Psychology and pathology of consciousness презентация


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is the highest level of mental reflection of reality and self-manifested ability of

the person to give himself clear of odd about the environment, about the present and past time to make decisions and according to the situation to control his behavior.

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From the position:
ability in concentration of attention and orientation in

oneself, time, own personality set of knowledge and
experience (consciousness – cumulative knowledge)
the relation of I to external world constructed on the
basis of association, integration and displacement

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a stage on which separate mental phenomena pass, stronger or weaker illuminated by

a projector of attention , or :
the real experience of mental life
dichotomy of the subject and object
the knowledge of own conscious I (K.Jaspers)
a phenomenon of the spherical order, including all spheres of mentality (E.Kretschmer)
the world given in the language, consciousness reveals itself through symbols and signs, otherwise it simply not present (L.Wittgenstein)

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Evolution of consciousness

Consciousness Of Waking - the activation status of the entire body,

allowing him to capture, select and interpret the signals of the external world, to send some of them to memory, or respond to an adequate behavior - depending on prior experience and skills
waking levels:
- extreme voltage level,
- active wakefulness,
- quiet wakefulness.

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Evolution of consciousness

Objective consciousness –
form of interaction with the environment is created

in which the complete picture of the subject structure, relations between its elements and methods of action based on it. Mastering objective consciousness allows itself to delve into the structure of the object or phenomenon

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Evolution of consciousness

Individual consciousness - a subjective image of the world, a set

of ideas, attitudes, feelings emerging from an individual under the influence of the conditions of his life and mental characteristics.

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Evolution of consciousness

Collective consciousness consciousness forms in different social groups, characterized by a

sort of social-normative and social-value orientations and regulating the behavior of group members. (National identity, professional, age, etc.)

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Evolution of consciousness

Public consciousness - a combination of knowledge, spiritual values, collective ideas,

principles and standards of behavior inherent in a certain particular society at a particular period of its existence

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Cognitive function - to provide knowledge about nature, society and people.

function - vital functions of consciousness makes the subject of his will
The creative function - an active impact on the validity of its change and transformation
The evaluation function - determining a positive or negative attitude towards the project based on the needs, interests, goals, norms and ideals

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Orientation :
in oneself (auto psychical)
in time, space ( allo

Clearness of perception, activity of attention.
State of thinking (analysis, synthesis, ability for judgment, associate process ).
Degree of memorizing and recalling.

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Twilight sleep

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A state of a turned off consciousness

Fainting - attack transient loss of consciousness

due to a temporary disturbance of cerebral blood flow

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Decline of level of consciousness

Obnubilation - disturbance of consciousness, characterized by limitation of

verbal contact, increasing the threshold of perception of external stimuli, decreased motor activity, lethargy, disorientation

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Decline of level of consciousness

Somnolence (sleepiness) - a disorder of consciousness in which

a person loses the ability to perceive speech. The patient is sleepy, apathetic, lethargic, so that he did not clearly understand what is happening around.

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Decline of level of consciousness

Sopor - disturbance of consciousness, characterized by the preservation

of coordinated protective reactions, opening the eyes in response to pain, sound and other stimuli, the preservation of all reflexes

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Decline of level of consciousness

Coma - a life-threatening condition characterized by a complete

shutdown of consciousness, lack of response to external stimuli, fading reflexes before their complete disappearance

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QUALITATIVE disorders of consciousness


the presence of true hallucinations and delusions, delirium secondary, violation of

orientation in the world and time, maintaining awareness of self. Memory is stored.

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QUALITATIVE disorders of consciousness oneiroid syndrome

Syndrome characterized by the presence of deployed paintings fantastic

dreamlike hallucinations, interwoven with reality. Disorientation in time and space and self. The memory for the duration of the state of conservation.

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Twilight state

Appearing suddenly and manifested profound disorientation in the environment and own personality,

memory loss at the time of the attack, affecter fear, fragmentary delusions. Often the usual safety automated actions.

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Twilight state


Penchant for

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Psychopathology intellectually - mnestical sphere.

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Memory as a mental process

Memory - a psychological cognitive process, which consists in

the reflection of objective reality through memorization, retention, recognition and playback of what happened in the past experiences.

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Physiological mechanisms of memory

The physiological basis of memory traces are reactions in the

cerebral cortex - the temporary neural connections that occur among neurons under the influence of external stimuli. The reliability of memory depends on the ability to concentrate, the frequency of repetitions and individual storage features.

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Memorizing - memory process, which is to consolidate new information by linking it

with the already acquired earlier.
The basis of the memory of the material with a sense of connection in one piece ..

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memorization techniques:
Types of memory:
logical - by understanding the logical connections of memorized information;

- through the establishment of foreign associations, linking incentives only by contiguity.

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Storage of information - storage process which provides memory retention results for a

long time after the storing.
Types of storing information:
dynamic (in RAM);
static (information is modified and converted into long-term memory).

Data storage

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Data storage

Factors affecting the preservation of information:
volume - best stored in a memory

volume larger material;
meaningful - meaningful material is best stored in the memory;
way of learning;
nature of the actions preceding memorization;

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PLAYBACK - memory process, which results in the updating of the fixed material

by extracting it from the long-term memory and transfers operational.
A simple form of reproduction is the RECOGNITION - recognition of the perceived object or phenomenon as already known from past experience, the establishment of similarities between the object and its image in the memory.


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Forgetting - memory process, which leads to loss of precision and reduce the

volume of material, and sometimes impossible to play it.
The rate of forgetting depends on:
the degree of importance;
the degree of involvement in the information structure of the entity's activities;
nature of the activity prior to memorization.

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Quantitative memory disorders.

HYPERMNESIA - abnormal increase in memory function. This remembering may remain

at the normal level, and play - dramatically increase. Sagging memories become chaotic nature that reduces the ability to focus concentration and reduces the productivity of thought and mental activity in general.

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Quantitative memory disorders.

GIPOMNEZIYA - a painful memory loss. This disorder usually affects all

of its compiled-guides. Often there anekforii symptom when reproduction of names of known objects, the names of loved ones, "jumped out of memory" word is not possible except when prompted by the. The most common is a progressive character gipomneziya.

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Quantitative memory disorders.
Amnesia - loss of the ability to preserve and reproduce previously

learned information, and in some cases and the inability to fix it. In organic lesions of the brain, it can extend to long periods of time, while, for example, when hysteria is fragmented and is associated with loss of memory emotionally negative episodes.

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Retrograde amnesia

Retrograde amnesia - loss of memory of events preceding
disease occurrence
or condition associated

with impaired consciousness

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Kongradnaya amnesia

Kongradnaya amnesia is amnesia for the period of the state of impaired

consciousness, often turned off. It is due not so much disorder, memory function, as the impossibility of perception, capturing it, for example, during the coma or sopor.

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Anterograde amnesia - loss of memory of current events, experiences, facts, taking place

in the period following the acute stage of the disease. At the same time, they tend to suffer the functions of memorization and retention.

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Paramnesia - false memories. They are the memory failure fictitious memories.

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Confabulation - bright, imaginative false memories with a pathological belief in their truth.

are three options confabulation:
replacing characterizable commonplace content, often have professional and consumer character, unstable, labile on the plot;
fantastic confabulation - false memories of incredible fantastic events that allegedly took place in the distant or recent past;
paralytic confabulation - false memories absurd content.

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Cryptomnesia - memory corruption, at which the transfer or assignment of vision, read

or heard of memories

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False memory syndrome - false memories, "memories of illusion." Memories of

the events actually took place are sick in a different time period.

Слайд 41

Структура интеллекта

Интеллект необходимо рассматривать как сложную многоуровневую структуру: 
 результат процесса социализации, а также влияния

культуры в целом; 
следствие адаптации к требованиям окружающей среды в естественных условиях взаимодействия человека с окружающим миром; 
особая форма человеческой деятельности; 
продукт целенаправленного обучения; 
совокупность элементарных процессов обработки информации; 
особая форма содержания сознания; 
система разноуровневых познавательных процессов;
фактор саморегуляции. 

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Базовые свойства интеллекта
Уровневые свойства, хар. достигнутый уровень развития отдельных познавательных функций и презентации

действительности, лежащие в основе процессов;
Комбинаторные свойства, хар. способностью к выявлению и формированию разного рода связей и отношений в широком смысле слова – способность комбинировать в различных сочетаниях компоненты опыта;
Процессуальные свойства, хар. операциональный состав, приемы и отражение интеллектуальной деятельности вплоть до уровня элементарных информационных процессов;
Регуляторные свойства, хар. обеспечиваемые интеллектом эффекты координации, управления и контроля психической активности.

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Intelligence - integrative mental function, including the ability to learn, knowledge and ability

to use them.

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Dementia - Dementia acquired, sustained reduction in the loss of cognitive functions in

one degree or another previously learned knowledge and practical skills, and difficulty or inability to purchase new ones.

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LACUNARITY DEMENTIA. He suffers from memory: progressive amnesia and fixation. Patients

may compensate their defect, recording important on paper, and so on. N.
TOTAL DEMENTIA. Gross violations in the field of cognitive and personality

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Oligophrenia - congenital or early dementia, manifested in persistent underdevelopment of intelligence

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Degrees of severity of mental retardation

DEBILITY - the most mild dementia. Morons usually

end up supporting the school, are able to live independently. They dominated the concrete descriptive type of thinking, while the capacity for abstraction almost absent.

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Degrees of severity of mental retardation

IMBECILE - an average severity degree of mental

retardation. Imbeciles understand the speech of others, may themselves to utter short phrases. Able to produce basic counting operations to absorb simple work skills and self-service skills. They need constant supervision and care.

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Degrees of severity of mental retardation

IDIOCY - the most profound degree of mental

retardation. In absolute idiocy along with vegetative lifestyle have a self-preservation instinct. The reaction to the surrounding either absent or greatly improved. These patients do not understand others. Emotional reactions are associated with general well-being, as well as the satisfaction of their needs and are expressed in the feeling of pleasure or displeasure.
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