Презентации по Английскому языку

SKELETON The skeleton (from Greek σκελετός, skeletós "dried up" is the body part that forms the supporting structure of an organism. There are several different skeletal types: the exoskeleton, which is the stable outer shell of an organism, the endoskeleton, which forms the support structure inside the body, the hydroskeleton, and the cytoskeleton. The endoskeleton is the internal support structure of an animal, composed of mineralized tissue and is typical of vertebrates. Endoskeletons vary in complexity from functioning purely for support (as in the case of sponges), to serving as an attachment site for muscles and a mechanism for transmitting muscular forces. A true endoskeleton is derived from mesodermal tissue. Such a skeleton is present in echinoderms and chordates. ENDOSKELETON Exoskeletons are external, and are found in many invertebrates; they enclose and protect the soft tissues and organs of the body. Some kinds of exoskeletons undergo periodic moulting as the animal grows, as is the case in many arthropods including insects and crustaceans. Exoskeletons are made of different materials including chitin (in arthropods), calcium compounds (in stony corals and mollusks) and silicate (for diatoms and radiolarians.) The exoskeleton of insects is not only a protection but also serves as a surface for muscle attachment, as a watertight protection against drying and as a sense organ to interact with their environments. The shell of mollusks also performs all of the same functions, except that in most cases it does not contain sense organs.
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Seminar Conflict of Law Rules
Seminar Conflict of Law Rules
But First… Seminar – Active learning The mind is a fire to be lit not a vessel to be filled Семинар - Активное обучение Ум - это огонь, который нужно зажечь, а не чашка, который нужно наполнить. Самостоятельная работа по темам, которые вы встречаете сегодня – Важно !!! Делайте заметки - бумага и ручка - Очень Важно !!! Self study on topics you meet today – Important !!! Take notes – paper and pen – Very Important !!! Second - English Essential skill for the modern international lawyer Ready to help any student who want to improve professional legal English Lectures – Friday nights 6pm – Rule of Law, and Legal Reasoning (for Moot competition students) Proof Reading your articles or work in English Основные навыки для современного международного юриста Готов помочь любому студенту, который хочет улучшить юридический профессиональный английский Лекции - вечера пятницы, 18:00 - верховенство закона и юридическое обоснование (для студентов, участвующих в конкурсах) Доказательство Чтение ваших статей или работа на английском языке
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