- 2. MENA – key countries
- 3. Population total, 2005-2017
- 4. Population growth, 2005-2017 (annual %)
- 5. GDP nominal growth,2005-2017 (annual %)
- 6. GDP growth, constant 2010 US$ (annual %)
- 7. GDP per capita, 2005-2017 (current US$)
- 8. GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
- 9. Export Incomes in OPEC countries and Russia, bln. $, 2000-2017 OPEC 4 gulf countries OPEC without
- 10. Conclusions Oil prices of $55 - $70 helped to Global growth restoration in 2016-2018. Global forecast
- 11. World Energy Transition and Future World is undergoing Energy transition, but still not that fast as
- 12. Current situation
- 13. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1985-2017 Source: BP Stat. Review 2017
- 14. Oil Prices and World Oil Extraction, 2014-2018 Brent price Oil extraction (right axis)
- 15. Oil Extraction by countries, 2014-2018 Russia USA Saudi Arabia Iran (right axis) Venezuela (right axis)
- 16. Oil Production and Exports by country, 2016 Source: OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin
- 17. Oil Production and Consumption, 2017, million barrel a day Source: International Energy Agency
- 18. Global Balance and Future
- 19. Primary energy demand by fuel (in 2015 and increase by 2040), Probable Scenario Source: Global and
- 20. The Structure of World Energy Consumption, 1971 and 2015, % total consumption Источник: МЭА
- 21. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1985-2017 Source: BP Stat. Review 2017
- 22. Global Energy Supply Investment in 2014 – 2035, IEA estimate (2014), bln USD-2012, by industry, by
- 23. GDP and Primary Energy Consumption, annual growth rates, 1991 - 2017 Source: World Bank, BP
- 24. Oil and Gas Consumption, annual growth rates, 1991 - 2017 Source: World Bank, BP *Calculated index
- 25. Coal consumption and Electricity generation, annual growth rates, 1991 - 2017 Source: World Bank, BP *Calculated
- 26. Global Energy Balance mln tons, 2015 Источник: МЭА
- 27. Literature 1 Григорьев Л.М., Чапыгина А.В. «Саудовская Аравия – нефть и развитие», «Мировая Энергетическая политика», №7,
- 29. Скачать презентацию