Презентации по Английскому языку

Russian winter festivals guide
Russian winter festivals guide
Russian Christmas Religious Traditions Russian Orthodox Christmas takes place on January 7th (following the Old Calendar this is the 25th of December) and the celebration lasts for six days. In the Orthodox tradition nothing is eaten or drunk on Christmas Eve until the first star appears in the sky. The star is symbolic of the great star that led the Magi to the newly born Christ. Once the first star has appeared in the sky, the festivities begin with a Lenten meal - meaning meat or dairy products (including chocolates) are excluded. This Christmas Eve meal is "The Holy Supper" . The family gathers around the table to honor the coming Christ Child. A white tablecloth is used to symbolize Christ's swaddling clothes and hay is displayed as a reminder of the poverty of the place where Jesus was born. A tall white candle is placed in the center of the Table, to symbolize Christ - the "Light of the World." A large round loaf of "pagach", a special Lenten bread, is placed beside the candle to symbolize Christ - the "Bread of Life". The father begins the Christmas meal by leading the family in the Lord's Prayer, a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessings of the past year and for the good things to come in the new year. The head of the family greets those present with "Christ is Born!" - the traditional Russian Christmas greeting - and the family responds with "Glorify Him!" The Mother then draws a cross with honey on each person's forehead, saying a blessing - "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, may you have sweetness and many good things in life and in the new year." The Lenten bread (Pagach) is then broken and shared. The bread is dipped first in honey to symbolize the sweetness of life and then in chopped garlic to symbolize life's bitterness. The "Holy Supper" is then eaten. After dinner, no dishes are washed and the Christmas presents are opened. The family goes to church for the Christmas Mass which lasts until after midnight. Holy Supper Traditionally, the "Holy Supper" consists of 12 different foods, symbolic of the 12 Apostles. Although there was also some variation in the foods from place to place and village to village, the following is a good summary of what is typically served. 1) Mushroom soup 2) Lenten bread 3) Chopped garlic 4) Honey 5) Baked fish 6) Fresh Oranges, Figs 7) Nuts 8) Kidney beans, seasoned with shredded potatoes, lots of garlic, salt and pepper 9) Peas 10) Parsley Potatoes 11) Small biscuits combined with sauerkraut or poppy seed with honey 12) Red Wine
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The United States of America
The United States of America
The United States of America - Country in the North America. Соединенные Штаты Америки – страна в Северной Америке. The population is 328 million people. Население составляет 328 миллионов человек. The official language is English. Официальный язык – английский. There are 50 states in the USA. В США насчитывается 50 штатов. The United States is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. США омывается Тихим и Атлантическими океанами. The United States is a presidential Republic. The highest legislative authority is the us Congress. The highest Executive power belongs to the President. США – президентская республика. Высший орган законодательной власти – Конгресс США. Высшая исполнительная власть принадлежит президенту. Financial position. The US is currently the world's largest economy with $14.2 trillion. Short information about USA В начало -> The flag is called “Stars and Stripes” The 50 stars stand for the 50 states of the Union, and the 13 stripes they represent the 13 former British colonies that formed an independent state in 1776 (Delaware, Pennsylvania, new Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, new Hampshire, Virginia, new York, North Carolina, Rhode island). Флаг называется “звездно-полосатый” 50 звезд обозначают 50 штатов союза, а 13 полос они представляют 13 бывших британских колоний, образовавших независимое государство в 1776 году (Делавэр, Пенсильвания, Нью-Джерси, Джорджия, Коннектикут, Массачусетс, Мэриленд, Южная Каролина, Нью-Гэмпшир, Вирджиния, Нью-Йорк, Северная Каролина, Род-Айленд). The flag В начало ->
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Великие путешественники
Великие путешественники
Magellan, Ferdinand(Магеллан, Фернан) Ferdinand (Fernando) Magellan (Magallanes) (port. Fernão de Magalhães [fɨɾˈnɐw ðɨ mɐɡɐˈʎɐȷs], Spanish Fernando (Hernando) de Magallanes [(f)eɾ'nando article maɣa'ʎanes], lat. Ferdinandus Magellanus; 1480, Sabrosa, the region of trás-OS-Montes, Kingdom of Portugal — April 27, 1521, Mactan island, Philippines) is a Portuguese and Spanish Explorer with the title of adelantado. Commanded the expedition made the first known voyage around the world. Discovered the Strait later named after him, becoming the first European to have passed by sea from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ферна́н (Ферна́ндо) Магелла́н (Магальяйнш) (порт. Fernão de Magalhães [fɨɾˈnɐ̃w̃ ðɨ mɐɡɐˈʎɐ̃ȷ̃s], исп. Fernando (Hernando) de Magallanes [(f)eɾ'nando ðe maɣa'ʎanes], лат. Ferdinandus Magellanus; 1480 г., Саброза, область Траз-уж-Монтиш, Королевство Португалия — 27 апреля 1521, остров Мактан, Филиппины) — португальский и испанский мореплаватель с титулом аделантадо. Командовал экспедицией, совершившей первое известное кругосветное путешествие. Открыл пролив, позже названный его именем, став первым европейцем, проследовавшим по морю из Атлантического океана в Тихий.
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