Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia ٍSubkigdom : Metazoa Triploblastic Animal презентация


Слайд 2

Characteristics 1. They are soft bodied, unsegmented worms. 2. They


1. They are soft bodied, unsegmented worms.
2. They show bilateral

symmetry and
dorsiventrally flat worms
3. Triploplastic.
4. Exo or Endo skeleton is completely absent.
5. The parasite shows suckers or hooks or both for attachment to the host body.
6. They are the first animals to illustrate the development of organ system.
7. A true body cavity or coelome is absent, and the space between the body organs is filled with loose parenchyma.

6 April 2017

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Characteristics cont. 8. Circulatory and respiratory systems are absent. 9.

Characteristics cont.

8. Circulatory and respiratory systems are absent.
9. Nervous system and

sense organs are poorly developed.
10. Usually hermaphrodite animals.
11. May be free living (Turbellaria), ectoparasitic or endoparasitic. A few may be commensals.
12. The alimentary canal is either absent or highly branched. Anus is absent.(incomplete digestive system)

6 April 2017

Слайд 4

Phylum Platyhelminthes is divided into three classes: Class I:- TURBELLARIA

Phylum Platyhelminthes is divided into three classes:

Ex. Planaria sp.
Class II:-

Order: Diginea
Ex1- Fasciola sp.
Ex2- Schistosoma sp.
Ex. Taenia sp.

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Слайд 5

CLASS I: TURBELLARIA : 1. Mostly free - living forms


1. Mostly free - living forms found in

fresh or sea waters or on land.
2. Body is unsegmented and dorsoventrally flattened.
3. Epidermis is cellular or syncytial.
4 Intestine is either absent (Acoela) or simple and sac like (Rhabdocoela) or branched.

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Class:- Turbellaria EX. : PLANARIA . 6 April 2017

Class:- Turbellaria EX. : PLANARIA .

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CLASS II : TERMATODA : These are commonly known as


These are commonly known as flukes.
These are ectoparasitic

or endoparasitic forms.
Body is unsegmented and enlongated.
Adhesive organs are, one or two suckers without hooks and spines.
Digestive tract is bifurcated and highly diverticulated. Anus is absent.

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Слайд 9

CLASS Trematoda ORDER Digenea Fasciola sp. Schistosoma sp. ORDER Monogenea 6 April 2017

Fasciola sp.
Schistosoma sp.

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Слайд 10

Ex 1: Fasciola Hepatica (liver flukes) An endoparasite Has 2

Ex 1: Fasciola Hepatica (liver flukes)

An endoparasite
Has 2 hosts(digenea)
Primary host : sheep

host : snail
Infective stage to
Infective stage to

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Слайд 12

Anterior mouth Has 2 suckers (oral and ventral) Hermaphrodite Body

Anterior mouth
Has 2 suckers (oral and ventral)
Body surrounded by tough resistant


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Слайд 13

1-Digestive system Incomplete (has no anus) At the anterior end

1-Digestive system

Incomplete (has no anus)
At the anterior end of the body

a mouth opening is present surrounded by oral sucker leading to buccal cavity, which lead to pharynx then into narrow oesophagus.
It opens into intestine which is divided into branches. Each gives side branches. The two branches end near the posterior end of the animal.
The tegument absorbs glucose from the host directly.

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Слайд 14

2-Excretory system In liver fluke the excretion is carried out

2-Excretory system

In liver fluke the excretion is carried out by flame

It has a longituidnal excretory canal. From it a number of branches will arise.
They branch again. The fine branches end with flame cells.
The longitudinal excretory canal opens at the posterior end through excretory opening.

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3-Reproductive system 6 April 2017

3-Reproductive system

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T.S in Fasciola Hepatica 6 April 2017

T.S in Fasciola Hepatica

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Слайд 17

Testis Main excretory canal Parenchyma tissue 6 April 2017


excretory canal


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Intestinal caecum Testis Parenchyma tissue 6 April 2017




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Branch of excretory canal Vitelline gland P.T. 6 April 2017

Branch of
excretory canal

Vitelline gland


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T Sp TC LMF P T: Tegument Sp: Spicule LMF:






T: Tegument
Sp: Spicule
LMF: Longitudinal muscle fiber
TC: Tegument forming cell
P: Parenchyma

6 April

Слайд 21

Ex. 2: Schistosoma sp. Unisexual(dioecious) Male having a gynecophoral canal

Ex. 2: Schistosoma sp.

Male having a gynecophoral canal
(schisto-soma = split

Live inside blood vessels and are commonly known as blood flukes.
Primary host : human
Intermediate hosts : Snails
Eggs excreted with faeces or urine.
Infectice stage of snail : miracidia
Infective stage of human :cercariae.
Vertebrate infected by penetration of the skin.

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CLASS III : Cestoda Ex. : Taenia sp. endoparasites Body

CLASS III : Cestoda Ex. : Taenia sp.

Body covered with thick

Mouth , digestive tract and sense organs are absent.
Fertilization is internal.
The tapeworm use the scolex (diagram shown on the right), to attaches itself firmly to the host’ intestinal wall.

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Слайд 24

The tip of the scolex is equipped with a retractable

The tip of the scolex is equipped with a retractable hook-bearing

rostellum which acts like discs with teeth to hold onto the intestinal wall.
So, the tapeworm will just hang on to the intestinal wall and absorb food through their skin.
tapeworms do not have any digestive tracts and also lack mouths and digestive enzymes, unlike the other classes of platyhelminthes.

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Made up of many segments called proglottids. Each proglottid is

Made up of many segments called proglottids.
Each proglottid is a reproductive

unit that produces gametes.

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The neck produces segments called proglottids which make up the

The neck produces segments called proglottids which make up the body

and tail.
Each segment has both male and female reproductive organs.
Segments can produce eggs on their own but sometimes mate with other segments or even other tapeworms.
Segments absorb nutrients through their skin and have the ability to produce eggs.
Over time the segments fill with eggs and detach from the tail. They are then carried out of the body in the feces.

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Слайд 27

Has at least 2 hosts Though they are sexually hermaphroditic,

Has at least 2 hosts
Though they are sexually hermaphroditic, self-fertilization is

a rare phenomenon.
To permit hybridization, cross-fertilization between two individuals is often practiced for reproduction.

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Слайд 28

Endoparasitic Primary host : human Secondary host: pigs or cattle

Primary host : human
Secondary host: pigs or cattle
Infective stage

to human : cysticercus
Infective stage to pigs:
eggs or proglottid

6 April 2017

Имя файла: Eukarya-Kingdom:-Animalia-ٍSubkigdom-:-Metazoa-Triploblastic-Animal.pptx
Количество просмотров: 113
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