классный час История Бородинского хлеба презентация


Слайд 2

Цели: Познакомить учащихся с историей возникновения бородинского хлеба. Повысить мотивацию

Познакомить учащихся с историей возникновения бородинского хлеба.
Повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению

английского языка.
Развивать и корректировать речь обучающихся путём обогащения и усложнения её словарного запаса.
Развивать интерес к истории своей страны.
Воспитывать гражданственность, патриотизм, уважение к культурному и историческому прошлому России.
Слайд 3

Borodinskiy bread has unusual taste and smell. It is dark

Borodinskiy bread has unusual taste and smell. It is dark

as grief. It is a witness of undying glory of Russian spirit. We remember those
people who created this bread. Borodinskiy bread appeared thanks to great love of a man and a woman.
Слайд 4

The story of love of general Alexander Tuchkov the fourth

The story of love of general Alexander Tuchkov the fourth and

his wife Margaret was “the love of the century”. They fell in love from the first look. But they had to wait the permission for their marriage 4 years. When they were marriade Margaret was 25, Alexander was 29.
Слайд 5

Margaret was from a famous family of Naryshkin and Volkonskiy.

Margaret was from a famous family of Naryshkin and Volkonskiy. She

had a brilliant education. Her first marriage was unhappy. But suddenly he appeared…
Слайд 6

Alexander Tuchkov was the youngest of four brothers. He was very honest and brave.

Alexander Tuchkov was the
youngest of four brothers.
He was very honest

Слайд 7

They were very happy to be together. After their marriage

They were very happy to be together.
After their marriage

Margaret and Alexander didn’t part with each other.
Слайд 8

She accompanied her husband everywhere. She treated wounded soldiers and slept under the open sky.

She accompanied her husband
everywhere. She treated wounded soldiers

and slept under the open sky.
Слайд 9

In 1811 their son Nikolenka was born. Margaret spent sleepless nights at her son’s cradle.

In 1811 their son Nikolenka was born. Margaret spent sleepless

nights at her son’s cradle.
Слайд 10

Alexander and Margaret with their son wanted to settle far

Alexander and Margaret with their son wanted to settle far from

the capital, but the war changed all their plans.
Слайд 11

It happened during Borodinskoye Battle. Wounded Tuchkov fell down on

It happened during Borodinskoye Battle. Wounded Tuchkov fell down on the

arms of his soldiers. They tried to save their general, but a cannon-ball killed them all.
Слайд 12

Margaret was looking for her husband several months. There were

Margaret was looking for her husband several months. There were

20 thousands of dead soldiers in the field. She didn’t find him.
Слайд 13

Margaret decided to build a monument in honour of her husband and heroes of Borodinskoye Battle.

Margaret decided to build a monument in honour of her husband

and heroes of Borodinskoye Battle.
Слайд 14

The first monument to the heroes of the war was

The first monument to the heroes of the war was

built by Margaret. It was a temple of “Spas Nerukotvornyi”
Слайд 15

Храм Спаса Нерукотворного в Бородино

Храм Спаса Нерукотворного
в Бородино

Слайд 16

She lost her son In 1826. Margaret took the veil

She lost her son
In 1826. Margaret took the veil (постриглась

монахини) in 1838 and decided to
settle in Borodino.
Слайд 17

The widows of Russian soldiers baked bread inside the walls

The widows of Russian soldiers baked bread inside the walls of

the temple. This bread was called Borodinskyi. It reminds us about that time and people who dedicated their lives to Russia.
Слайд 18

Holding the piece of this bread in your hand, pray

Holding the piece of this bread in your hand, pray for

Russian princess Margaret Mihailovna Tuchkova. Remember her great love, faithfullness and courage.
Сжимая краюшку бородинского хлеба, помяните добром русскую княгиню Маргариту Михайловну Тучкову, вспомните о её великой любви, о верности и преданности, о мужестве и самопожертвовании.
Имя файла: классный-час-История-Бородинского-хлеба.pptx
Количество просмотров: 22
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