Food. Strawberries, raspberries and red-currents with real cream are really very refreshing презентация

Слайд 2

Strawberries, raspberries and red-currents with real cream are really very refreshing

Strawberries, raspberries and red-currents with real cream are really very refreshing

Слайд 3

Rinse the ripe red radishes

Rinse the ripe red radishes

Слайд 4

What food do you like? Do you like (food) I

What food do you like?
Do you like (food)
I like...
I am not

a big fan of...
Слайд 5

salty bitter sour sweet spicy I love … food I

I love … food
I am not a fan of

… food
Слайд 6

Simple English words to describe food – video

Simple English words to describe food – video

Слайд 7

Today we will talk about food and words to describe

Today we will talk about food and words to describe food.

let's start!
My favourite word to describe food is the word “sweet”. For example, chocolate, if you can see... there we go! Cocolate, or chocolate chips are very sweet. I like chocolate.
Another flavour that I like is “spicy”. Let me show you.
This one is chilli powder. Chilli powder is very spicy. So if I take chilli powder... It's very spicy! If you eat spicy food, you need water. Ah, that's better.
Sometimes food has lots of salt. Look at this one, this is salt. If food has lots of salt, it is salty, so... I don't like food with lots of salt.
Another word we can use for food and drink is “hot”. For example, tea. If you look here, this one says tea. Tea is hot. So, here I have tea. When I drink it.... It is very very hot.
Слайд 8

Other foods and other drinks can be cold. For example,

Other foods and other drinks can be cold. For example, milk

is cold.
Sometimes food can be crunchy. For example...
Food can also be sour. Here is an example. This is lemon juice. Lemon juice is very sour. Let's taste it. I don't like sour food.
Слайд 9

Для добавления заголовка щелкните мышью Would you like some bread?

Для добавления заголовка щелкните мышью

Would you like some bread?
I love sushi

because I love rice.
Pasta is good for you, but don’t eat too much!
I always put salt on my chips, but not pepper.
My sister never eats meat or fish. She’s vegetarian.
Do you take sugar in tea or coffee?
I eat hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas when I don’t
have much time.
Fish and chips is popular in Britain, Australia and
New Zealand.

Complete the sentences.
…. is popular in Japan.
…. and ….. are very popular in Italy.
Chips are made from.....
Many British people eat ….
Hamburgers are made from ….
A …. is a sausage inside a piece of bread.

Слайд 10

Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to

Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help

1 uhlnc______________________(We eat this in the middle of the day.)
2 foecef_____________________ (This is a hot brown drink many people like.)
3 lepaps_____________________ (These are red and green and grow on trees.)
4 rettbu______________________(It's yellow and we can put it on bread.)
5 getabevels_________________ (These are usually green, sometimes red or other colours.)
6 taoloecch__________________(This is sweet and brown and many people like it very much.)
Слайд 11

Match the sentence halves. 1 Many English people 2 My

Match the sentence halves.
1 Many English people
2 My sister doesn't eat

Would you like a
4 I had some soup
5 What are you having
6 It's good to drink
a for dinner this evening?
b cup of coffee?
c plenty of water in this hot weather,
d like fish and chips,
e meat or fish,
f and a piece of bread.
Слайд 12

Talking about food and drink The following words for types

Talking about food and drink

The following words for types of food

are usually countable, and you need to use a or an in front
of them. If you put some or any in front of them, you need to make them plural.
apple banana egg
I took an apple to eat after school.
I bought some bananas.
Are there any eggs in the fridge?
Слайд 13

Talking about food and drink The following words for types

Talking about food and drink

The following words for types of food

and drink are usually uncountable. You cannot put a or an
in front of them. You often put some or any in front of them.
bread butter cheese chocolate coffee meat milk fish fruit rice
Would you like some bread?
I usually have coffee with my breakfast.
We haven't got any milk.
Do you like chocolate?
You can talk about a piece of bread/chocolate/meat, etc., a cup of coffee or a glass/bottle of milk
Слайд 14

Talking about food and drink The following words for types

Talking about food and drink

The following words for types of food

are usually plural.
chips vegetables
I had meat and vegetables for dinner.
Do you like chips
Good to know!
Cake can be countable or uncountable.
I bought some cakes for us.
Donna made me a birthday cake.
I ate a lot of cake this afternoon.
Would you like a piece of cake
Слайд 15

Слайд 16

Choose the correct word or words. 1 I would like

Choose the correct word or words.
1 I would like a cheese

/ some cheese with my bread.
2 I usually have meat / a meat for dinner.
3 My friend made me cake / a cake for my birthday.
4 I will take banana / a banana to eat later.
5 We are having fish / a fish for lunch.
6 I like to eat a fruit / fruit every day.
Слайд 17

Имя файла: Food.-Strawberries,-raspberries-and-red-currents-with-real-cream-are-really-very-refreshing.pptx
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