Chemical reaction rate. Influence of conditions on the rate of chemical reactions. Catalysis. Topic 3.2 презентация


Слайд 2

Outline Introduction Main part 1.The concept of the rate of


Main part
1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions
2. Influence

of the nature of reactants on the rate of a chemical reaction
3.Effect of temperature on the rate of chemical reaction
4.Effect of a catalyst on the rate of a chemical reaction
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1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions A branch

1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions

A branch of chemistry

that studies the rate and mechanisms of chemical reactions - chemical kinetics.
The rate of a chemical reaction is the change in the concentration of reactants per unit of time.
For a reaction proceeding according to the equation
A + B = C + D,
the reaction rate can be calculated from the change in the concentration of one of the reactants, for example, substance A.
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Слайд 5

1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions If at

1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions

If at time τ1

the concentration of substance A is equal to C1, and at time τ2 the concentration of substance A decreased and became equal to C2, then the rate can be defined as the change in the concentration of substance A over a period of time.
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1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions The rate

1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions

The rate is positive

and the concentration of the reactants decreases. Therefore, the plus-minus sign is generally used in the rate formula.
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1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions The rate

1.The concept of the rate of chemical reactions

The rate of a

chemical reaction depends on:
the nature of the reacting substances;
concentration of reactants;
the presence of a catalyst.
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2.Influence of the nature of reactants on the rate of

2.Influence of the nature of reactants on the rate of a

chemical reaction

In aqueous solutions, substances with ionic and polar covalent bonds interact with great speed.
This is due to the fact that in solutions they form ions that easily interact with each other.
silver nitrate in an aqueous solution quickly reacts with potassium chloride, forming a precipitate of silver chloride during the ion exchange reaction:
KCl + AgNO3 = AgCl ↓ + KNO3.

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2.Influence of the nature of reactants on the rate of

2.Influence of the nature of reactants on the rate of a

chemical reaction

Substances with non-polar and low-polarity covalent bonds interact at different rates depending on their chemical activity.
the reaction of interaction of hydrogen and fluorine at room temperature proceeds very quickly (with an explosion):
H2 + F2 = 2HF.
Even when heated, hydrogen and bromine react slowly:
H2 + Br2 = 2HBr.

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3.Influence of the concentration of reactants on the rate of

3.Influence of the concentration of reactants on the rate of a

chemical reaction

With an increase in the concentration of reacting substances, a greater number of collisions occur, leading to chemical interaction of particles of substances with each other.
for reaction
A + 2B = C
the rate can be expressed as the product of the concentrations of the starting substances:
υ = k [A] ⋅ [B] ⋅ [B] = k [A] ⋅ [B] 2, where k is the proportionality coefficient.
In this case, the concentration of each substance in the reaction rate equation is raised to a power equal to the coefficient in front of the substance formula in the reaction equation.

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Law of mass action : the rate of a chemical

Law of mass action :
the rate of a chemical reaction is

directly proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reacting substances in powers equal to the coefficients in front of the formulas of the substances in the reaction equation.
The equation of the reaction rate according to the law of mass action for the reaction
aA + bB = cC + dD
looks like:
υ = k [A]a⋅ [B]b.
The proportionality coefficient k is called the rate constant.
It is numerically equal to the reaction rate at a concentration of reactants of 1 mol / l.
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The kinetic equation of the reaction is an equation that

The kinetic equation of the reaction is an equation that establishes

the dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration of the reacting substances.
The concentration of only liquid (dissolved) and gaseous substances is written into the kinetic equation, since they participate in the reaction throughout the volume of the mixture of substances (solution).
Pay attention!
Concentrations of solids are not written into the kinetic equation.
Their concentration is not taken into account, because the reaction occurs only on their surface.
However, for solids, the reaction rate depends on the degree of grinding of the substance, that is, on the size of the surface on which the reaction takes place.
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3.Effect of temperature on the rate of chemical reaction The

3.Effect of temperature on the rate of chemical reaction
The rate of

most reactions increases with increasing temperature.
According to the Van't Hoff rule:
when the temperature rises for every 10 ° C, the rate of most reactions increases 2 to 4 times.
where gamma (ɣ) is the temperature coefficient, which shows how many times the reaction rate will increase when the temperature rises by 10 ° C.
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An increase in the reaction rate with increasing temperature is

An increase in the reaction rate with increasing temperature is associated

not only with an increase in kinetic energy and the number of collisions of particles of reacting substances.
If all the colliding particles reacted with each other, the reaction would be like an explosion!
But some of the collisions do not lead to the formation of new substances (a).
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The reaction occurs only as a result of effective collisions

The reaction occurs only as a result of effective collisions (b)

of particles with excess energy - activation energy.
This energy is enough to break or weaken bonds, which can lead to the rearrangement of atoms into new molecules.
As the temperature rises, the proportion of active molecules increases; the number of effective collisions increases. Thus, the rate of the chemical reaction increases.
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4.Effect of a catalyst on the rate of a chemical

4.Effect of a catalyst on the rate of a chemical reaction

are substances that speed up a chemical reaction.
In this case, the catalysts themselves are not consumed during the reaction.
The opposite in action to catalysts is inhibitors - substances that slow down a chemical reaction.
The phenomenon of a change in the rate of reaction in the presence of catalysts is called catalysis.
Catalytic reactions are reactions involving catalysts.
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The mechanism of action of catalysts is associated with a

The mechanism of action of catalysts is associated with a change

in the path of the overall reaction due to the formation of intermediate compounds with the catalyst.
Intermediates have a lower activation energy, which significantly increases the reaction rate.
Слайд 18

Catalysis can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. With homogeneous catalysis, the

Catalysis can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
With homogeneous catalysis, the reactants and

the catalyst are in the same state of aggregation.
In heterogeneous catalysis, the reactants and the catalyst are in different states of aggregation.
Catalysis is widely used in industry and is widespread in nature.
Enzymes, which are biological catalysts, play an important role in living organisms. Unlike inorganic catalysts, they have a special specificity and act under milder conditions.
Слайд 19

Questions for self control 1.Complete the sentence. Chemical reaction rate

Questions for self control
1.Complete the sentence.
Chemical reaction rate ...
A)independent of temperature

on temperature
C)depends on the concentration of reaction products
D)does not depend on inhibitor
2. Note which of the statements is true for the law of mass action:
A)concentration of liquid substances cannot be written into the kinetic equation
B)in the kinetic equation, the concentration of liquid substances can be written
3. Choose the correct statements (multiple answers):
A)the dependence of the reaction rate on temperature expresses the Van't Hoff rule
B)intermediate compounds of substances with a catalyst can increase the reaction rate
C)when the temperature rises by one degree, the rate of most reactions increases two to four times
D)inhibitors - substances that speed up a chemical reaction
Слайд 20

4.Choose the correct statement for homogeneous catalysis : A)the aggregate

4.Choose the correct statement for homogeneous catalysis :
A)the aggregate state of

the catalyst and the starting materials is different
B)the catalyst is in the same state of aggregation as the reaction products
C)the catalyst is in the same state of aggregation as the reactants
5. Determine the reaction rate
A + B = AB,
if the initial concentration of substance B was 3.9 mol / l, and after 2 seconds, the concentration of substance B became 1.8 mol / l .
6. Find how many times the reaction speed will increase
A + 2B = AB
with an increase in the concentration of the starting reagents 5 times (s).
7. Calculate how many times the reaction rate will increase
B + C = BC,
if the initial temperature was 20 ° С, and after a while became 60 ° C. The temperature coefficient of the reaction is 2.
Слайд 21

Literature 1.Basic literature : 1. Jenkins, Chemistry, ISBN 978-0-17-628930-0 2.

1.Basic literature :
1. Jenkins, Chemistry, ISBN 978-0-17-628930-0
2. Alberta Learning, Chemistry

data booklet 2010, product №755115, ISBN 10645246
3.М.К.Оспанова, К.С.Аухадиева, Т.Г. Белоусова Химия: Учебник 1,2 часть для 10 класса естественно-математического направления общеобразовательных школ Алматы: Мектеп, 2019г.
4.М.К.Оспанова, К.С.Аухадиева, Т.Г. Белоусова Химия: Учебник 1,2 часть для 11 класса естественно-математического направления общеобразовательных школ Алматы: Мектеп, 2020 г.
5. М.Оспанова, К.Аухадиева, Т.Белоусова Химия. Дәрислик. 1, 2-қисим Алматы: Мектеп, 2019
6. М.Успанова, К.Аухадиева, Т. Белоусова Химия. Дарслик. 1, 2 - қисм Алматы: Мектеп, 2019
7. Т.Г.Белоусова, К.С. Аухадиева Химия: Методическое руководство 1, 2 часть естественно-математического направления общеобразовательных школ Алматы: Мектеп, 2019 г.
8. Темирбулатова А., Сагимбекова Н., Алимжанова С.,Химия. Сборник задач и упражнений Алматы: Мектеп, 2019 г.
Слайд 22

2.Additional literature : 1.Б.А.Мансуров «Химия» 10-11 кл., Атамура 2015 г

2.Additional literature :
1.Б.А.Мансуров «Химия» 10-11 кл., Атамура 2015 г
2.Б.Мансуров., Н.Торшина «Методика

преподавания органической химии» Атамура 2015г.
3.А.Е.Темирбулатова, Н.Н.Нурахметов, Р.Н.Жумадилова, С.К.Алимжанова Химия: Учебник для 11 класса естественно-математического направления общеобразовательной школы Алматы: Мектеп, 2015г. -344 стр.
4.Г.Джексембина «Методическое руководство» Алматы: Мектеп, 2015г
5.А.Темирболатова., А.Казымова., Ж.Сагымбекова «Книга для чтения» Мектеп 2015г.
6. Торгаева Э., Шуленбаева Ж. и др Химия.Электронный учебник.10-класс.2016 Национальный центр информатизации
7. Жакирова Н., Жандосова И. и др Химия.Электронный учебник.11-класс.2016 Национальный центр информатизации
8.Эектронные ресурсы с
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