gets to work in

the morning
Слайд 315

2. We ….. in on Saturday nights – we don’t like going clubbing

2. We ….. in on Saturday nights – we don’t like

going clubbing
Слайд 316

Слайд 317

2. We stay in on Saturday nights – we don’t like going clubbing

2. We stay in on Saturday nights – we don’t like

going clubbing
Слайд 318

3. I normally ….. the train at 9 a.m.

3. I normally ….. the train at 9 a.m.

Слайд 319

Слайд 320

3. I normally take the train at 9 a.m.

3. I normally take the train at 9 a.m.

Слайд 321

4. Do you ever …. a lie-in on Saturday morning?

4. Do you ever …. a lie-in on Saturday morning?

Слайд 322

Слайд 323

4. Do you ever have a lie-in on Saturday morning?

4. Do you ever have a lie-in on Saturday morning?

Слайд 324

5. I……. for a swim on Saturdays

5. I……. for a swim on Saturdays

Слайд 325

Слайд 326

5. I go for a swim on Saturdays

5. I go for a swim on Saturdays

Слайд 327

6. I like to …..a nap after lunch

6. I like to …..a nap after lunch

Слайд 328

Слайд 329

6. I like to take a nap after lunch

6. I like to take a nap after lunch

Слайд 330

7. What newspaper does he……..?

7. What newspaper does he……..?

Слайд 331

Слайд 332

7. What newspaper does he read?

7. What newspaper does he read?

Слайд 333

8. They usually ……their friends over for dinner on Friday evenings

8. They usually ……their friends over for dinner on Friday evenings

Слайд 334

Слайд 335

8. They usually have their friends over for dinner on Friday evenings

8. They usually have their friends over for dinner on Friday

Слайд 336

9. He ……to the radio in the car on the way to work

9. He ……to the radio in the car on the way

to work
Слайд 337

Слайд 338

9. He listens to the radio in the car on the way to work

9. He listens to the radio in the car on the

way to work
Слайд 339

10. I always …… the shopping on the way home from work

10. I always …… the shopping on the way home

from work
Слайд 340

Имя файла: Culture-vulture.-Unit-1.1.pptx
Количество просмотров: 17
Количество скачиваний: 0