Internet and Social Networks in our life презентация

Слайд 2

International computer words computer file internet website user on-line browser

International computer words

Слайд 3

Use the phrases play interactive games download music files go

Use the phrases

play interactive games
download music files
go on the Internet
surf the

create web-pages
talk in chat rooms
send e-mails
do research
do online shopping
transfer information
visit websites
Слайд 4

Revise your grammar Present Simple + - ? I I

Revise your grammar Present Simple

+ - ?
We V 1

don’t V1 Do we V1
You you
They they
He he
She V-s doesn’t V1 Does she V1
It it
Слайд 5

Revise your grammar + I help… He helps… We play…

Revise your grammar

+ I help… He helps…
We play… It

They go… She goes…
- I don’t surf… He doesn’t surf…
You don’t use… She doesn’t use…
We don’t type… It doesn’t type…
? Do you search…? Does he search…?
Do we visit…? Does she visit…?
Do they provide…? Does it provide…?
Слайд 6

Revise your grammar My friend often uses the computer and

Revise your grammar

My friend often uses the computer and goes the

I usually download games, but my friend downloads music.
They visit vkontakte every day , but Mike never visits social networks.
You surf the cyberspace the whole day, but she surfs the Net only in the evening.
Слайд 7

Correct the mistakes. This website provide useful information. Some students

Correct the mistakes.

This website provide useful information.
Some students goes on the

He don’t visit social networks.
Do this browser find and show websites?
They don’t plays interactive games on-line.
Does the search engine reads the keyword?
Coding systems creates links to files.
Do you downloads files from the Internet?
I doesn’t join the Internet this month.
Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Интернет, он не сближает. Это скопление одиночества. Мы вроде вместе,

Интернет, он не сближает.
Это скопление одиночества.
Мы вроде вместе, но

каждый один. Иллюзия общения, иллюзия дружбы, иллюзия жизни.
Слайд 10

Arguments for and against You can find the latest information

Arguments for and against

You can find the latest information quickly and

Many children use it for entertainment, not for learning.
You can learn about other countries and cultures.
You can make new friends in chat groups.
Some sites are not suitable for children.
With so much information, it’s difficult to find what you want.
There is too much advertising instead of real information.
You can send e-mail fast and cheaply.
Making ‘chat friends’ differs from meeting real people.
You can use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, listen to music.
Some children live in the virtual world.
You can plan your holiday and buy things.
Слайд 11

Complete the dialogue Have you got … at home? Yes,

Complete the dialogue

Have you got … at home?
Yes, I have.
What …

do you use?
I used … last year, but now I use Google Chrome.
So do I. It is much better than Opera.
Yes. And it is faster. What about the … ?
I like … . And you?
I prefer Google . I think it`s better than the others.
May be. But I usually download files from social networks. … , for example.
Oh, it`s my favourite … too.
(Yandex, Vkontakte, browser, search engine, socilal network, the Internet, Opera)
Имя файла: Internet-and-Social-Networks-in-our-life.pptx
Количество просмотров: 17
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