Past simple презентация

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Watch → watched Wash → washed Live → lived Inspire

Watch → watched
Wash → washed

Live → lived
Inspire → inspired

Mop → mopped

→ planned
Travel → travelled
Quarrel → quarrelled

Study → studied
Cry → cried

Play → played
Stay → stayed

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Affirmative: Jules Verne lived in Nantes Negative: Jules Verne did

Jules Verne lived in Nantes
Jules Verne did not (didn’t) live in

Did Jules Verne live in Nantes?
Where did Jules Verne live?

Live - lived

The day before yesterday

Last week
Last month
Last year
Last June

Ten minutes ago
An hour ago
Two weeks ago
Four months ago
Six years ago

Слайд 6

I mopped the floor two hours ago; Watch TV Listen

I mopped the floor two hours ago;

Watch TV
Listen to music
Walk in

the park
Talk to my friend
Surf the Net
Wash the dishes
Mop the floor
Vacuum the carpet
Water the flowers
Clean the windows
Climb the mountain

Play computer games
Play board games
Decorate my room
Invite my friend to the party
Stay at a hotel
Visit a museum
Visit an exhibition
Travel by plane
Travel by train
Help my parents
Translate the text

Слайд 7

I didn’t mop the floor two hours ago; Watch TV

I didn’t mop the floor two hours ago;

Watch TV
Listen to music

in the park
Talk to my friend
Surf the Net
Wash the dishes
Mop the floor
Vacuum the carpet
Water the flowers
Clean the windows
Climb the mountain

Play computer games
Play board games
Decorate my room
Invite my friend to the party
Stay at a hotel
Visit a museum
Visit an exhibition
Travel by plane
Travel by train
Help my parents
Translate the text

Слайд 8

Did you/your mother mop the floor two hours ago? Watch

Did you/your mother mop the floor two hours ago?

Watch TV
Listen to

Walk in the park
Talk to my friend
Surf the Net
Wash the dishes
Mop the floor
Vacuum the carpet
Water the flowers
Clean the windows
Climb the mountain

Play computer games
Play board games
Decorate my room
Invite my friend to the party
Stay at a hotel
Visit a museum
Visit an exhibition
Travel by plane
Travel by train
Help my parents
Translate the text

Слайд 9

What? – Что? Where? – Где? Куда? When? – Когда?

What? – Что?
Where? – Где? Куда?
When? – Когда?
Why? – Зачем? Почему?

– Как?
Who? – Кто? Кого?
How many? – Сколько? (с исчисл. сущ.)
How much? – Сколько? (с неисчисл. сущ.)
What time? – Во сколько?

What did you visit yesterday?
How did you help your parents yesterday?
How many films did you watch last week?

Слайд 10

Affirmative: Captain Nemo found an underwater city Negative: Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo found an underwater city
Captain Nemo did not (didn’t) find

an underwater city
Did Captain Nemo find an underwater city?
What did Captain Nemo find?

Find - found

Слайд 11

I watched TV two hours ago; Peter’s sister listened to

I watched TV two hours ago;
Peter’s sister listened to music an

hour ago;
Harry and Jane walked in the park yesterday;
He talked to his friend five minutes ago;
Sarah surfed the Net ten minutes ago;
My mother and I washed the dishes an hour ago;
Sam’s father mopped the floor yesterday;
They vacuumed the carpet last week;
Jessica watered the flowers yesterday;
We cleaned the window the day before yesterday;
Tom and Jerry climbed the mountain a month ago;
Слайд 12

Be famous for Neat appearance Obsession with order Psychology Investigation

Be famous for
Neat appearance
Obsession with order
At first glance
Put criminals behind bars


известным (чем-либо)
Опрятный внешний вид
Одержимость порядком
На первый взгляд
Сплетни; сплетничать
Сажать преступников за решетку
Слайд 13

Inspire somebody Brilliant Extraordinary Solve mysterious cases Faithful Intelligent Wear

Inspire somebody
Solve mysterious cases
Wear a cape
Use a magnifying glass

Вдохновлять кого-либо
Блистательный, выдающийся

Распутывать загадочные дела
Преданный, верный
Носить плащ
Использовать увеличительное стекло
Слайд 14

Imagination Several An underwater city Воображение Несколько Подводный город

An underwater city

Подводный город

Имя файла: Past-simple.pptx
Количество просмотров: 41
Количество скачиваний: 0