Festivals around the world. Unit 8.1 презентация


Слайд 2



Слайд 3

Carnival [ka:nivəl] -карнавал

Carnival [ka:nivəl] -карнавал

Слайд 4

Have a good time – хорошо проводить время

Have a good time – хорошо проводить время

Слайд 5

Wear colorful costumes [kostjumz] – носить колоритные костюмы

Wear colorful costumes [kostjumz] – носить колоритные костюмы

Слайд 6

A partygoer – участник вечеринки

A partygoer – участник вечеринки

Слайд 7

A band – группа

A band – группа

Слайд 8

Spectators [spək’teitəz] – зрители

Spectators [spək’teitəz] – зрители

Слайд 9

Clap – хлопать в ладоши

Clap – хлопать в ладоши

Слайд 10

Queue [kju:] – стоять в очереди (очередь)

Queue [kju:] – стоять в очереди (очередь)

Слайд 11

Musicans [mju’ziʃənz] – музыканты

Musicans [mju’ziʃənz] – музыканты

Слайд 12

The Present Continuous tense

The Present Continuous tense

Слайд 13

Действие происходит в момент говорения или в ближайшем будущем

Действие происходит в момент говорения или в ближайшем будущем

Слайд 14

Подлежащее + форма глагола быть (am, is, are) + смысловой глагол с добавлением суффикс ing [iŋ]

Подлежащее + форма глагола быть (am, is, are) + смысловой глагол

с добавлением суффикс ing [iŋ]
Слайд 15

I am reading [ri:diŋ] He’s reading [ri:diŋ] We’re reading [ri:diŋ]

I am reading [ri:diŋ]
He’s reading [ri:diŋ]
We’re reading [ri:diŋ]

Слайд 16



Слайд 17



Слайд 18

They’re playing

They’re playing

Слайд 19



Слайд 20



Слайд 21

He’s running

He’s running

Слайд 22



Слайд 23



Слайд 24

She’s singing

She’s singing

Слайд 25



Слайд 26



Слайд 27

She’s cooking

She’s cooking

Слайд 28



Слайд 29



Слайд 30

They’re eating

They’re eating

Слайд 31



Слайд 32



Слайд 33

They’re dancing

They’re dancing

Слайд 34



Слайд 35



Слайд 36

He’s sleeping

He’s sleeping

Слайд 37

Watch TV

Watch TV

Слайд 38

Watching TV

Watching TV

Слайд 39

They’re watching TV

They’re watching TV

Слайд 40



Слайд 41



Слайд 42

She’s swimming

She’s swimming

Слайд 43



Слайд 44



Слайд 45

They’re studying

They’re studying

Слайд 46

Слайд 47

Page 87

Page 87

Слайд 48

Exercise 4D Page 81

Exercise 4D Page 81

Слайд 49

Write the ing forms

Write the ing forms

Слайд 50

Слайд 51

Page 87

Page 87

Слайд 52

Exercise 5A Page 81

Exercise 5A Page 81

Слайд 53

Make sentences in the Present Continuous from the prompts

Make sentences in the Present Continuous from the prompts

Слайд 54

He/ play the guitar He’s playing the guitar

He/ play the guitar He’s playing the guitar

Слайд 55

1. All the people/ have good time

1. All the people/ have good time

Слайд 56

1. All the people are having a good time

1. All the people are having a good time

Слайд 57

2. she/ not dance/ now

2. she/ not dance/ now

Слайд 58

2. She isn’t dancing now

2. She isn’t dancing now

Слайд 59

3. they/wear/ traditional costumes

3. they/wear/ traditional costumes

Слайд 60

3. They’re wearing traditional costumes

3. They’re wearing traditional costumes

Слайд 61

4. we/ read/ an interesting book

4. we/ read/ an interesting book

Слайд 62

4. We’re reading an interesting book

4. We’re reading an interesting book

Слайд 63

5. I/ wear/ a coat

5. I/ wear/ a coat

Слайд 64

5. I am wearing a coat

5. I am wearing a coat

Слайд 65

6. I/ not study/ any languages/ at the moment

6. I/ not study/ any languages/ at the moment

Слайд 66

6. I am not studying any languages at the moment

6. I am not studying any languages at the moment

Слайд 67

7. we/ not write/ an exercise

7. we/ not write/ an exercise

Слайд 68

7. We aren’t writing an exercise

7. We aren’t writing an exercise

Слайд 69

8. what/ you/ do/ at the moment?

8. what/ you/ do/ at the moment?

Слайд 70

8. What are you doing at the moment?

8. What are you doing at the moment?

Слайд 71

Exercise 5B Page 81

Exercise 5B Page 81

Слайд 72

Make the sentences in exercise 5A true for you

Make the sentences in exercise 5A true for you

Слайд 73

1. have good time

1. have good time

Слайд 74

1. I am having a good time

1. I am having a good time

Слайд 75

2. dance/ now

2. dance/ now

Слайд 76

2. I’m not dancing now

2. I’m not dancing now

Слайд 77

3. wear/ traditional costumes

3. wear/ traditional costumes

Слайд 78

3. I’m not wearing a traditional costume

3. I’m not wearing a traditional costume

Слайд 79

4. read/ an interesting book

4. read/ an interesting book

Слайд 80

4. I’m not reading an interesting book

4. I’m not reading an interesting book

Слайд 81

5. wear/ a coat

5. wear/ a coat

Слайд 82

5. I’m not wearing a coat

5. I’m not wearing a coat

Слайд 83

6. not study/ any languages/ at the moment

6. not study/ any languages/ at the moment

Слайд 84

6. I’m not studying any languages at the moment

6. I’m not studying any languages at the moment

Слайд 85

7. not write/ an exercise

7. not write/ an exercise

Слайд 86

7. I’m not writing an exercise

7. I’m not writing an exercise

Слайд 87

8. at the moment

8. at the moment

Слайд 88

8. I am talking to you at the moment

8. I am talking to you at the moment

Слайд 89

Exercise 1 Page 80

Exercise 1 Page 80

Слайд 90

Look at the photos on pages 80-81

Look at the photos on pages 80-81

Слайд 91

Two of the photos show the Boston Carnival

Two of the photos show the Boston Carnival

Слайд 92

The Boston Carnival [ka:nivəl]

The Boston Carnival [ka:nivəl]

Слайд 93

Boston's Caribbean [kæri’biən] style carnival is celebrated in August

Boston's Caribbean [kæri’biən] style carnival is celebrated in August

Слайд 94

What’s happening there?

What’s happening there?

Слайд 95

“I am watching some fantastic dancers. They’re moving slowly towards [to:dz] me”

“I am watching some fantastic dancers. They’re moving slowly towards [to:dz]

Слайд 96

“I am cooking some lovely Caribbean [kæri’biən] chicken curry”

“I am cooking some lovely Caribbean [kæri’biən] chicken curry”

Слайд 97

Two of the photos show the Mariarchi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] festival in Guadalajara, Mexico

Two of the photos show the Mariarchi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] festival in Guadalajara,

Слайд 98

Every year at the end of August, the city of

Every year at the end of August, the city of

Guadalajara celebrates the World's largest Mariachi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] festival
Слайд 99

Mariachi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] is a genre [ʒa:nr] of Mexican music that dates back to the 18th century

Mariachi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] is a genre [ʒa:nr] of Mexican music that dates back to

the 18th century
Слайд 100

What’s happening there?

What’s happening there?

Слайд 101

“I am sitting in the town square and I am

“I am sitting in the town square and I am listening

to some fantastic mariachi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] music”
Слайд 102

“The spectators [spek’teitəz] are clapping and shouting and singing with the music”

“The spectators [spek’teitəz] are clapping and shouting and singing with

the music”
Слайд 103

Two of the photos show the Helsinki Festival, Finland

Two of the photos show the Helsinki Festival, Finland

Слайд 104

It’s an arts festival

It’s an arts festival

Слайд 105

What’s happening there?

What’s happening there?

Слайд 106

“Some people are queuing [kju:iŋ] to go into a theater”

“Some people are queuing [kju:iŋ] to go into a theater”

Слайд 107

Exercise 2A Page 80

Exercise 2A Page 80

Слайд 108

Listen and match the reporters (Anna, Justin and Pam) with the photos

Listen and match the reporters (Anna, Justin and Pam) with the

Слайд 109

Page 155 Track 2.11

Page 155 Track 2.11

Слайд 110

J – Jools (TV presenter) A – Anna reports on the Boston Carnival

J – Jools (TV presenter) A – Anna reports on the Boston Carnival

Слайд 111

J: Hello, there, everyone! It’s festival time here in the

J: Hello, there, everyone! It’s festival time here in the UK

and today we’re bringing you some pictures and information about late summer around the world
Слайд 112

J: Let’s start in the US. Our reporter Anna Linstrom

J: Let’s start in the US. Our reporter Anna Linstrom is

at the Boston carnival right now. How ‘s it going, Anna?
Слайд 113

A:: Hi, Jools. It’s great. It’s a really hot late

A:: Hi, Jools. It’s great. It’s a really hot late August

day. I am having a good time – everyone is having a good time
Слайд 114

J: What’s happening right now? A: I am standing in

J: What’s happening right now?
A: I am standing in the street

and I am watching some fantastic dancers
Слайд 115

A: They’re moving slowly towards me. They’re wearing really colorful

A: They’re moving slowly towards me. They’re wearing really colorful costumes

and they’re dancing really well.
J: Sounds good
Слайд 116

J – Jools (TV presenter) W – Witney A -

J – Jools (TV presenter) W – Witney A - Anna Whitney is at

the Boston Carnival
Слайд 117

A: And I’m with Whitney who makes food for the

A: And I’m with Whitney who makes food for the partygoers

here. Whitney, what are you doing?
Слайд 118

W: Well, I am cooking some lovely Caribbean [kæri’biən] chicken curry A: Mmm, it smells good

W: Well, I am cooking some lovely Caribbean [kæri’biən] chicken curry

Mmm, it smells good
Слайд 119

J – Jools (TV presenter Ju – Justin reports from the Mariachi Festival

J – Jools (TV presenter Ju – Justin reports from the Mariachi Festival

Слайд 120

J: Thank you, Anna. Now Boston isn’t the only place

J: Thank you, Anna. Now Boston isn’t the only place having

a party at this time of year. Our reporter Justin Leonard is at the Mariachi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] Festival in Guadalajara
Слайд 121

J: Justin, how’s it going over there? Ju: Hi, Jools.

J: Justin, how’s it going over there?
Ju: Hi, Jools. I am

sitting in the town square and I am listening to some fantastic Mariachi [ma:ri’a:tʃi] music
Слайд 122

Ju: In this band the guitarists [gi’ta:rists] are all playing

Ju: In this band the guitarists [gi’ta:rists] are all playing together.

It’s lovely
J: It sounds noisy [noizi] there
Слайд 123

JU: It is! The spectators [spək’teitəz] aren’t just listening. They’re

JU: It is! The spectators [spək’teitəz] aren’t just listening. They’re clapping

and shouting [ʃautiŋ] and singing with the music
Слайд 124

J – Jools (TV presenter) P – Pam (reports on

J – Jools (TV presenter) P – Pam (reports on the Helsinki

Arts Festival M – Mika is at the festival
Слайд 125

J: Thank you, Justin. And in Helsinki, Finland, Pam Sykes

J: Thank you, Justin. And in Helsinki, Finland, Pam Sykes is

reporting on the Helsinki Festival
P: Hello, Jools. Well, it’s quiet here
Слайд 126

P: It’s not like Mexico. This is an arts festival,

P: It’s not like Mexico. This is an arts festival, so

it’s all in cinemas, theaters and concert halls
Слайд 127

P: Some people are queuing [kju:iŋ] behind me to go

P: Some people are queuing [kju:iŋ] behind me to go into

a theater. I have Mika here with me. Mika, what are you queuing [kju:iŋ] for today?
Слайд 128

M: I am not queuing for the theater. I am

M: I am not queuing for the theater. I am with

my children – they’re over there
Слайд 129

M: They’re waiting to see some funny films –some old

M: They’re waiting to see some funny films –some old films

with Charlie Chaplin
P: That sounds like fun! Thank you, Mika
Слайд 130

P: Back to you, Jools. Thanks, Pam. Now in the studio this afternoon….

P: Back to you, Jools. Thanks, Pam. Now in the studio

this afternoon….
Слайд 131

Track 2.11

Track 2.11

Слайд 132

Which festival?

Which festival?

Слайд 133

A: I am standing in the street and I am watching some fantastic dancers

A: I am standing in the street and I am watching

some fantastic dancers
Слайд 134

Слайд 135

The Boston Festival (Anna’s report) – photos A, D

The Boston Festival (Anna’s report) – photos A, D

Слайд 136

Which festival?

Which festival?

Слайд 137

I am listening to some fantastic Mariachi music. The spectators

I am listening to some fantastic Mariachi music. The spectators [spək’teitəz]

aren’t just listening. They’re clapping and shouting and singing with the music
Слайд 138

Слайд 139

The Mariachi Festival (Justin’s report)– photos B, E

The Mariachi Festival (Justin’s report)– photos B, E

Слайд 140

Which festival?

Which festival?

Слайд 141

P: This is an arts festival, so it’s all in

P: This is an arts festival, so it’s all in cinemas,

theaters and concert halls. Some people are queuing [kju:iŋ] behind me to go into a theater
Слайд 142

Слайд 143

The Helsinki Festival (Pam’s report) – photos C, F

The Helsinki Festival (Pam’s report) – photos C, F

Слайд 144

Exercise 2C Page 80

Exercise 2C Page 80

Слайд 145

Listen again and match the people with the activities

Listen again and match the people with the activities

Слайд 146

Track 2.11

Track 2.11

Слайд 147

Слайд 148

1. What’s Anna doing?

1. What’s Anna doing?

Слайд 149

A: Hi, Jools. It’s great. It’s a really hot late

A: Hi, Jools. It’s great. It’s a really hot late August

day. I am having a good time – everyone is having a good time
Слайд 150

Слайд 151

1. Anna is having a good time (e)

1. Anna is having a good time (e)

Слайд 152

2. What are the dancers doing?

2. What are the dancers doing?

Слайд 153

A: They’re moving slowly towards me. They’re wearing really colorful

A: They’re moving slowly towards me. They’re wearing really colorful costumes

and they’re dancing really well.
J: Sounds good
Слайд 154

Слайд 155

2. The dancers are wearing colorful costumes (f)

2. The dancers are wearing colorful costumes (f)

Слайд 156

3. What is Whitney doing?

3. What is Whitney doing?

Слайд 157

W: Well, I am cooking some lovely Caribbean [kæri’biən] chicken curry A: Mmm, it smells good

W: Well, I am cooking some lovely Caribbean [kæri’biən] chicken curry

Mmm, it smells good
Слайд 158

Слайд 159

3. Whitney is cooking Caribbean [kæri’biən] food (a)

3. Whitney is cooking Caribbean [kæri’biən] food (a)

Слайд 160

4. What is Justin doing?

4. What is Justin doing?

Слайд 161

J: Justin, how’s it going over there? Ju: Hi, Jools.

J: Justin, how’s it going over there?
Ju: Hi, Jools. I am

sitting in the town square and I am listening to some fantastic Mariachi music
Слайд 162

Слайд 163

4. Justin is sitting in the town square (b)

4. Justin is sitting in the town square (b)

Слайд 164

5. What are the guitarists doing?

5. What are the guitarists doing?

Слайд 165

Ju: In this band the guitarists are all playing together.

Ju: In this band the guitarists are all playing together. It’s

J: It sounds noisy there
Слайд 166

Слайд 167

5. The guitarists are all playing together (d)

5. The guitarists are all playing together (d)

Слайд 168

6. What are the spectators doing?

6. What are the spectators doing?

Слайд 169

JU: It is! The spectators [spək’teitəz] aren’t just listening. They’re

JU: It is! The spectators [spək’teitəz] aren’t just listening. They’re clapping

and shouting and singing with the music
Слайд 170

Слайд 171

6. The spectators [spek’teitəz] aren’t just listening to the music (h)

6. The spectators [spek’teitəz] aren’t just listening to the music (h)

Слайд 172

7. What is Pam doing?

7. What is Pam doing?

Слайд 173

J: Thank you, Justin. And in Helsinki, Finland, Pam Sykes

J: Thank you, Justin. And in Helsinki, Finland, Pam Sykes is

reporting on the Helsinki Festival
P: Hello, Jools. Well, it’s quiet here
Слайд 174

Слайд 175

7. Pam is reporting from Finland (g)

7. Pam is reporting from Finland (g)

Слайд 176

8. What is Mika doing?

8. What is Mika doing?

Слайд 177

M: I am not queuing for the theater. I am

M: I am not queuing for the theater. I am with

my children – they’re over there
Слайд 178

Слайд 179

8. Mika isn’t queuing [kju:iŋ] for the theater (c)

8. Mika isn’t queuing [kju:iŋ] for the theater (c)

Слайд 180

Exercise 3 Page 80

Exercise 3 Page 80

Слайд 181

Answer some questions

Answer some questions

Слайд 182

1. Are there any well-known festivals in Russia?

1. Are there any well-known festivals in Russia?

Слайд 183

Yes, there are

Yes, there are

Слайд 184

White Nights in Saint Petersburg

White Nights in Saint Petersburg

Слайд 185

Scarlet Sails in Saint Petersburg

Scarlet Sails in Saint Petersburg

Слайд 186

2. Do you go to festivals? Do you like them? Why?/Why not?

2. Do you go to festivals?
Do you like them?
Why?/Why not?

Слайд 187

2. Yes, I go to festivals. I like them. Festivals are exciting

2. Yes, I go to festivals. I like them. Festivals are

Слайд 188

2. No, I don’t go to festivals. I don’t like them. I think they’re boring

2. No, I don’t go to festivals. I don’t like them.

I think they’re boring
Слайд 189

3. Is your country famous for a kind of music or dancing like mariachi or flamenco?

3. Is your country famous for a kind of music or

dancing like mariachi or flamenco?
Слайд 190

Yes, it is. Russian folk songs and dancing are quite popular

Yes, it is.
Russian folk songs and dancing are quite popular

Слайд 191

Exercise 6 Page 81

Exercise 6 Page 81

Слайд 192

Listen to the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables (слоги)

Listen to the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables (слоги)

Слайд 193

Track 2.12

Track 2.12

Слайд 194

1. She’s dancing

1. She’s dancing

Слайд 195

2. They’re talking

2. They’re talking

Слайд 196

3. Are you listening?

3. Are you listening?

Слайд 197

3. We aren’t leaving

3. We aren’t leaving

Слайд 198

Page 148

Page 148

Слайд 199

Tell me what the people in the picture are doing

Tell me what the people in the picture are doing

Слайд 200

What’s she doing? (cook)

What’s she doing? (cook)

Слайд 201

She’s cooking

She’s cooking

Слайд 202

What’s he doing? (cycle)

What’s he doing? (cycle)

Слайд 203

He’s cycling

He’s cycling

Слайд 204

What are they doing? (dance)

What are they doing? (dance)

Слайд 205

They’re dancing

They’re dancing

Слайд 206

What’s he doing? (drink)

What’s he doing? (drink)

Слайд 207

He’s drinking

He’s drinking

Слайд 208

What’s she doing? (eat)

What’s she doing? (eat)

Слайд 209

She’s eating

She’s eating

Слайд 210

What’s he doing? (laugh [la:f])

What’s he doing? (laugh [la:f])

Слайд 211

He’s laughing [la:fiŋ]

He’s laughing [la:fiŋ]

Слайд 212

What’s she doing? (play the guitar)

What’s she doing? (play the guitar)

Слайд 213

She’s playing the guitar

She’s playing the guitar

Слайд 214

What’s she doing? (run)

What’s she doing? (run)

Слайд 215

She’s running

She’s running

Слайд 216

What’s she doing? (sit)

What’s she doing? (sit)

Слайд 217

She’s sitting

She’s sitting

Слайд 218

What’s he doing (sleep)

What’s he doing (sleep)

Слайд 219

He’s sleeping

He’s sleeping

Слайд 220

What are they doing? (swim)

What are they doing? (swim)

Слайд 221

They’re swimming

They’re swimming

Слайд 222

What’s she doing? (teach)

What’s she doing? (teach)

Слайд 223

She’s teaching

She’s teaching

Слайд 224

What’s he doing? (use a computer)

What’s he doing? (use a computer)

Слайд 225

He’s using a computer

He’s using a computer

Слайд 226

What’re they doing? (walk)

What’re they doing? (walk)

Слайд 227

They’re walking

They’re walking

Слайд 228

What’s she doing? (write)

What’s she doing? (write)

Слайд 229

She’s writing

She’s writing

Слайд 230

Exercise 7 Page 81

Exercise 7 Page 81

Слайд 231

Mime an activity from the box at the bottom. Guess your partner’s activity

Mime an activity from the box at the bottom. Guess your

partner’s activity
Слайд 232

Exercise 8 Page 81

Exercise 8 Page 81

Слайд 233

Look at the picture on page 81 and describe it

Look at the picture on page 81 and describe it

Слайд 234

What is happening?

What is happening?

Слайд 235

There’re some buildings at the back of the picture

There’re some buildings at the back of the picture

Слайд 236

Two women are dancing at the front of the picture

Two women are dancing at the front of the picture

Слайд 237

Some musicians are playing on the right of the picture

Some musicians are playing on the right of the picture

Слайд 238

Some people are watching the dancers on the left of the picture

Some people are watching the dancers on the left of the

Слайд 239

Where is it?

Where is it?

Слайд 240

At a festival

At a festival

Слайд 241

Page 155 Track 2.13

Page 155 Track 2.13

Слайд 242

Track 2.13

Track 2.13

Слайд 243

How to describe a picture

How to describe a picture

Слайд 244

At the back of the picture

At the back of the picture

Слайд 245

At the front of the picture

At the front of the picture

Слайд 246

On the left of the picture

On the left of the picture

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