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Презентация к уроку St.Valentine’sDay.
Презентация к уроку St.Valentine’sDay.
Valentine's Day Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? We know many legends of how St. Valentine’s Day began. Today in our lesson we discuss some of them. Legends of Valentine's Day This is a very popular holiday in Europe and America. It’s a day of love and friendship. We send greetings cards to our sweethearts and friends and ask them “be my Valentine”. It means “be my beloved”, or “be my friend”. We also decorate classrooms with big red hearts and give red roses and sweets to our sweethearts, friends and family. Этот праздник очень популярен в Европе и Америке. Этот день любви и дружбы, но не только возлюбленных, но и членов семьи, друзей, родственников. Мы посылаем в этот день открытки возлюбленным и друзьям и призываем их «будь моим Валентином». Это означает «будь моим (моей) возлюбленной или другом(подругой)». Мы украшаем помещения, где проходят праздники, красными сердцами, и дарим цветы, сладости как символ любви и счастья.
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Презентация пособия для чтения на английском языке для 3 года
Презентация пособия для чтения на английском языке для 3 года обучения Chapter I To go East I
Contents. Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Tasks. To Chapter I To Chapter II To Chapter II To Chapter III To Chapter IV To Chapter V To Chapter VI To Chapter VII Chapter I You know that bears have a very interesting way of life. They sleep in winter and never have dinner or lunch. But in spring when nature awakens from its winter sleep bears get up early and are awfully hungry. They leave their dens and go for a walk in the green wood. Come to the woods On a sunny day! Come to the woods On a Day in May. Look at the grass At the busy bees, Look at the birds In the green trees. The bears put on their best clothes: Jeans, pullovers, jackets and hats. They wear up-to-date boots and trainers. Young bears have races, climb trees and swim in the lake. They find the strongest, the fastest, the best bear of the year. Jump, jump, jump Jump over the moon Jump all the morning And all the noon. Jump, jump, jump Over the sea What curious wonders We shall see. Jump, Jump, jump! Jump far away And all come home Some other day! The old bears are sitting in the shade of a tree. They enjoy having lunch in the open air. Grandfathers read newspapers, play chess and talk about the weather. All animals are happy. Summer is coming. It is getting warmer. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.
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