The body’s defenses. Types of acquired immunity презентация

Слайд 2

The Nature of Disease – Kasallik tabiati Pathogenic Organisms –

The Nature of Disease – Kasallik tabiati

Pathogenic Organisms – patogen organizmlar

Disorders – genetik buzilishlar
Toxic Chemicals – kimyoviy toksik moddalar
Other Environmental Factors – boshqa atrof muhit omillari
Physical Damage to Organs – organlarga fizik zararlar
Nutritional Disorders – ovqatlanish buzilishlari
Слайд 3

Types of Pathogenic Organisms – patogen organizmlar tiplari Viruses -

Types of Pathogenic Organisms – patogen organizmlar tiplari

Viruses - viruslar
Bacteria –

Fungi – zamburug’lar
Animal - hayvonlar
Parasites - parazitlar
Слайд 4

Mechanisms of Disease by Pathogens – patogen kasalliklar mexanizmlari Utilization

Mechanisms of Disease by Pathogens – patogen kasalliklar mexanizmlari

Utilization of host

nutritional resources
Physical damage to host tissues
Production of toxic substances
Chromosomal and gene damage
Body cells behave abnormally
Слайд 5

Viruses - viruslar

Viruses - viruslar

Слайд 6



Слайд 7

Defense Mechanisms – himoya mexanizmlari External defense – tashqi himoya

Defense Mechanisms – himoya mexanizmlari

External defense – tashqi himoya
Internal Defense –

oraliq himoya
Immune Defense – immun himoya
Слайд 8

Skin acts as barrier to microbes and viruses - sweat

Skin acts as barrier to microbes and viruses
- sweat has a

low pH - Teri mikrob va viruslarni to’sadi – past pH muhitga ega
Mucus traps foreign particles - muguz tashqi zarrachalardan to’sadi
- Lysozyme has antimicrobial action – so’lak tarkibidagi lizotsim antibakterial tasirga ega
Gastric stomach acid – oshqozon kislotasi HCl

1st Line of Defense

Слайд 9

Body Coverings: The Skin

Body Coverings: The Skin

Слайд 10

Body Coverings: Mucous Membranes

Body Coverings: Mucous Membranes

Слайд 11

Phagocytic cells (WBCs) N L M E B Natural Killer

Phagocytic cells (WBCs)
Natural Killer (NK) Cells: attack virus infected cells
Inflammatory Response


2nd Line of Defense

Слайд 12

Nonspecific Phagocytosis Neutrophils Monocytes Eosinophils

Nonspecific Phagocytosis


Слайд 13

Mechanism of Phagocytosis Mechanism of Phagocytosis Macrophage

Mechanism of Phagocytosis

Mechanism of Phagocytosis


Слайд 14

Lymphatic System

Lymphatic System

Слайд 15

Inflammatory Response Histamine & prostaglandins released Capillaries dilate Clotting begins

Inflammatory Response

Histamine & prostaglandins released

Capillaries dilate
Clotting begins

Chemotactic factors attract phagocytic cells


consume pathogens & cell debris
Слайд 16

Characteristics of Immunity Recognition of self versus non-self – o’ziga

Characteristics of Immunity

Recognition of self versus non-self – o’ziga tegishli bo’lmagan

antigenni tanish
Response is specific – unga muayyan javob qaytarish
Retains a “memory” allowing an accelerated second response – tezlashtirilgan ikkinchi javob berishga imkon beruvchi “xotira” saqlanadi
Can respond to many different materials – turli xil materiallarga javob beradi
Involves lymphocytes and antibodies – limfotsitlar va antitanalarni o’z ichiga oladi
Слайд 17

Types of Immunity Active Immunity Naturally-Acquired Active Immunity – tabiiy

Types of Immunity

Active Immunity
Naturally-Acquired Active Immunity – tabiiy aktiv
Artificially-Acquired Active Immunity

– sun’iy aktiv
Passive Immunity
Naturally-Acquired Passive Immunity – tabiiy passiv
Artificially-Acquired Passive Immunity – sun’iy passiv
Слайд 18

Types of Acquired Immunity

Types of Acquired Immunity

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