Differentiation. A “derivative”, презентация


Слайд 2

Lecture Outline

Lecture Outline

Слайд 3

Reference Anton, H., Bivens I., Davis, S. Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th edition https://library.nu.edu.kz/.RMSearch/URL?type=search&book=10945


Anton, H., Bivens I., Davis, S.  
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th edition


Слайд 4

Introduction Many real-world phenomena involve changing quantities: the speed of


Many real-world phenomena involve changing quantities:
the speed of a rocket,

the inflation of currency,
the number of bacteria in a culture,
the shock intensity of an earthquake,
the voltage of an electrical signal, and so forth.
In this lecture we will develop the concept of a “derivative”, which is the mathematical tool for studying the rate at which one quantity changes relative to another.
Слайд 5

Tangent lines

Tangent lines




Слайд 6

Definition Tangent lines


Tangent lines

Слайд 7

Tangent lines Solution


Tangent lines




Слайд 8

Tangent lines



Tangent lines


Слайд 9

Tangent lines Solution


Tangent lines



Слайд 10

Tangent lines Solution or equivalently


Tangent lines





or equivalently


Слайд 11

Rates of change Rates of change occur in many applications,

Rates of change

Rates of change occur in many applications, for example:

A microbiologist might be interested in the rate at which the number of bacteria in a colony changes with time.
An engineer might be interested in the rate at which the length of a metal rod changes with temperature.
An economist might be interested in the rate at which production cost changes with the quantity of a product that is manufactured.
A medical researcher might be interested in the rate at which the radius of an artery changes with the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream.
Слайд 12

For linear case, each 1-unit increase in x anywhere along

For linear case, each 1-unit increase in x anywhere along the

line produces constantly an m-unit change in y.

For general (nonlinear) case this change is not constant.

Rates of change

Слайд 13

Rates of change


Rates of change

Слайд 14

Rates of change





Rates of change

Слайд 15

Rates of change Solution (a)


Rates of change

Solution (a)


Слайд 16

Rates of change Solution (b)


Rates of change

Solution (b)


Слайд 17

Derivative function Definition

Derivative function


Слайд 18

Derivative function Derivative Instantaneous rate of change Slope of a tangent line

Derivative function


rate of change

Slope of a
tangent line

Слайд 19

Example 4. Derivative function Solution

Example 4.

Derivative function


Слайд 20

Example 4. Derivative function Solution Tangent line (point-slope form)

Example 4.

Derivative function




Tangent line (point-slope form)


Слайд 21

Derivative function

Derivative function



Слайд 22

Derivative function Solution (a)

Derivative function


Solution (a)

Слайд 23

Derivative function Solution (b)

Derivative function


Solution (b)


Слайд 24





Слайд 25

Differentiability or










Слайд 26

Differentiability Geometrically a function is not differentiable at: corner points points of vertical tangency


Geometrically a function is not differentiable at:
corner points
points of vertical tangency

Слайд 27

Differentiability Solution (a)



Solution (a)






Слайд 28

Differentiability Solution (b)



Solution (b)





Слайд 29

Differentiation rules Derivative of a constant

Differentiation rules

Derivative of a constant

Слайд 30

Derivative of power functions (Power rule) Differentiation rules If n

Derivative of power functions (Power rule)

Differentiation rules

If n is a positive

integer, then

in particular



Слайд 31

Derivative of power functions (Power rule) Differentiation rules If n

Derivative of power functions (Power rule)

Differentiation rules

If n is a positive

integer, then

in particular



Слайд 32

Derivative of power functions (Power rule) Extended power rule In

Derivative of power functions (Power rule)

Extended power rule

In the next lecture

we provide a proof using derivatives of a logarithmic function

Differentiation rules

Слайд 33

Derivative of a constant times a function Differentiation rules

Derivative of a constant times a function

Differentiation rules

Слайд 34

Derivative of sums and differences Differentiation rules

Derivative of sums and differences

Differentiation rules


Слайд 35

Derivative of a product Differentiation rules

Derivative of a product

Differentiation rules


Слайд 36

Differentiation rules Derivative of a product

Differentiation rules

Derivative of a product


Слайд 37

Derivative of a quotient Differentiation rules

Derivative of a quotient

Differentiation rules

Слайд 38

Derivative of a quotient Differentiation rules

Derivative of a quotient

Differentiation rules

Слайд 39

Differentiation rules Derivative of a quotient

Differentiation rules

Derivative of a quotient

Слайд 40

Example 7 Differentiation rules

Example 7

Differentiation rules







Слайд 41

Example 7 Differentiation rules

Example 7

Differentiation rules







Слайд 42

Example 8 Differentiation rules

Example 8

Differentiation rules





Слайд 43

Example 8 Differentiation rules

Example 8

Differentiation rules





Слайд 44

Example 9 Differentiation rules

Example 9

Differentiation rules



Слайд 45

Example 9 Differentiation rules

Example 9

Differentiation rules






Слайд 46

Example 10 Differentiation rules

Example 10

Differentiation rules



Слайд 47

Example 10 Differentiation rules

Example 10

Differentiation rules





Слайд 48

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes


Слайд 49




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