Устная часть ЕГЭ. Ошибки, которых можно избежать. Чтение текста презентация

Слайд 2

Задание C3 «Чтение текста» /1 балл (подготовка – 1,5 мин, чтение – 2

мин), макс.5 ошибок

[r] there is \ here is
оглушение/ озвончение с изменением смысла (foot – food, think – sink…)
некорректное ударение (active…)
излишняя паузация
полное отсутствие пауз, «на одном дыхании»
неправильное деление предложения на смысловые части (не там паузы или их отсутствие)
членение фразовых глаголов
* The worst problems for birds in winter are getting enough heat and holding on to the heat | once it is made.

Слайд 3

C4 «Составление 5 вопросов» / 5 баллов (подготовка – 1,5 мин, ответ на

каждый вопрос по очереди – 20 сек)

- вопрос с What – только 2 раза! (лучше – только один раз)
- availability / facilities / diversity
- вопросы с «if» можно в качестве полных косвенных вопросов (просто ставим вперёд «I want to know…» и считываем как написано)

Слайд 4

1) location of the swimming pool
2) opening hours
3) sauna availability
4) price for 3

5) discounts for students
1) dates for departures
2) hotel facilities
3) if breakfast is included
4) number of city tours
5) diversity of desserts

Слайд 5

What about…?
How about…?
Could you tell me the opening hours?

Слайд 6

Задание C5 «Описание фотографии» / 7 баллов (подготовка – 1,5 мин, ответ –

2 мин)

отметить номер выбранной фотографии
вступление –пункты плана – заключение
на каждый пункт плана - по 3 аргумента / предложения
употребить 5 linking words минимум
! Можно заранее создать свой «шаблон»

Слайд 7


* You know photography is my hobby and

last birthday I got a camera which I take everywhere and take a lot of pictures. Look at this one…
when you took the photo
*I took this photo (1)some months ago (2)during my last holidays (3) when I went to ….)

Слайд 8

what/who is in the photo
In the middle you can see…
In the

foreground ….
In the background…..
To the left of him/her ….
what is happening Описание делается в Present Continuous! Если мало действий для описания, можно добавить эмоции, описание природы.

Слайд 9

why you keep the photo in your album
* I keep this photo

in my album because (1) I collect some photos for my school project. (2) Moreover, I prefer printed photos and (3) also I can always take this photo out and recollect all the emotions connected with it.  
why you decided to show the picture to your friend
* I decided to show this photo to you, my friend, because (1) I want you to share my memories and feelings of that time. (2) Also your opinion is really important to me and (3) as a professional photographer you could give me some useful advice.

Слайд 10

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ «That’s all..» – НЕЛЬЗЯ!
* I hope you like this photo and

if you have time, I can show you many others.
when you took the photo
! what/who is in the photo
! what is happening
why you keep the photo in your album
why you decided to show

Слайд 11

Задание C5 «Описание фотографии» / 7 баллов (подготовка – 1,5 мин, ответ –

2 мин)

Вступление «I’m going to compare and contrast 2 pictures presented here. It is obvious that they are devoted to ….»
/ по плану /
Заключение To sum up, I should say that people are different and they have different tastes and preferences)
«That’s all..»

Слайд 12

соответствующие связки ( 5-7!)
3 аргумента на каждый пункт (аргумент ≠ предложение)
give a

brief description of the photos (action, location) «both pictures» - НЕЛЬЗЯ
«perhaps …. It seems to me….He might have …. ». Описание в Present Continuous. !!!! IN the picture/photo
say what the pictures have in common / 3 момента / Firstly, Secondly, Besides, Moreover
*Both photos have some common features.
1-изображены люди, 2-помещение/время года, 3-тема, указана в предпоследнем пункте плана
* Both of the pictures are related to…

Слайд 13

say in what way the pictures are different / 3 момента
* However, these

pictures have some differences / But there is a difference as well.
1-возраст (older/younger; adults/kids), 2-помещение (indoors/outdoors; office/home), 3-количество людей). Часто сравнивают по внешности (with blond hair/dark-haired), стилю одежды, эмоциям.
However, while, whereas, but, after all ….
say …..
As for me, I would like /prefer / choose … and there are some reasons why.
explain why / 3 аргумента минимум
Firstly, Secondly….
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