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Join The Idea photo contest
Join The Idea photo contest
Join The Idea photo contest Best posts will be shared: @ JTI social media @ Internal communication channels Take your picture 1 Edit your photo with a text 2 Upload on social media 3 Winners = top 3 most liked posts 4 Best posts will be shared 5 as a public post on your personal profile Join The Idea community or using #JoinTheIdea Team event with $500 budget (lunch / dinner or drinks for the winning teams) Our first prize winner will also receive a surprise VIP trip! ☺ Option (a): use a JTI iPhone and download the ‘Join The Idea’ app from the JTI app store to activate your photo Option (b): use your private smartphone or camera and activate your photo with the attached templates Add a description : What JTI is for you Your function/location Two ways to proceed A few key points… You can enter as individuals or as a team Make sure there are no JTI products, brands or brand imagery in your photo or in the background Make sure all team members are happy for you to share it on your social account(s) before posting If you don’t have access to the Join the Idea app, you can use some of the template overlays in this PowerPoint presentation from slide 5 onwards Don’t forget the official hashtags so we can track your entry: #JoinTheIdea The prizes will go to the individual who posted the photo and their team if featured. The VIP prize for the overall winner cannot be shared due to the nature of this prize. Join The Idea photo contest
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Поэтапное формирование навыков говорения школьников: декламация, речевые клише, диалог с тренажёром
Поэтапное формирование навыков говорения школьников: декламация, речевые клише, диалог с тренажёром
Причины сбоев в говорении (не только на иностранном языке) Зафиксированный в культуре ЗАПРЕТ на устную речь: «Поговори тут у меня!» «Есть вопросы? -Нет вопросов, ну и хорошо.» «Разговорчики в строю!» Вольфрам фон Эшенбах «Парцифаль» - НЕ заданный вовремя вопрос из боязни проявить неотёсанность (Гурнеманц и Парцифаль) Недостаточно практики подготовленной и спонтанной устной речи – утрата традиции сказок на ночь, устного творчества и свободный обсуждений вне фиксированного формата Потеря традиции чтения вслух (Кто? Когда? Кому? Зачем?) Недостаточная начитанность –мало языкового материала для говорения Недостаток условно-коммуникативных упражнений в учебниках и функциональных узлов в учебных программах
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My sport idol
My sport idol
Academy of champions! Makeev Alexandr, First-year student , group № 7211 My sport idol I love football, but since I am professionally engaged in table tennis my idol is Timo Boll. Timo was born on 8 March 1981 in the small town of Erbach in Germany. Started playing table tennis at age 4 under the guidance of his father. Boll began to show high results at the world level in the Junior age. In 2000 (19 age) at the European Championships in Bremen Boll won the silver medal in the German national team. In 2007 in Belgrade, in 2008 in Saint Petersburg, in 2010 in Ostrava Boll became the absolute European champion — he won in both singles and doubles, as well as in a team. In 2009, in Stuttgart, Boll failed to win only in singles. Thus, 4 Championships in 2007-2010 Timo has won 11 gold medals out of 12, and 1 bronze. Academy of champions! Makeev Alexandr, First-year student , group № 7211 In the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing Boll has finally managed to win an Olympic medal in the German national team, he won silver, losing in the finals 0-3 to the Chinese. It was the only medal of the Europeans in table tennis at the Games in Beijing. In 2010 at the world team Championships in Moscow, Timo won silver in the team Germany. In the autumn of the same year Timo won the third place at the world Cup in Magdeburg (the first two left for the Chinese). In may 2011 at the world Championships in Rotterdam won the bronze medal in singles (the only medal of the Europeans in the championship of all categories). In table tennis has always been dominated by the Chinese and Timo Boll is the only player who managed to compete with them.
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