Development by tourism презентация

Слайд 2

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / GNI and HDI

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / GNI and HDI wealth



Key Terms :
Per capita (per person)
GNI Gross national income
HDI Human Development Index
Composite Measure
UN United Nations

Example / Case-Study :
Australia HDI 0.93
Spain HDI 0.86
Costa Rica HDI 0.72
Belize HDI 0.69

Possible Questions :
Why are some measures of development better than others?
What are the pros and cons of 2 measure of a country’s wealthy that you have studied?


The easiest way to get information about a country’s wealth is to find out how much the country makes each year – and divide it amongst the country’s population (per capita) to give an Average income per person. But this can give an inaccurate impression. A country may seem to have quite a high ‘average’ income per person – but in reality there may be just a few super-rich people in the country, and the vast majority are quite poor. In the past this figure has been called GDP per capita (Gross Domestic Product), but a more recent term is GNI – Gross National Income.
More recently the United Nations (UN) has used a COMPOSITE MEASURE (a number calculated from 3 different sets of numbers). The Human Development Index (HDI) can indicate the quality of health services in a country (by looking at ‘Life Expectancy’) and the quality of Education (by looking at ‘Literacy rates’) as well as average income through the GNI. Combining these figures gives a more accurate picture of what life is like for most people in that country.

Слайд 3

LEDC – so prices once you are there are quite

LEDC – so prices once you are there are quite cheap

for local food, drink and tourist activities

Easy to fly to from the USA and only 7 hours from Europe (closer tropical resort than Thailand or India) - the main places where wealthy tourists come from

Close to the equator – so high temperatures all year. Ideal as a ‘Winter Sun’ destination for tourists from cold N. USA and Europe in November - March

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / LEDC case-study : Belize


Key Terms :
Winter sun destination
Wide variety of habitats
Low-cost destination

Example / Case-Study :
Belize – Central America

Possible Questions :
What makes certain places more suitable to tourist development than other places?
What are the physical, economic, social and transport factors that make some places successful tourist destinations?


Belize – a small country in Central America is using tourism as a way to develop. It has a range of factors which give it lots of advantages as a popular international tourist destination of the future

On the Caribbean Cruise ship route – so lots of customers as ships stop off for a day or two

Has an international airport – so visitors can fly in easily

Contrasting tourist attractions – coral reefs in the tropical waters, long sandy beaches and rainforest inland. Lots to do and see.

Is seen as a peaceful country with good safety, little crime and welcoming to tourists

Is selling itself as an Eco-Tourism country with fabulous unspoilt scenery & wildlife habitats

Слайд 4

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / Belize Tourism Benefits

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / Belize Tourism Benefits


Key Terms

Employment opportunities
Primary occupations
Secondary occupations
Tertiary occupations
Development Tourism

Example / Case-Study :
Belize – Central America

Possible Questions :
How can development tourism benefit a country?
How does investment in tourism help raise people’s standard of living?

Belize – a small country in Central America – is developing itself as a major Eco-tourism resort. It is developing the resort of ‘Belize Caribbean Riviera’ as a centre for study and enjoyment of marine and coastal wildlife, and the inland Rainforest environment. It expects tourists from the USA, Europe and cruise ships which tour the Caribbean.

Jobs in the Belize Caribbean Riviera resort from tourism
Construction work : designing and building hotels & tourist attractions
Managing : Hotel management, hotel reception, hotel catering
Activity : tour guide in local area, teaching scuba diving, driving hire boats
Maintenance : ground staff for town parks, monitoring aquarium wildlife

Jobs in the local region around the resort from tourism
Transport : air traffic control & airport baggage handlers at Belize airport
Security : immigration officers at airport and ports, traffic police
Farming : fishermen and farmers producing food for tourist hotels

Jobs in the whole country which can develop from tourism
Transport : building roads, driving taxis, flying tourists in
Construction : building power stations, water supply and sewage treatment
Planning : advertising Belize to foreign tourists, planning future developments


By focusing on tourism growth, Belize can move many of its people from low-pay Primary jobs as farmers (Nepal), to higher-pay Secondary jobs (making furniture for hotels; making souvenirs) – as in Brazil, or higher skill Tertiary jobs (service jobs in hotels, bars, tourist activities etc) as in the USA

Слайд 5

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / Belize Tourism Problems

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / Belize Tourism Problems


Key Terms

Seasonal jobs
Coastal migration
STDs sexually transmitted diseases
Low-wage spiral

Example / Case-Study :
Belize – Central America

Possible Questions :
What are the problems of tourism in an LEDC you have studied?
What are the negative impacts tourists bring – and which are the most serious?
What can cause tourists to decide not to go to a resort that was once popular?


Many jobs are low-skill and low pay with few chances of promotion such as bar staff

Many jobs are ‘seasonal’ – they just last for the holiday season. You may be out of work during the hurricane season July - Nov

Many jobs are low-skill and low pay with few chances of promotion such as bar staff

Many teenagers drop out of school early to earn money selling legal (& illegal) items to tourists

There is the spread of disease brought in by visitors – particularly STDs from those involved in paying for prostitutes

There is a flow of young people from the interior of Belize to the coast seeking work. This breaks up traditional families.

So many people are looking for work in tourism that it drives down the wages to low levels

Beach-front is bought up by hotels and locals are banned from using the shoreline of their own country

Cruise ships often discharge sewage & waste illegally off the coast at night – polluting the water for fishermen & scub divers

Economic problems

Social problems

Environmental problems

Is Belize Tourism set for the Long-term, or Boom and Bust ?
There is a range is issues which could put tourists off returning to Belize – or putting off friends and family from booking. Bad news spreads quickly on the internet, and one person’s bad experience can lead to dozens of people cancelling :

Serious Hurricane Damage closing airport and wrecking hotels causes people not to return or cancel. (Physical)
Reports of crime, rape, murder – which may not be more than in other resorts but may give Belize a bad reputation. Quickly spread on internet chat rooms (Social)
Economic recession in Europe and the USA – so tourists cut down where they go and how often – cancelling long haul trips to places like Belize (Economic)
Safety fears over STDS, accidents from speedboats etc. or coach accidents – which hit the headlines. (Social)

Слайд 6

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / Belize Leakage of

Global Tourism : Development by Tourism / Belize Leakage of Revenue



Terms :
Leakage of tourist revenue
Tour company
Tax revenue

Example / Case-Study :
Belize – Central America

Possible Questions :
Why does being a popular tourist resort not guarantee the country becomes wealthy?
How do global travel companies manage the way holidays are arranged?
Are global travel companies a ‘friend’ to less affluent countries wanting to develop tourism?


Leakage of tourist revenue means that much of the money that is spent on holidays doesn’t end up in the country that the tourist is going to – but stays in the country where the visit was booked – especially if the airlines and hotels are owned by companies in the MEDC.
Ways of keeping tourist revenue in Belize include ………..

setting up a national airline so that visitors fly there on Belize planes and this company gets the profits
insisting that a percentage of hotels are owned by Belize companies – and not just foreign tour firms
ensuring home-grown food and drinks are sold in hotels and bars as well as imported brand names
insisting that tour reps and guides are local Belize employees – and not from the tour company’s country

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