Cell-phones презентация


Слайд 2

What was life like before cell phones? I think, it

What was life like before cell phones?

I think, it would be

Probably it was like...
I can’t imagine but it could be like...
Слайд 3

CELL-PHONE What cell phone functions are important for you? I


What cell phone functions are important for you?

I think, the most

important for me is.....
I am not sure about this but in my opinion ...
I guess all of the features are important for me but ...
Слайд 4

Are there any features on your cell phone you don’t

Are there any features on your cell phone you don’t need?


Yeah, there are couple things which aren’t important for me, there are....
There are some features seem not important, like .....
So many, it’s like .......

Слайд 5

Can people use their cell phones while they are driving

Can people use their cell phones while they are driving in

your country?

Of course not, if you ........
That’s a sily question, obviously...
Yeah, they can but.....
I think it’s fine but......

Слайд 6

What does the ‘cellular’ mean in cellular phone? I think,

What does the ‘cellular’ mean in cellular phone?

I think, it means

Sorry sir, I have no idea.
It probably means .........
May be it’s all about...... That realated with......
Слайд 7

Do you think cell phones are liberating(freedoom)? I dont exactly

Do you think cell phones are liberating(freedoom)?

I dont exactly understand about

that question, but I think ......
Humz... No idea, may be it’s about .......
I think so... Because....
I dont think so..... Because.....
Слайд 8

Would it be a big problem for you if your

Would it be a big problem for you if your cell

phone was lost or stolen?

That’s a big problem, because.......
Not really, because...
For me that’s...

Слайд 9

How often do you turn your cell phone off? Never..

How often do you turn your cell phone off?

Never.. Because...
Everytime if

I want to .....
Seldom.. Because...
Слайд 10

Which cell phone maker is best? Why? I think the

Which cell phone maker is best? Why?

I think the best is

.... Because....
For me the best one is.... Because...
I guessm they all the same... It depends on... Because...
Слайд 11

Do you think cell phones really interfere with equipment in

Do you think cell phones really interfere with equipment in hospitals

and on airplanes?

Never thought about that.. But...
Of course... Because...
I don’t know exactly about that... But I think....

Слайд 12

What are the best things about cell phones? The best

What are the best things about cell phones?

The best thing is

Probably the best one is...
Actually, there are so many things which are important, they are....
Слайд 13

Do you get annoyed with other cell phone users? Yap..

Do you get annoyed with other cell phone users?

Yap.. So many

times i get that, especially......
Sometimes, but I just ..........
It depends on the situation,, if ........
Слайд 14

What do you do when you annoy other people with

What do you do when you annoy other people with your

cell phone?

I will ..........
For me, that’s not really big deal.. Because..
I think, it depends on the .............

Слайд 15

Do you think people should be fined for using their

Do you think people should be fined for using their cell

phone in a no cell phone area?

If the person is ......
Then again, it depends on the .....
Of course not, because....

Слайд 16

Are you worried about brain damage from using cell phones?

Are you worried about brain damage from using cell phones?

I’ve never

Yeah sometimes, because...
Yes I am,, because.. That I know...
Слайд 17

How do you feel if you leave the house without

How do you feel if you leave the house without your

cell phone?

That could be...
I would feel...
I think it doesn’t matter... Because...

Слайд 18

Do you think the call and rental charges for cell

Do you think the call and rental charges for cell phones

are reasonable?

I think that is reasonable Because......
Not really, if they...
I have no idea about that question, but .........

Слайд 19

Have you ever slept with your cell phone? Why? Of

Have you ever slept with your cell phone? Why?

Of course, because...

never slept with my cell phone.. Because....
Yes I have.. But not everyday,.. It depends on.....
Слайд 20

Do you have any complaints about cell phone batteries? Yes,

Do you have any complaints about cell phone batteries?

Yes, I have..

I would like to say...
If I met the batteries makers, I would say..
Not really, I think that’s fine.. Because...
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Количество просмотров: 57
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